The new nature is a morally right nature produced by the Grace of God in the blessing of Salvation. In redemption the heart of fallen man is cleansed from all past sin. Fallen man (a natural enemy to God) can thus be reconciled to God through the redemptive work of a crucified Christ. Human depravity is the nature of fallen man that taints humanity with a natural inclination to do wrong in the eyes of God. Unbelievers are by nature, "out of harmony with God" because of inherited human depravity.
Believers in Christ have the marvelous privilege to escape inherited depravity. Believers in Christ through the power of Divine Grace - can receive a new nature from Christ - the source of regeneration of the human soul. A new and divine nature offers a greater power for the believing heart to do right. A power greater than human depravity. A power greater than the carnal nature of a natural man out of harmony with God. A divine nature is a nature given to the believing heart from God Almighty in the Throneroom. The new nature is birthed of God and offers the greater power of holiness and right living. Greater is the God given divine nature that contains from eternity enough power to raise Christ from the grave; enough power to allow man to escape the corruption that's in the world; and enough power to overcome carnality.
The new nature comes from God. The new nature is not earned or achieved. The new nature is divine and greater than the carnal. The new nature is the down payment given from God - in Salvation of the human soul. The reason Christians do right, live right, and act right is because of the divine nature received in the new birth. Only children of God have a divine nature. Without the divine nature its impossible to please God. All that have a divine nature have God's seal of approval. The divine nature allows the believing heart eligibility to make it to Heaven. Holiness of heart and conduct are fruit produced by the divine nature. All Christians by the power of God are partakers of the divine nature.
2 Peter 1:3-4...According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.