The simplified system of theology (below, taken from previous expositions) consists of links to the various aspects of the Adamic Nature; how the Adamic Nature effects man: how to get rid of the Adamic Nature; and renewal after the Adamic Nature is removed by the Grace of God. May this simplified systematic study on the Adamic Nature be a blessing to your life in Christ.
- What is the Adamic Nature?
- The human will: tainted with an Adamic Nature
- Where does the Bible say man has a free will?
- The will of man: Free or controlled?
- A man ruled by I, me, and mine
- The Devil's prison house...the Adamic Life
- The way of Cain, the son of Adam
- The distinction between the acts of sin and inherited sin
- The Adamic Nature in Justification
- The Adamic Nature in Sanctification
- You don't have to let the Adamic Nature get the best of you
- The Adamic Nature and how to get rid of it
- God's method of getting rid of the (still existing) Old Adam
- Death to self: the object of the believer in Christ
- Human objective from the Biblical perspective
- What does it mean to, "put off the Old Man?"
- The Promise of my Father (pt. 1)
- The Promise of my Father (pt. 2)
- The purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire
- Complete freedom from the Adamic Nature
- Renewal takes place "after" man is sanctified
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