Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Miss Charlotte Ross's funeral...12/29/2009...she's in Heaven now!

The Lord gave me a message to preach at my grandmothers funeral today. Things are different in the Roehm family since Christ came into the picture. I had the privilege to share with her before she passed that Christ had root in this family now! All praise and glory to the Christ we serve. When my mom died (2) years ago God revealed to this heart the meaning of the following verse. It explains the true meaning of life beyond the grave. I would appreciate your prayers today.

1 Cor 15:54-55...So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

The victory is Jesus and the hope of Heaven He gives to His saints. The sting of death is temporal...the glory of the grave for the saints is VICTORY in life Eternal! Glory!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christian humility...

Humility is the God-given state of a believer in Christ. Christians have humility because Christ had humility and gave himself. Christians give themselves as Christ gave himself. Who do Christians give themselves too? They give themselves to God and to humanity. God gives this bond of perfectness. Humility allows the believer to represent Christ in love. Humility does not come from head knowledge or from the human intellect where pride stems from. Humility comes when people recognize who Christ is (now) in the Throne room and what Christ did for each of us personally at Calvary. Glory! Humility is the melted soul, subject to the Christ that forgave us, cleansed us, and put within us a holiness of heart that comes only from God Almighty. Glory! Humility is produced when man realizes he is nothing at the Saviors feet. Humility is the fruit of God manifested in your Christian character and conduct. Humility is shown in the action of a believer in Christ. Humility never shows pride. Humility is birthed when pride is buried. Humility is shown through the surrendered life of a believer in Christ. Humility and meekness does not mean "weakness". Humility only shows the controlled life of a believer. Humility is produced by the power of God. Your temperance (fruit of the Spirit) proves your humility! The world doesn't have humility because they don't have Christ. Glory to the living Christ! He's Exalted! He's exalted! He's exalted! Glory!

P.S...after sending this comment to a sister at ChristianBlog.com I decided to post this comment at the Churches on Trial. May its content Bless you all! Glory to Christ who gives us a state of humility!

Friday, December 25, 2009

We're not ashamed to magnify "Christ" on Christmas Day 2009

Seasons Greetings to all from the Churches on Trial!

Merry Christmas!

It's probably not necessary to preach Christ today (on this Blog) but we never leave Him out of the picture. Christ is the reason for this Blog. Christ is the reason for this ministry. Christ is real to us and when He becomes "real" to you you'll have it made...just like us! As we endeavor to scatter the truth about Christ we thank God for this Blog and for our dear Brother Jimmie Allen who also scatters this truth at... Tangle menofthestreet at the following link.


Many audios of Brother Lindsey and my own sermons as well, are publicized at Brother Jim's site, for the cause of Christ.

Glory to Christ who makes it all possible! God Bless you all this Holiday Season!

Rick Roehm, author of the Churches on Trial

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Recognizing Christ, minding the Spirit, and allowing the Spirit to have full sway

How blessed we are to have Christ in our hearts and lives... in the midst of our trials and tribulations! Yesterday I was home with the bug, this morning I get the call that my Grandmother passed on to be with Christ.

Life has a different meaning when Christ is in the picture. Glory to Christ, He gets us through our trials and tribulations. Glory to Christ, He comforts us in time of need. Glory to Christ He shows us the way... is His way.

There was a day when Christ wasn't in the picture in our hearts and lives. Today by the Grace of God we can see through a different set of eyes. He wants us to do more than to just recognize Him. He wants us to "mind" His authority and to be subject to His holy presence. By doing such the Holy Spirit is able to show us that Christ wants "full sway" of our hearts and lives.

Full sway is to completely trust and to obey His Holy presence in your life. Full sway is when Christ has full control of your total being. Full sway is when you completely trust Christ for every need of your life.

I'm thankful to Christ that HE owns, controls, and meets every need of Rick Roehm's life. God bless you all. I love you all and appreciate your support through the good times and the bad. Recognize Christ, mind His Holy presence, and allow Him to have "full sway" of your complete being.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Roman Epistle...Chapter's 1-8...Distinction made between Justification and Sanctification

The following audio/video was made at a Bible Study last night at the Upper Room (12-17-2009) by Rick Roehm. By the Grace of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit we were able to capture from our service and show the beautiful distinction between Justification for the sinner and Sanctification for the believer in Christ. This overview of the Roman Letter was expounded on and kept in context for the edification and perfection of the saints for the work of the ministry. Glory to Christ who makes it all possible to capture these wonderful teachings. Glory the Christ who makes it possible not only to preserve but to also publicize these teachings of God's Word across the nation and world by the Internet! Glory to Christ who affects and changes peoples hearts and lives by the Grace of God! Glory to Christ! Glory to Christ! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Get beyond Calvary...into the Throneroom...where Christ is active right now with all power and authority!

Many Christians today find themselves "stuck" at Calvary and yes I admit Calvary is the basis for forgiveness, Salvation and healing. Just remember, after Christ died at Calvary he rose from the grave, bodily resurrected, and is now exalted and seated at the right hand of God the Father. He's not just a crucified Christ but He's alive and doing something now in the body! Christ is in the Throneroom and doing things actively, now, present tense! For you and me! In you and me! Christ has all power in Heaven and on Earth! Christ has power over sickness, power over sin, power over the flesh, and power over the Devil!

The deity of Christ is one of the most important things anyone can ever learn about the person of Christ! God doesn't want believers to be stuck at Calvary 2000 years ago (only) He wants us to be wrapped up in the person of Christ, past tense, present tense, and future tense! Christ is alive NOW and in the Throneroom, even as I write these words on this Blog. Christ cleanses and purifies the hearts of believers from an Adamic nature...present tense...to give us VICTORY! To live happy and contented! GLORY!

Throneroom teaching takes people "beyond" Calvary and shows them a life governed by a living Christ. Throneroom teaching does not teach sin and repent religion. Throneroom teaching teaches men how to live a holy life after they get the holy heart found through the forgiveness of sins. When a believer gets beyond Calvary he can end up in the Throneroom where Christ is presently seated and makes intercession for all His saints. Throneroom teaching takes man away from the cross and gets him to a living and active Christ in the Throneroom where the Holy Spirit is omnipresent. Omnipresence is simply "universal" contact with Christ, God, and the Spirit at all times. Throneroom teaching teaches men to be conscious to Christ's person, to mind Christ with all gravity and subjection, and allowing Christ to have full sway of their "entire being". This includes being delivered from the old nature. Throneroom subjection allows the person of Christ to have complete control of your heart, life, and being. All of you "full time" and not part of you part time!

Throneroom teaching teaches a victory of living holy and right in the eyes of God. Throneroom teaching is "now" teaching and not just looking back 2009 years ago to a place of forgiveness ... where victory cannot be found over sinning religion or part time faithfulness. Victorious living comes from the Throneroom and offers a life of contentment. Victorious living does not get frustrated from the agony of defeat caused from sinning religion. The mindset of defeat never seems to find the "present tense" Throneroom experience where the victorious experience of the sanctified heart and life is found and lived out over the course of years. Without sinful conduct! Without being tossed to and fro! Without wavering! Victory over sin and the flesh is not found in the defeated life of sinning religion. Victory over sin is only found when a believer is made to sit together with Christ in Heavenly places. This is Throneroom teaching. This is what the New Testament teaches after the death of Christ! This is the doctrine of the true Gospel according to the Prophets!

Brother Lindsey taught people to get beyond Calvary and the many frustrations of sinning religion. Like the Early Church Apostles Brother Lindsey taught a resurrected Christ whose exalted and very much active in the present tense Church TODAY. Throneroom teaching had much emphasis. This writer/preacher likewise teaches and strives to convey that same doctrine and same truth from the Word of God today. Why? Christ rose from the grave according to the Scriptures and He's doing something right now...from the Throneroom! He's exalted! He's alive! Glory!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Love victorius...ill will defeated...walk in love ...walk in VICTORY. Glory!

The following is a horrible tragedy in our modern Church World today in 2009. I speak of Christians having ill will toward any man. The Bible says God is no respecter of persons. Christians likewise are to have the same character and the same nature toward all humanity. This is love. This is Christ like love. Is not the love of God shed abroad in your heart by Holy Ghost? Is love to put one man down to lift yourself up or to make yourself look good? Is reaching a position of a higher standard in the eyes of the world give you the Christian the right to look down on any man? For any reason? Come on, "Who do you think you are?" Is this the characteristic or title of a Child of God? Is a seeker of position that looks down upon fellow man a high minded man? High mindedness is defeat. Ill will toward any man is defeat. The Devil wants men that call themselves Christians to be high minded and defeated! No high minded man is ever happy and contented.

Love does not put itself on a pedestal to look down upon "any" man, "any" race, or "any" standard of life. Love is not puffed up with knowledge. Love doesn't criticize or ridicule. Love is victory in Jesus. Love is proof of the sanctified heart. Love doesn't put one man down to build himself up. Love is proof of a living God that changes the heart of a fallen man. Love is proof that a Saviour lives. Love allows the sanctifying power of God to operate in the heart and life of a believer. A heart of love is a state of humility. Humility is not proud. Humility does not boast or seek earthly position or title. Humility is man's recognition that he's "nothing" in the presence of a living Christ. Humility is a servant to God and a servant to all men. Are you a true Christian? Do you have the heart of a servant? If so you have VICTORY! There's VICTORY in love and humility toward all men. There's victory in the heart of a child of God. Are you living a victorious life? Love is not puffed up. Love doesn't look down on a fellow man. Do you want to be sanctified? Sanctification offers VICTORY and lowliness... not haughtiness and proudness that offers defeat! Walk in love and you'll walk in victory. Love proves the sanctified heart and life. Love proves the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Love flows when man is rid of the many defeats caused from the Adamic life. Ill will toward any man is defeat and the Devil has a field day with this type of character.

Give no place to the Devil. Bring honor to Christ in your character, nature, and toward fellow man. Have no ill will toward any man any social status rich or poor. Don't do all the things that God don't want you to do ...mind the Spirit. You'll find the highest promotion you can receive in this life. Your love and affections will be set on Christ because you've been promoted by Him. You'll know what He made you because you've been promoted by Him. Your heart will understand why you have VICTORY because Christ does the promotion. Glory!

Eph 2:6... And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

This is love my brother and sister. This is true Christianity my brother and sister! This is the Spirit's work in action! It's proven by you; by your life; by your actions and conduct. Christians are promoted by Christ. That's the highest promotion you can get in this life. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory! I'm getting Blessed! Glory!

P.S...This writer was inspired to write this after being ministered to for the last couple of weeks by a few of Brother Lindsey's timeless messages on holiness. That's good holiness preaching!

Monday, December 14, 2009

In dedication to Brother Hubert Lindsey...the ministration of the Spirit lives!

Rev 14:13…Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

Works that follow never die! The works of a holiness preacher never stop. These works live through people that learned, heard, and were taught the things of God from this preacher's message of the love of the truth. The preacher may lay down his physical body to return to the dust but his spiritual ministry "lives" in the hearts and lives of those who had a glimpse and touch of the Christ that he preached about. Works that follow never die!

The reason "works" follow long after a man of labour for Christ, goes to his long home is because the ministration of the Spirit and the love of the truth never dies. This blessing from God is manifest in the hearts, lives, and actions of those who were affected and touched by that ministry. I had the wonderful privilege to tell Brother Lindsey I would carry on this very ministry even after Brother Lindsey went to his long home. Glory! Christ made the way!

Rev 14:13…Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Walk in Williamsburg...presented by the Upper Room

Every year my wife Paula does the Christmas light ritual in Williamsburg, Ohio at the Roehm residence. This year was a little different as we at the Upper Room put "Christ" into the picture...both literally and spirtually! The following audio/video was our contribution to the village of Williamsburg and now to the world as we publish this audio/video on the Internet. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless all of you richly this Holiday Season ..as Christ truely, is the "only reason" for the Season.

Seasons Greetings from the Upper Room, The Churches on Trial, the Roehm family, Jimmie and Grace, and all of our dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ that worked with us on this blessed project!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy (unfolded)...Dr. Hubert T. Lindsey

This audio/video on Daniel's Seventy Week Prophecy is a great Bible exposition. It unfolds vast amounts of prophetic and historical truth. It includes many books of the Bible including John's Revelation of Christ. This audio/video was originally a service at the Church at Birmingham in Birmingham, Mi. made in 1987. For the first 7 minutes of the service Brother Lindsey brought forth an admonition for many members at that local body under the office of his Apostleship.

After the brief admonition Brother Lindsey brought forth one of the most profound teachings this writer has ever encountered in 22 years as a member/teacher within the the body of Christ. This audio like no other unfolds many Biblical mysteries and offers vast historical evidence that students of the Bible can build upon for a lifetime. May Brother Lindsey's exposition of Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy enlighten your understanding of the Holy Scriptures in light of Christ the Messiah... from the truth of the Old Testament records.

This writer hopes to bring forth much more in depth teaching on Daniel, Revelation, the Anti-Christ, the Great Tribulation (a Jewish Tribulation), the Abomination of Desolation, and much, much, more. Also don't forget to review the many other documents posted on this blog that coincide with this great teaching on Daniel's Seventy Weeks! Please remember... Brother Lindsey won many Rabbi's to Christ in his 72 years in the ministry. May the content of this audio bless you the listener (for many years to come) as much as it has this writer.

Glory to Christ!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Does the Holy Spirit have "full sway" of your heart and life?

What do I mean by "full sway"? The Holy Spirit can govern your thoughts and actions. Yes, every thought in your mind, your complete will, and all your actions. Yes, the Holy Spirit can possess your total being...body, soul, and spirit. Glory!

You might ask, "How can I get to this state preacher" ? First you have to be born of the Spirit and second you must "die completely" to the Devil's nature in your life. Indwelling sin must be dealt with in order for the the Holy Spirit to have full sway of your complete being. In order for God's Spirit to "destroy" the Devil's nature (Indwelling Sin) in your life..."death" to the Old Man must occur. Someone would ask, "How do I die to the Old Adam" ?

Here's how! In the new birth the Holy Spirit convicts and regenerates the the heart of man and gives him the power to do right...in the eyes of God. The believer is made right by God. Now, God can minister truth to the heart of a believer! What is truth? The Spirit of Truth is revealed to the believer by the Spirit of God ...and thus shows this believer that he or she must get rid of the Devils nature that still tries to rule the heart and life. The Spirit of Truth wants to possess the believer completely. The Holy Spirit in light of Calvary reveals "death" to the Old man in the heart of a believer. The Holy Spirit wants to have full sway and wants to possess the believer's entire being.

The only way the Indwelling Spirit can possess the believer's entire being is for man to get out of the way. This includes selfish interests, selfish ambitions, personal plans, and personal things that interfere with the Holy Spirit's work of having full sway of the believer's entire being. Take note...the crucifixion of Christ "reveals" the crucifixion of self in the life of a believer. Death's crucifixion of self cannot occur until the believer "dies" completely to the old Adam. It's not the process of death to the old man that we look for...it's the "actual experience" of death to the Old man. This allows God to operate! Glory!

What happens when a believer "dies completely" to self? The Indwelling Spirit takes over...The Indwelling Spirit has full sway, and the Devils nature is destroyed by the refining power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This is new Testament Truth! It was prophesied in the Old Testament! Glory!

Ezek 36:26-27...A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you,

Mal 3:3...And he shall sit as a refiner and purifer of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

All men do not "know" God

Many men make claim they know God...but the Bible say's no man can "know" God unless he has the Spirit of God. Natural men (unsaved men) don't have the Spirit of God. Therefore they do not "know" God. The sinner does not know God because he does not have the Spirit of God. A sinful man does not trust Christ's death on the cross for forgiveness of personal sins.

1 Cor 2:11-14... For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them,...even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God

...But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them,

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Don't forget about the "Churches on Trial" radio broadcasts uploaded to this Blog

On the left side of this Blog under Hubert Lindsey audios...you will find many interesting radio broadcasts. All audios contain a wealth of Biblical knowledge. Brother Lindsey brings forth unlimited amounts Bible truth as callers ask questions on every topic you can think of. Check them out when you find time! They are listed as COT 1987.

Happy Thanksgiving from Rick Roehm and the COT...

Friday, November 27, 2009

A different approach to your Christian walk...don't take Christianity lightly

We don't deny that the Devil in his deceitfulness is always looking to knock down a Christian especially those weak in the faith. Nor do we fail to realize in the splendor of God's Mercy that God can pick the believer back up that's been knocked down by the Devil...but... what we emphasize at the Churches on Trial is the truth of the Bible...and the Bible says,

" 1 John 4:4...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world"...

What this verse simply means is that Christ is greater than the Devil. Note..."GREATER " not equal to. In the power, person, and presence of the Christ this writer represents...Christ is GREATER THAN the Devil. GREATER IS HE, GREATER IS HE, GREATER IS CHRIST!

All that said to say one thing, "The reason John wrote about Christ being greater simply means that the child of God doesn't have to let the Devil knock him down because Christ gives the believer power to keep from being knocked down. Why? We are those ...

"Who are kept by the power of God through faith ...1 Peter 1:5

Glory to the Christ I serve...Glory to the Christ behind this ministry! Glory to the Christ who gives us the full armour of God! Why? So we can stand against the wiles of the Devil!

1 John 3:8...He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might "destroy" the works of the devil.

Believe the Word of Truth...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Churches on Trial Blog cares about the Salvation of souls...

Salvation in Christ is our desire. Teaching the Word...and rightly dividing it is the intent of this blog. Our expectations are to win and support our viewers with Word and Truth about Christ. God bless you all! Thank you for reading this Blog! We care about you! May the Lord bless you in your everyday life experiences! We love you! God Bless!

With Thanksgiving...
Rick Roehm

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gospel tracts available from the, "Churches on Trial" and "The Upper Room"

Here is a list of Gospel tracts available from within this ministry. They can be manually printed and mailed...or they can be E-mailed in Microsoft Publisher format. Either way is for the cause of Christ. These tracts are meaty, they are rich, they are truthful, and they are Word based teachings. They will beautifully coincide with everything Brother Lindsey taught and lived for. The subject matter of these tracts range from Law and Grace, to Sanctification, to Christ's fabled descension to Hell, basic salvation by Grace, Justification, etc. Put these tracts to work. Use these tracts to teach from... or use these tracts for the furtherance of the Gospel message according to 1 Cor. 15:1-4. They are excellent tools for young preachers to teach from!

May God bless you richly,
Rick Roehm...author of the Churches on Trial and preacher at the Upper Room

1. Christ, Cults and human rejection
2. Humanity of Christ
3. Invitation, acceptance, and the new life in Christ
4. Sanctification or Baptism?
5. Divine Grace
6. God’s handbook on the basics of Salvation
7. Justification, Regeneration, and the witness of the Spirit
8. Distinction between Law and Grace
9. Man’s make-up
10. Christ’s last moments
11. Biblical Justification
12. Test your Faith
13. What is Eternal Security?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hubert Lindsey's sanctification through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire

Think about 35 years! That’s how long it was before Hubert was entirely sanctified! Not because sanctification is a gradual process but because of Hubert’s mindset and thinking held him back. Hubert was “wrapped up” in a wrong theology. He was taught wrong! He was falsely indoctrinated. When Hubert died to self he also buried the old Hubert and the old Hubert’s way of thinking! That very sanctifying experience took place 35 years after Hubert received the new birth. It was another miracle! It was an instantaneous act of God in Salvation that followed the new birth! Another Baptism took place years after Hubert Lindsey was saved. Something happened through a glimpse of Calvary. Hubert had been preaching Revival. The Spirit put an urge on his heart to prayerfully seek “more” of Christ during the Revival. Hubert testified that he died to all that he was that night. He stated the Holy Spirit came upon him and took complete control of everything that Hubert Lindsey ever was.

As a Baptist minister and like many other Baptists Hubert had always acknowledged the fact that man was forgiven in the new birth but sensed deep in his soul there was “more”. The more that Hubert experienced through the sanctifying work of the Spirit of God is what prompted Hubert Lindsey to preach so emphatically in the latter years of his ministry. That more from Christ is why this writer is writing about the life and times of Hubert Lindsey. There is “more” for the believer than the new birth! It’s called Entire sanctification! Hubert Lindsey taught it! The Church-world rejects the doctrine of Entire Sanctification but it’s very much scriptural. The baptism with the Holy Ghost is a scriptural baptism taught in the Acts of the Apostles. The same manifestation of the Spirit of God that took place on the day of Pentecost also took place in Brother Lindsey’s heart that night in the basement of the Methodist Church. That same manifestation takes place today!

The experience of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost was also revealed to this writer’s heart, but it was only 6 months after the new birth was received in November of 1987. The difference between this writer and Hubert Lindsey was this writer was taught about sanctification through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost! Learning of sanctification was taught to this writer soon after the salvation experience. God’s revelation and evidence of the Scripture showed this writer the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire was a baptism that purifies the heart of a believer (like the disciples of the Early Church) and not the sinner. This writer understands why Hubert so emphatically taught the doctrine of Entire Sanctification until he died. Hubert understood the riches of Entire Sanctification in the life of a believer. So do I! Faith comes by knowledge. Knowledge brings responsibility.

This writer still remembers Hubert’s faint yet authoritative words about Entire Sanctification as he preached to me from the nursing home. Hubert Lindsey taught Entire Sanctification until his deathbed because he realized this baptism is missed by so many Christians today. Hubert Lindsey was compelled to teach sanctification because of the lack of knowledge that stems from the erroneous teachings of denominationalism so rampant in this modern Church Age.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hubert Lindsey's change from a denominational background after 35 years

In the early part of Brother Lindsey’s ministry he leaned to the Baptist persuasion. He taught the Calvinistic Theology of the predestination of a believer. As a Baptist minister Brother Lindsy made claim that he water baptized approximately 9000 people by immersion in the earlier part of his ministry...as an act of obedience to Christ. His theology on Water Baptism also changed later in life...after his experience of Entire Sanctification. Although Hubert during the early part of his ministry taught holiness of heart and conduct he also followed the once saved always saved theology. As a Baptist Hubert evangelized around the World and established 11 local Churches. Among Hubert’s international travels were the Middle East, Africa, Canada, and Haiti. Within the United States Hubert Lindsey campaigned for Christ through the evangelistic work of tent meetings. During his days under the tent and in the open air Brother Lindsey was personally acquainted with Billy Sunday and Donald Barnhouse in the 50’s, Katherine Kulhman and Mordicai Ham in the 60’s, and others like and Billy Graham and John Osteen in 70’s.

Things didn’t settle right in Brother Lindsey’s Spirit life as a Baptist. He understood man’s enlightenment came in degree’s concerning consciousness to Christ’s divine presence, but questions still arose in his mind about an inner struggle that existed in the life of a believer. Hubert knew that Calvinism did not teach a Christian could be delivered from the Old Adam that exists in the life of a believer. For many years Brother Lindsey made claim he sought clarification from God concerning such matter. Thirty five years went by in his ministry to be exact! Hubert understood and realized the new birth and God’s power of Justification. That was as far as Brother Lindsey's Baptist theology took the Salvation experience. Something was lacking in Hubert’s heart, life, and understanding of the New Testament. God was revealing to Brother Lindsey there was more than the new birth and Justification by the Grace of God.

Something miraculous happened! Hubert had another glimpse of Calvary! Another experience in Salvation was revealed to Hubert Lindsey! God showed Hubert the work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul in light of the Sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. God confirmed to Hubert Lindsey that the Bible taught Entire Sanctification. Hubert had no evidence whatsoever that Entire sanctification that destroys the sinful nature had ceased at the Early Church as he was taught according to Baptist Theology. Hubert came to the realization that Sanctification was a work of the Spirit of God that followed Justification. He realized this Theology was very much for today in the present tense. He also realized that Justification dealt with the acts of sin committed; and Sanctification through the work of the Holy Spirit dealt with what man “is” by nature.

God gave Brother Lindsey another glimpse of Calvary that night. Through this glimpse was death. Death to the Old Hubert. Hubert fell on his face that night in the Methodist Church basement after preaching a Revival. God filled him and changed his thinking, his understanding of the Bible, and his complete theology. Nothing was ever the same in that ministry concerning denomination. Not long after this experience Christ sent Brother Lindsey to the West Coast where his ministry on Berkeley campus began for the glory of Christ!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Calvinism refuted in the ministry of Holy Hubert

From a theological standpoint Hubert Lindsey was a converted Calvinist who became adamant against the teachings of John Calvin. This writer recalls an audio recording that Hubert made and titled, “Eternal Security” that's posted at this Blog...


The teaching on Eternal Security refuted Calvin’s once save always saved Theology and clarified “why” with overwhelming scriptural support. Hubert’s teaching on the doctrine of Eternal Security always conveyed a different slant than mainstream teaching on that subject. Hubert always clarified how men could “lose faith”... and “why” the once saved always saved doctrine is an erroneous teaching.

Hubert always used the Bible to prove why Christians are obedient to God. He could prove why Christians are to live the holy life after they give their heart to Christ. He also taught that man could lose faith and fall away from holiness and Eternal Salvation. He also explained how a man could be “delivered again” after “regaining” faith in Christ for Eternal Salvation. Hubert covered every scripture in the Bible concerning this subject with great detail. Who else could refute the doctrine of once saved always saved better than a man who had ignorantly taught it for 3 1/2 decades! Many times Hubert Lindsey regretfully stated, “If only I would have known back then what I know today”.

Hubert’s revelation of Divine Grace was made explanatory to the hearts of men by the Spirit of God. The reason Hubert’s preaching was life changing is because the ministry of the Holy Spirit was behind it with full thrust. Through revelation from Christ and not man, Brother Lindsey touched the hearts and lives of people in every walk of life, great and small, rich or poor, and good or evil. Hubert enlightened people with truth about God’s Grace and backed it with countless Bible verses. Hubert made the Bible clear and understandable but never compromised a Christian’s obligation to holy conduct or living without sin. Unlike Calvinists, Hubert believed, practiced, and taught that Christians could live without sin every day of their life in Christ. Hubert showed no allegiance to any denomination or man made doctrine.

Hubert never broke away from Calvinism until he was Sanctified Entire (in the late sixties), through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Calvinist’s do not believe in nor do they teach the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire as the purifying work of the Spirit of God that rids the believer from the fallen nature. Calvinist’s place more emphasis on Baptism as an act of obedience through immersion in water that’s performed by a preacher. Calvinists miss the instantaneous sanctifying work of the Spirit of God that rids the believer from the Adamic life. Most Calvinist’s do not understand the Pentecostal baptism that is performed by the Spirit of God today… like it was on the day of Pentecost. This Baptism (scripturally taught) and performed by Christ has no relation to immersion in water!

One of the things this writer remembers about Brother Lindsey is that he was not only a converted Calvinist but also a very humble and compassionate man in the Spirit of Truth. Hubert Lindsey honored the Sanctifying work of the Spirit of God very highly. Entire Sanctification was the essence of Hubert’s heart and life. Calvinism hindered Hubert from the blessed experience of Sanctification for many years of his early life in Christ. After sanctification through the Spirit was found by Brother Lindsey…Calvinistic theology went straight down the drain.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Spirit filled life of Hubert Lindsey...(a former Baptist)

Hubert’s witness of the Spirit filled life always revealed the power of a Living Christ and the holy standard that is taught in the word of God. There were no limitations on the power of Christ that Hubert Lindsey preached about. Souls were saved and changed under the anointing of his preaching. Many were healed through Christ that he ministered. Many scholars had theologies changed and set in order under the right division of the Brother Lindsey’s teaching. What makes this biography so interesting is that everything Hubert taught and preached had the potential to become real life in any man or woman through the Spirit of Christ. Both the Bible and the work of the Holy Spirit confirmed what Hubert preached concerning the Spirit filled life. Hubert Lindsey was a man totally given to the Spirit filled life. Hubert was confident this truth was confirmed in the Holy Scriptures. Hubert Lindsey taught the Spirit filled life in all of his teachings to all of his listeners. In the following verse Biblical records prove believers in Christ (not unbelievers) were “filled with the Holy Ghost” on the day of Pentecost.

• Acts 2:4…And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance

The subject of the Spirit filled life is a foggy subject in the religious world. The reason the Spirit filled life is not taught in the mainstream like it should be is that man’s opinion is divided, traditional teachings are divided, religious beliefs and practices are divided and man’s religious ideals are divided. Nothing tells the truth about Spirit filled life accept the Word of God and the Spirit of truth. Both are in unity and both agree that sanctification is of the human soul is necessary! It is the intention of this writer to magnify the truth about Entire Sanctification through the Spirit filled life of Hubert T. Lindsey and the records of the Holy Bible. Remember, Hubert wasn’t “filled” with the Spirit until after he “put off the flesh” and received the Baptism with the Holy Ghost like on the day of Pentecost.

• Col 2:10-11…And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:

When Hubert put off the flesh, “Control of the physical body” he died to all that he was. Then, the Spirit “filled” him. When Hubert Lindsey “died to self” the Old Hubert got out of the way. Then, the fullness of the Indwelling Spirit took control of Hubert. There was no more struggle with the Old Adam. Inwardly, through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost Hubert was cleansed from the Adamic nature. Outwardly, Hubert’s physical being was taken over by the Holy Ghost which enabled him to speak in unknown tongues. Remember, Hubert Lindsey was a former Baptist and Baptist’s forbid speaking in unknown tongues.

From a Scriptural standpoint both the inner and outer work of the Holy Ghost in the heart of man is the same today as it was in the Early Church. The inner and outer evidences of Entire Sanctification take place in any man of any denomination that’s “filled” with the Holy Ghost.

• Rom 6:6…Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

• Acts 19:6…the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hubert Lindsey a former Baptist came to a realization of the Sanctifying power of Holy Spirit, 35 years after he was Justified

The Baptist denomination strongly advocates the initial invitation and acceptance of Christ in Salvation but that’s as far as they take the Christian experience! Baptist’s emphasize Salvation of the human soul but do not advocate the life of holiness and obedience to God that follows after a believer’s sins are forgiven. The doctrine of Regeneration through the Spirit; Justification by faith; and the new birth where a divine nature is received… are taught under the Baptist persuasion. The doctrine of Entire Sanctification through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is not! This experience is what Hubert Lindsey claimed he had missed for 35 years.

Contrary to many denominations (not just Baptist), the Bible teaches that Entire Sanctification comes in another Baptism which is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost is not a baptism into Christ where a new nature is received through the new birth experience. The baptism with the Holy Ghost is a baptism that cleanses the believer’s heart from a still existing Old Adam that conflicts with the Divine nature received in the new birth. God revealed to Brother Lindsey another baptism through the work of the Holy Spirit that was not Water Baptism by immersion. This particular baptism pertained to the Spirit’s work of Sanctification from the carnal heart. This is the experience that Brother Lindsey had always claimed he was missing. It was a baptism that a believer receives after the new birth! Hubert then realized the error of Water Baptism through the ages had pulled men away from understanding the sanctifying power of the Pentecostal experience! The Pentecostal experience is a Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire performed by Christ upon a believer… not a sinner! The Baptism with the Holy Ghost has no relation to water Baptism by immersion performed by a preacher.

The purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire does not deal with the new nature received after God justifies a sinner. God’s declaration of Justification deals with a penitent man! The sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost deals with the old nature that still exists in the life of the penitent believer after God’s Justification is declared! God revealed this to Hubert’s thinking! Hubert realized where he missed it!

The Bible teaches that any believer can receive the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire... in this life. This Baptism takes away the process of getting sanctified in heaven after you die! That's what the Bible implies when it says the Spirt's of just men made perfect! Justified men can be sanctified or perfected...in this life before they die!

• Heb 12:23...To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

Sanctification performed by Christ from the Throneroom is not performed by a preacher through any act of water baptism. John the Baptist spoke of sanctification when he said, "Christ would baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire”. Contrary to the Baptist doctrine God showed Hubert there was more for the believer that followed the new birth. God confirmed to Hubert Lindsey the Sanctifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This final work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer is called Entire Sanctification.

The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire and the truth of the New Testament records had finally got Hubert Lindsey’s full attention. God had been showing Hubert Lindsey how to get self out of the way for years. All Hubert had to do was to let go of the old Hubert and let God take over! Hubert realized if he got out of the way the truth of Entire Sanctification through the Spirit would destroy the old Hubert! The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire spoken of by John the Baptist and Jesus himself was now brought to full revelation upon Hubert Lindsey’s thinking after being a Baptist for 35 years. The beauty of this revelation was this Baptism is a baptism that destroyed a still existing fallen nature in the life of Hubert Lindsey. Hubert was unsettled on that truth for many years! God wanted to destroy what Hubert Lindsey contemplated in his thinking for 35 years. On the human side the struggle with self that came from the Old man in Hubert Lindsey’s life was crucified. Through the Spirits work of Sanctification the Adamic nature that existed in the life of Hubert Lindsey was destroyed through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire.

• Rom 6:6… Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

After being entirely sanctified the Holy Spirit renewed Hubert. Everything in his theology was changed. Everything in his thinking was changed. God delivered Hubert from the Devil’s prison house. After being a Baptist for 35 years Entire Sanctification from the Old Hubert was found to be the missing link. Within that missing link the foundation of the Word in Hubert’s heart had been misconceived and taken out of its proper context. Confusion from the Baptist teaching and practice was a result in Hubert’s mind. Hubert realized the doctrine of once save always saved had been hindering the fullness of Salvation for years in his personal life. This fullness of Salvation and change of theology that was given to Hubert’s heart only came through the Sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire.

One night in the basement of the little Methodist Church Hubert died to self and asked God to sanctify his heart entire. Through Hubert Lindsey’s brokenness Christ filled him with the Holy Ghost and fire that night! As a result Hubert was sanctified from the Old man and spoke in unknown tongues as taught in the Bible. Contrary to the Baptist doctrine Hubert was doing something very much scriptural and realized why. That night God confirmed the truth in Hubert Lindsey’s heart and soul. Hubert realized this Biblical gift from the Holy Spirit did not cease at the Early Church as he had always been taught. The result was Hubert’s entire Calvinistic and Baptist theology went straight down the drain. Hubert Lindsey was filled with the Holy Ghost and preached Entire Sanctification the rest of his life as a preacher for Christ.

Christ’s Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire God made Hubert Lindsey a living witness to the fact that God can deliver any man from the Old Adam. Hubert realized traditional teachings and denominational teachings were not teaching the truth about Entire Sanctification as the Bible teaches. Deliverance from the Old Adam only comes upon a believer when he dies and receives the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Many modern denominational teachings miss that very blessed experience. Hubert never went back to his old Theology nor did he ever quit teaching the truth about Entire Sanctification as long as he lived. Revivals were birthed many times throughout Hubert’s ministry as result of preaching Entire Sanctification and the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. By the Grace of God Hubert’s uncompromising efforts were never in vain as peoples hearts and lives were changed under his ministry and that teaching. This writer and other disciples who were touched by Brother Lindsey’s ministry still carry on the doctrine of Entire Sanctification today.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Promise of my Father...( a study of two Baptisms) pt.2

Since the early church, denominationalism has veered from the Sanctifying power of God and its evidence taught in the Holy Scripture. Unfortunately many denominations differ on the topic of Sanctification, Baptism, Holiness, Tongues, etc. Why? It usually comes down to a misunderstanding of the two baptisms performed by either Christ or the Holy Spirit; and of course water baptism which is performed by a priest or preacher through immersion, sprinkling, pouring, etc.

Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul at the crucifixion of self, and the purging of the Adamic nature. Sanctification deals with the believer that has the old Adam that still tries to rule. Sanctification purges the soul of man from the old man and thus takes possession of that heart and life and makes it totally right and holy in the sight of God. The power of God's Sanctification is not regeneration at the new birth as many seem to think. Sanctification comes after regeneration.

There are two baptisms under the Grace of God in the life of man that hears the Gospel. Neither baptism performed by God is a progressive work toward Salvation. Both are instantaneous operations of the Spirit upon or within the human soul: First is the baptism into the body performed by the Holy Spirit and subsequent to Salvation is the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire performed by Christ. The latter describes in more detail…the promise of the Father.

Old Testament Prophecy through the Gospel message was preached by the Apostles. Christ was magnified and the Promise of the Father fell: Joel 2:28, Psalms 16:8-10, Psalms 132:11, Psalms 110:1 As revival spread through the land, Christ was preached and the Holy Ghost continued to fall upon men even after the day of Pentecost. The power of the Spirit of God continues to fill men today, the same way as it did then. The office of the Apostles did not cease nor did tongues after the day of Pentecost. Christ and His body are the same today as in the first century.

The language of the Bible defines the promise of the Father and the Sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit in many different ways.

• Shed Forth…Acts 2:33…Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

• Fallen upon…Acts 8:15-17…Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost

• Poured out…Acts 10:44-46…While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.

• Came on…Acts 19:2-6…He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

The inner work from Christ’s baptism is the primary evidence of the Fathers promise. Heart purity is result of the Holy Spirit’s work that delivers man from the conflicts of life. The pure heart and the controlled life allow the Spirit of God to get man away from; 1… the helplessness of an inner conflict 2…the outer conflicts which consist of the burdens of the world. Heart purity helps man to be fully dependent on Christ…without distraction. Peter from experience on the day of Pentecost describes the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire as … heart purity.

• Acts 15:7-9…And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

The promise of the Father is the Sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost in the souls of men. As God calls men through the Gospel message the power and presence of the Holy Ghost should never be limited. The promise of the Father is the greatest evidence we have today…of a resurrected Lord.

• Acts 2:39…For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Promise of my Father...(a study of two baptisms)

Before His ascension to heaven Christ declared He would send the promise of His Father. Within that promise was an enduement of power from a resurrected Lord that would come upon the Apostles and the entire family of believers that followed. Christ’s instruction to the Apostles was to tarry in Jerusalem until the promise of the Father came.

• Luke 24:49…And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

In the first chapter of Acts the enduement of power from the Promise of the Father was described by Christ himself. After His resurrection Christ walked among men and was seen of them for forty days. During this time frame Christ described how the promise of the Father was actually…a baptism.

• Acts 1:5…For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence

The Apostles all being Jewish had knowledge of the Old Testament records. Although vague in their understanding of prophetic truth the Apostles remembered the ministry of John the Baptist who also professed Jesus would become a Baptizer. John the Baptist made this statement:

• Matt 3:11…I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire

As promised by the Father and performed by Christ from heaven, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire came upon the Apostles in the Upper Room. (Within that promise three distinct personalities of God can be seen...1.The Father 2.Christ 3.The Holy Ghost.) The promise of the Father deals specifically with the outpouring and sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost.

The prophetic description of a Spiritual outpouring is twofold in meaning. First…the Sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit that deals with the human soul; second…the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that deals with a restoration to the Kingdom in Israel. In relation to the second reason this is why the Apostles asked the following question before the day of Pentecost.

• Acts 1:6…Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

Jesus clarified His answer by explaining first that the time had not yet come for the restoration to Israel. He further described how an inner power would come upon the Apostles to become witnesses for Him in a godless world.

• Acts 1:7-8…It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

The promise of the Father was an enduement of power upon believers...not unbelievers. Remember, the Apostles who believed in Christ had already received the new birth experience.

• John 14:17…Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

The above verse makes reference to the Apostles who believed and knew Christ. Note how Christ mentioned to these men that the Spirit “shall be in you”. This made reference to the Indwelling Spirit. The Indwelling Spirit came through a baptism which Christ Himself performed on and after the day of Pentecost. This part of the promise dealt specifically with the gift of the Holy Ghost that believers receive after they have experienced the new birth. Inside the gift is the Sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost that cleanses the human soul from the Old Man not dealt with at regeneration? The cleansing work which comes from Christ’s baptism deals with the inherited sinful nature of man… not the acts of sin which were forgiven at regeneration through the new birth.

Many people misunderstand the above part of Sanctification as it relates directly to baptism. Two baptisms are pertinent to Salvation and Sanctification through the work of the Holy Spirit. First is the baptism into the body of Christ performed by the Holy Spirit when a penitent sinner trusts in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Man is thus delivered by the Holy Spirit from the bondage of sin. This initial baptism offers the experience of a new birth. It baptizes man into the name of Jesus Christ. The new birth is the Spirit’s directive in a new life centered on Christ however; a conflict has arisen between the old carnal nature and the new divine nature. The Holy Spirits baptism into the body of Christ keeps the believer conscious to right and holy living. This baptism is relevant to Salvation yet has no reference to water baptism. It is an initial baptism of the Holy Spirit that puts a man into Salvation…by faith in Christ alone, for the forgiveness of sins.

• Mark 16:16…He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved

• 1 Cor 12:13…For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body

The purpose of the subsequent baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire deals with the conflicting nature within a believer. This baptism is the promise of the Father performed by Christ not only on the day Pentecost but now, presently in the Church Age we live in. Fifty days after Christ’s resurrection when Pentecost was fully come the dispensation of the Holy Spirit formed the body of Christ. Prior to Pentecost the Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Christ had not yet been glorified.

• John 7:39…But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.

On the day of Pentecost the promise of the Father came upon men as they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues.

• Acts 2:4…And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

When man is filled with the indwelling Spirit indwelling sin must be removed. The mind, will, and intellect can then be controlled by the Spirit of God without a conflict. A filling of the Holy Spirit takes place when man empties himself from all that he is. (Self is crucified as the Holy Spirit reveals Calvary to the heart of a believer.) The inner make-up of a believer is purged from all the dross of a carnal nature that conflicts with the Divine. The evidence of the Sanctifying power of the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is two-fold.

• The first evidence is a crucified life where the Spirit of God destroys the body of sin and takes away the inner conflict of a believer. A totally surrendered life of holiness with subjection to Christ is the result.

• The second evidence is speaking in tongues where the entire anatomy of man is controlled by the Spirit of God through a believer’s subjection to Christ.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why they called him, "Holy Hubert"

On the audio player found on the link below if you scroll down to the audio titled, "The baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire"...you find a testimony for Christ given by Brother Lindsey. This testimony was about the turning point in Brother Lindsey's life and ministry that stemmed from the experience of entire sanctification through the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire.

Brother Lindsey was a Baptist for 35 years but when the Holy Spirit came upon him in that little Methodist Church...his heart, life, and ministry for Christ was changed forever. The heart and life of holiness that came from that baptism that night led Brother Lindsey into a conviction that swayed and rocked the world for the remainder of his years in the ministry. Holy Hubert found out His "whole" theology was also changed that night...as God showed him he could be delivered from the Adamic life. This was contrary to the Baptist Theology! Everything he knew and taught for 35 years went down the drain when Christ "filled" him. Hubert Lindsey realized where he missed it after 35 years! He openly confessed and admitted to God he was wrong! He became dust at the Savior's feet. Christ "Baptized" him that night and revolutionized his ministry for the duration of his years on planet earth! That's only another reason why they called him , "Holy Hubert". By the Grace of God this writers hopes to publicize "all" of Holy Hubert's timeless teachings on the truth about holiness and pure Christian living in 2009. God bless and much more to come...

Hope you enjoy "The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and Fire" audio in the player below.

Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire (pt.3)...by Rick Roehm

  1. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is a renewal; not a progressive work

            In every instance and every record of the Bible the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire came upon the believer…instantaneously. Just like the new birth! The Greek text teaches the Baptism with Holy Ghost and fire comes upon the believer instantaneously …at one stroke from the hand of God. Renewal from the Holy Ghost is not to be taken as a progressive work of sanctification. Renewing from the Holy Ghost takes place when the believer “puts off” the Old Man. This renewal from God “destroys” the body of sin. Renewal from the Holy Ghost allows the believer to “put on” the new man created in true righteousness and holiness. Renewal is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that purges man from all the dross of the old man. Note! The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians is addressing, “the saints and those faithful in Christ”. (Ephesians 1:1) As taught by the Apostle, the putting off of the Old Man and putting on of the new man deals specifically with the saint! Not the sinner!

·          Eph 4:22-24…That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;  And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

            There is no set time frame between the actual new birth experience and the actual Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Between both actual experiences a believer must “put off” the Old Man which simply means “die to the flesh”. Death to the Old Man opens the door for the New Man to come in. Then renewal through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost can take place at one stroke. Renewal is the final work of the Holy Ghost in this life. Renewal takes place after the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire rids the believer from the Adamic nature.

            Renewal through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is when the believer “puts on” the new man. This new man is dead to self and; the Adamic nature has been destroyed. The new man in total subjection to Christ is created through the work of the Holy Ghost in true righteousness and holiness. The new man is delivered completely from the Adamic life and nature. There is no war within his members. There is no conflict or inner struggle from the Adamic. A renewed man trusts in Christ for every situation and circumstance in life. A renewed man is a witness for the Lord as the Spirits witness takes full possession that heart and life. 

·          Rom 8:15-16…but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

            Renewal is not a progressive work of the Holy Ghost; it comes instantaneously. Renewal takes place after sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost is completely received into the body, soul, and spirit.

·          1 Thess 5:23…And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A believer is renewed after he dies to self and receives the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Two Divine acts pertaining to full Salvation are taught in the Bible:

      First is God’s Justification, which permits the Spirits regeneration in the new birth.  Justification is a pardon from God that frees man from all past sinful acts committed. Justification provides the penitent with a freedom from guilt and the forgiveness of sins. Justification by Grace allows the instantaneous work of the Holy Ghost to regenerate the human soul. Justification gives any believer the eligibility to be entirely sanctified.

      Second is Sanctification, where the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire cleanses a justified man from the Adamic nature. Justification is only the believer’s path to Entire Sanctification. After the believer has experienced both Justification and Entire Sanctification, he is renewed by the Holy Ghost. Renewal takes place after a believer experiences the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost.

·          Titus 3:5…Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;


  1. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and Fire: The final work of the Spirit of God in the life of a believer


            The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is the final and completed work of the Spirit of God in the heart of a believer. Contrary to certain doctrines that teach progressive sanctification, this final work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is received in this present life.  A recipient of this blessing will no longer be conformed to the world.  A recipient will prove this experience is good, acceptable, and the perfect will of God… in word, lifestyle, and action. Like this writer’s testimony for Christ, the recipient of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire will also testify this experience is the same today as it was on the day of Pentecost.

·          Rom 12:2…And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

            The work of the Holy Ghost should never be limited in our minds. The work of the Holy Ghost begins in the heart of a sinner at conviction. The work of the Holy Ghost seals the believer into the Body of Christ “when” he first believes. These various works of the Holy Ghost are initial yet complete works that include Sanctification in the heart and life of man.  However; Sanctification from the Adamic life which comes upon the believer is the final work of the Holy Ghost and fire. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire which is the completed work of Sanctification was purposed by God so that believers could experience the fullness of Salvation. Granted, the new birth is the sinner’s initiation into the Body of Christ but we must never fail to remember the inner struggle that exists. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire gives that believer assurance that keeps him from falling prey to that very inner struggle of the flesh. The final work of the Sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost delivers a believer from the very source of that struggle which is the old Adam. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire provides the believer with everything needed to be an over comer to the old nature of the flesh. Spirit filled men are over comers. Over comers make excellent witnesses for the Lord! The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and Fire; the final work of the Holy Ghost, is the entire sanctifying work of Salvation that all believers can experience after they are born from above.

  1. Manner in which the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire was experienced by this writer

            Since the beginning of this writer’s salvation my understanding has been enlarged concerning the sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost. I remember vividly how this heart cried out to God for years asking, “Why… why do I need the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire?” There were so many persuasions I was confused. Certain crowds tried to sway my stance in one direction and other crowds tried to sway my stance in another direction. Confirmation came…straight from God and the Holy Scriptures. Enlightenment came… through study and right division of Gods Word. Truth came to my heart… through subjection to an Enthroned Christ who Baptizes with the Holy Ghost and fire (like on the day of Pentecost). God allowed this writer to understand “the purpose” of the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire which is simply sanctification from the negative side of life. God answered questions concerning “How”, “When”, and “Why” the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. The opinions of men no longer confused my relationship with the living Christ.


10. Contentment in Christ: The fruit of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire

            The intent of this discourse is to enlighten the reader to the purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire and; the fruit it produces in the life of the believer. The theme of this discourse is focused on the victorious heart and life of a believer in Christ… not the sinner. The blessing of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is the believer’s complete deliverance from the Adamic nature. The fruit of that entirely sanctified heart and life is contentment in Christ that can be found nowhere else in life. Contentment in Christ confirms the truth of New Testament records concerning the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. As any believer will learn through diligent study the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire cannot be found through erroneous doctrines. Why? Contentment cannot be found when there’s an inner struggle with the Holy Spirits presence, or an outer conflict with the problems of life. When the struggles of life and conflicts from man are taken away by a living Christ, the contentment of a Christian becomes the fruit of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. That’s why Paul told Timothy, Godliness mixed with contentment offers great gain.

·          1 Tim 6:5…But godliness with contentment is great gain 


                Having a true heart to both man and God is the final result of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. As Hubert Lindsey (a recipient and teacher of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire after being a Baptist for 35 years) once told me, “A true heart is never troubled”. With all respect to Hubert as a minister of God’s Word I pondered that statement for years and concluded…that both the true heart and the ability to never be troubled in any situation or circumstance was a gift from God that only comes through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Why?  A true heart that’s never troubled proves a man trusts in Christ for everything.  A true heart is the product of a sanctified man who lives in holiness and right standing with God.  A sanctified man has no conflict within himself. A sanctified man has full acknowledgement of power of the Indwelling Spirit in his heart and life. Any believer who experiences a true heart that’s never troubled is an actual product of the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire.  By the Grace of God that keeps the Holy Spirit present in our lives…this writer can testify to the blessing of such experience.


Rick Roehm

August 8, 2007


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Original Sin and Doubt (Hubert Lindsey audio)...a study about the fallen nature of man and how to get rid of it.

This writer cannot emphasize enough...the importance of learning about the state of fallen man and what the Scriptures teach about this subject. When we examine the Word of God in light of "fallen man" it shows us the necessity of having the power of living Christ in our heart. That's the reason why I am re-publishing Brother Lindsey's great teaching on the subject of Original Sin and doubt. This teaching should never be stored away from the ears of men or from the students of God's Word. So...seven months from the last publication I am re-publicizing "Original Sin and doubt" by Brother Hubert Lindsey. The following writing is the words of April's Blog at the Churches on Trial.

This in depth teaching about the "fallen nature" of man is the most thorough teaching this writer has ever encountered in 21 years. This audio contains a wealth of scriptural evidence that brings understanding to anyone who studies the Bible. This study magnifies the person of Christ by proving what the really Bible teaches about the sinful nature of man ...and how Christ can rid man of his "inherited propensity".

This audio on Original sin and doubt teaches the conquest and victory that can only be found in a living Christ. It's an inspirational teaching concerning the truth about the Word of God. It's an encouragement and blessing to anyone who desires the truth behind the Word of God. May its great worth bless you the listener as much as it has the writer of this Blog.

I thank God for these posts, for Brother Lindsey's audio recordings, and for the spare time God provides this writer with to "revive and re-publish" this great wealth of knowledge. It's these kind of teachings that inspire men to dig deeper into a Spirit filled relationship with Christ and the power of His resurrection.

Brother Lindsey wanted this knowledge "scattered" throughout the World. The Internet is now making that request possible.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The living Christ we serve is blessing this ministry...richly! How? We are reaching hearts and lives for Him! Glory!

In February 2009 God opened the doors for this Internet ministry on Google to publish the timeless sermons of Brother Hubert Lindsey known by many as "Holy Hubert". This minstry began 18 years ago when Brother Howard Aschenbrenner handed this writer a complete audio library of the Reverend Hubert Lindsey. It contained sermons from the past, the Churches on Trial radio broadcast during the late 80's, and many sermons recorded at the Church at Birmingham Michigan where Brother Lindsey was Pastor and Apostle.

Since September 2009 another door has been opened for this writer to personally publish his own audio ministry for Christ at www.sermon.net/holy . The Internet portion of this ministry was started by a dear brother from the Upper Room by the name of James Allen. This "new" minstry is a part of the ministry that coincides with the New Testament teachings of Brother Lindsey. This ministry is a part of the ministry for Christ that spawned from Brother Lindsey's ministry where this writer was personally tutored by the teachings of Brother Lindsey. The origin of this Internet ministry contains our present tense teaching and preaching at the Upper Room. The latest teachings are recorded sometimes twice weekly on a small audio recorder that was brought to my attention by my dear Brother Jim Denton, a pastor in Pontiac Michigan.

Wow! Christ is working through us in Williamsburg Ohio! On the Internet too! We're busy like bees spreading the truth of God's Word and God has opened the doors! The Christ we preach is alive and meeting needs...right now in the present tense! Glory to the name of Christ! His hand is on us! We are servants for Him! God Bless you all! Thanks for coming to the Churches on Trial... and at www.sermon.net/holy where Brother Allen is publishing both Rick Roehm and Hubert Lindsey audios.

Here's a nice clean link straight to the sermon index player without any hit counter. Either link works fine. http://www.sermon.net/spplayer/client/20022

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Live the holy life, tell about Christ and bring Glory to His name.

The power of the Holy Spirit...the power behind Brother Hubert Lindsey...the power behind Rick Roehm ...and the power behind this Blog is the "Living Christ". Believers are all members of the Church of the Living God! The truth about Christ is revealed and experienced in our hearts and lives. There's never any shame magnifying Christ's glorius presence with the words of your mouth. That's the reason why we tell the lost world about Christ! That's the reason why we talk about Christ and what He's done for us! That's the reason we testify about Christ and the present tense power of His resurrection! Testimony brings honor, glory and consciousness to the presence of Christ to an unbelieving world!

Christ lives my brother and sister! His amazing Grace should never be taken lightly, no matter the situation or the circumstance that arises in your life! Bring glory and honor to the name of Christ...never dishonor and never disgrace! Don't let life's frustrations rob you by robbing God! Don't let the decitfulness of sin harden your holy heart! Christ truely loves the sinner but hates their sin. Glory to the Living Christ who gives the believer a way to escape the decietfulness of sin; the powers of darkness; the entanglements of the world; and the struggles with the Adamic nature. Glory to Christ's presence that's made known...through the truth of the Word and witness of the Holy Spirit!

Bring honor to the Christ you serve with a whole heart. Recognize Christ's Holy presence. Submit to Christ's Divine authority and do His will. Tell the world about the power and victory Christ provides to those who experience His awesome presence. Glory to the holy presence of Christ! Glory to Christ, the head of the Church of the living God! Glory to the King!

Tell the world about what Christ has done for you. Let Christ be known from the attitude of your heart and the words of your mouth! Testify! Preach! Bring honor to a living Christ! Glory! The power of the living Christ is behind you! A testimony for Christ is a strong witness to the unbelieving world!

...with the heart man believeth unto righteousness
...with the mouth confession is made unto Him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Original Churches on Trial (audio) 7-19-87 pt.2...Brother Hubert Lindsey

I'm back on the audios from the original Churches on Trial radio broadcast in 1987. This particular audio (pt. 2) deals alot with questions concerning the Christian marriage, sex, homsexuality, etc. Brother Lindsey often used the holiness aspect of the Bible to defend the truth behind God's Word. 

  • Here's the link to (Churches on Trial pt. 1) of the 2hr. radio broadcast many questions and answers from the Bible. COT 7/19/87 (pt.1) 
  • Here's a link that tell about the origin of this Blog...Origin of Blog 
  •  Here's a link that tells about the intent of this Blog...Intent of Blog 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Christ once suffered (audio)...a rebuttal against the fable like story of Christ's descension to Hell...Brother Hubert Lindsey

This excellent audio brings Scriptural clairification to the false teaching of Christ's descension to Hell. Brother Lindsey tells about the origin of this teaching and opens many scriptures to bring out the truth on this misunderstood subject. Brother Lindsey's sermon is centered on Christ's death, burial, and resurrection...especially on things concerning the humanity of Christ. It gives this writer great joy to advocate and keep alive these timeless messages of Bible truth concerning Christ. Brother Lindsey lived his whole life through trials and sufferings to spread this Gospel across our nation. That's why Rick Roehm today uses this Blog to keep these timeless messages alive. Brother Lindsey recorded these sermons for a reason. To scatter their wealth of knowledge to as many as possible. That's the reason why I do this work with joy and honor. Glory to Christ! Glory to His precious name! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Body of Death (audio)... Romans Chapter 7... Brother Hubert Lindsey

This video/audio was made to show the victorious side of Christianity by the power of a living Christ who "delivers" man from the Adamic life. The struggle that some many teach from Romans 7 does not deal with the life of a believer in Christ...it deals with a man under Law. By the power of a living Christ...Christians today can be delivered from the Old Adam.

The following 14 minute video/audio describes a cruel Roman punishment in the days of the Apostle Paul. You will learn about what the body of death was in light of Christ the deliverer. Light is placed on the controversial Romans 7 with a slant of power and victory rather than weakness and defeat.

As you review the Gospel sermons that Brother Lindsey made, accumulated, and left behind for us to study... you will find holiness and victorious Christian living through Christ that lives NOW PRESENT TENSE. You will find Sanctification from the Adamic life...not the process of maturity. You will find "death to the Old man" and not the process of dying. You will find clarification and right division of the Holy Scriptures.

God Bless you all! God bless Brother Lindsey! God bless the truth of the Holy Scriptures...in Jesus' name. God Bless Google for allowing us to publish these great Bible truths.

Rick Roehm "Revives" Brother Hubert Lindsey's timeless Gospel preaching that still ministers Spirit and life... in 2014

I have been able to resurrect two excellent sermons that Brother Lindsey made at the Church at Birmingham somewhere around 1988.

The first recording brought scriptural clarification on the subject of why Jesus didn't go to Hell. Brother Lindsey explains where this fable like teaching started and clairifies what the Holy Scriptures really teach about Jesus' death an ascension to Heaven. EXCELLENT TEACHING for the studious in Christ!

The second recording was on the subject of, "The Body of death" according to Roman Law in the first century. Brother Lindsey vividly defines The Apostle Paul's expression of this Roman form of punishment in relation to the infamous Romans 7 that deals with man's struggle to keep the Law of God. The comparison between man's struggle to overcome the Adamic nature and a criminal's struggle under Roman Law to live with the body of death (which was an actual human body chained to the criminals hands and legs) is vividly described by Brother Lindsey. The unique thing about this teaching shows man's inability to keep Jewish Law because of the Adamic nature and a criminal's inability to live out the punishment of the body of death under (the mortification of a human body) under Roman Law . The vivid contrast puts light on the delivering power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who can deliver man from the Adamic Nature. What clairity for Christ on the subject of Romans 7 !

Keep a close eye on the Blog for the upcoming revived sermons of Brother Hubert Lindsey whose messages continue to minister Spirit and life even though he's in heaven now.

To hear a similar sermon click on the following link which was one of Brother Lindsey's last public sermon's before he became ill. 1990 FGBA Sermon at Tacoma WA http://churchesontrial.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post.html.

Friday, October 23, 2009

First Epistle of John (audio)...a verse by verse study...Chapters 1-3...by Rick Roehm

This study on the First Epistle of John was made in 2004 to bring clarification to the truth of the Bible and to the truth about the holy heart and holy living. Throughout life I have met many people that use John's First Epistle to condone sin rather than to condemn it. They say that the Bible contradicts itself. Not so!

The New Testament was not written to condone sin. John's First Epistle will not contradict itself if studied in the right context. This First Epistle of John when kept in proper context brings to light the power and victory that all Christians can experience in 2009. Without contradiction! It will cut your thinking away from tradition, imagination, and religion. God's Word is rich, true, and teaches holiness of heart and sin free living. May this study (pt. 1) bless your personal life in Christ and your personal studies of the Bible, especially the New Testament records.

I thank God for the Apostleship of Brother Lindsey who was used by God to leave behind beautiful doctrines of holiness (like this foundation in First John) for all to learn from. I thank God for the technology that has made it possible to keep alive Brother Lindsey's teachings as well as his timeless audios that were made for the edification of the saints in Christ across this nation. Google makes this possible on this Blog! Sermon.net makes it possible on the Internet...but most of all God makes it possible through the willing heart of his servants for Christ. Glory to the name of God through Christ our Saviour! Glory to the name of Christ!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting people to Christ...as God wills

There is no format! God ministers to people severally as He wills. God uses men just like you and I to be His mouthpiece. God uses people just like you and to "win" people to Christ. We win...but God does the converting.

Jim Denton and I had an inspirational conversation last night about Hubert Lindsey and how Hubert's ministry for Christ was so affective to reach the hearts of men and women for Christ. It came to my attention that Brother Lindsey operated in many different offices to reach people's hearts and lives. Christ's ministry of Apostles, Prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers came to mind. I recognized how Brother Lindsey operated in these different offices to reach people for the cause of Christ. I was touched by Brother Lindsey's minstry and I have also advocated his teachings since day one.That ministry (the four fold ministry) still exists today! Christ still "gives" some to do this work! Why? To perfect the saints for the work of the ministry.

During the days of Berkeley (through the 60's and 70's) God used Brother Lindsey as an Evangelist. When Brother Lindsey started the Church in Birmingham (in the 80's) God used him as a teacher of teachers. The audio ministry that I am presently publishing on the Internet and in my personal ministry was made and published at that location. There was a radio broadcast called the Churches on Trial (which this Blog was named after). There were services 3-4 times a week. There were in depth Bible teachings (without limitations of denomination). God used Brother Lindsey in a different way in the 80's but Christ still gets the glory today.

I am a product of the ministry that God used Brother Lindsey to make public in those years. I trusted those teachings enough that God was able to operate through this writer and Preacher up to this present hour. Brother Lindsey's endeavors for Christ were true and on the mark. His teachings likewise meet that same standard.

I am thankful today that God has opened doors for this man to continue the Apostles doctrine of the teachings of the New Testament. This Blog is a work of beauty. My ministry for Christ (at the Upper Room) is work of beauty. My fellowship with others like Brother Denton in Pontiac Mi (who was influenced by Brother Lindsey's teachings) is a breath of fresh air.

This is my story and the story for Christ goes on and on. Glory!

Bible Study tonight...7:00 PM at the Upper Room.

Could this be Joy Unspeakable?