Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Hubert Lindsey legacy lives...around the world...not just Berkeley

For 24 years I have endeavored to keep Brother Lindsey's teachings and ministry alive. The Lord is behind it now and gaining momentum! Brother Jimmie Allen has just recently got many of our audio/videos on You tube also. We're going places! God's opening doors. Now people can see and hear the Spirit of Christ behind the man, Hubert Lindsey across the nation. This Blog is actually going around the Globe now. Around the world ...not just the U.S. only but...Russia, Denmark, Singapore, Canada, Columbia, Indonesia, China, Taiwan...etc. Hubert wanted this stuff out there! He asked me to scatter it! It's going now! It's being scattered! God knows what is needed.

When I originally received this audio material (after Brother Lindsey's Berkeley days) I realized why he preserved and recorded this stuff on audio cassette. I began my quest to transpose these ancient audio cassettes to CD format and sent them by the hundreds around the nation. Daunting task but very rewarding for the cause of Christ! I only have a small quantity transposed to CD as I still have hundreds that need to be converted in the future. Anyway I was able after the conversion to begin the Internet uploading process that has began to tell the world about the Christ behind Hubert Lindsey. The Churches of Trial has allowed this to happen! Glory! Much farther to go! God is behind us every step of the way! Holiness is the core of this ministry!

You see Hubert Lindsey was a man, and a street preacher...but his quest was to get people to Christ...and then to show them how to maintain their Salvation after the new birth. Many do not know the depth of what Brother Lindsey taught so that's why God is using this ministry to bring that knowledge to light. It is the Bible Truth that we are publicizing at this Blog as it foundates people to endure. God is using this Blog, this ministry, these audios, this Bible Truth, the preserved audio ministry of Holy Hubert not only to get people saved...but to fortify their walk with Christ in this present evil world.

Stick with us and there is much, much more to come. Please review all of the audios/videos we have posted on this site. It can actually be a Theological source that will take the confusion out of your life. Don't forget we are also on,, Tangle (menofthestreet), and now YouTube. Just Google Hubert Lindsey! God Bless and we love you all. Much, much more to come.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What does it mean to believe in vain?

The subject of this Blog is about what the Bible teaches about believing in vain. When I speak of believing in vain I speak of "not actually" believing in Christ. What does it mean to believe in Christ? What does it mean to believe in vain? The Bible says...

James 2:19...the devils also believe, and tremble.

Anyone knows that devils do not believe enough to be converted yet the Bible says they believe. Many people say they believe in Christ...but they actually don't show belief in their actions. Unbelief is shown in the action of man. An unbeliever who professes Christ with his mouth, yet lives a life of disobedience to Christ could very well be believing in vain. The proof of belief in obedience to God. Obedience flows from belief in Christ. Belief is an action from the heart of a broken man...toward Christ. The action of belief is caused from the broken will of a sinful man in repentance and godly sorrow. A broken man is a man that truely believes and "knows" Christ for personal forgiveness. The Grace of God teaches this man to deny ungodliness. A broken believer gives consent of his will to Christ, he renounces sinful conduct, and he understands who Christ is and what Christ did for him personally. Forgiveness of sins is "found and experienced" through man's present tense belief in Christ. Belief brings obedience of conduct because the believer "keeps in memory" the things about a Saviour. Christian's have to believe daily unto Salvation. Keeping Christ in memory is a daily thing...not something you did 17 years ago. Daily keeping in memory permits daily belief in a Saviour's holy presence. Daily belief and daily accountability keeps us from...believing in vain.

1 Cor 15:1-4...Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

The verse says this is the , "True Gospel" according to the scriptures. The true Gospel is what our faith is based on. The Gospel is a Christ centered truth that gives us something and someone to believe in and trust. Keeping Christ in memory is the secret. The Gospel brings us this blessed revelation from God.

The Gospel is declared...
The Gospel is preached...
The Gospel is received...
The Gospel "saves" the human soul...
"If" you keep in memory what is preached..."UNLESS YOU HAVE BELIEVED IN VAIN"...

Notice it says you have to keep Christ in memory...
Notice it says you can also believe in vain...

Believing in Christ is knowing Him; experiencing Him; experiencing personal forgiveness; understanding your accountability to Christ.

When personal forgiveness is found inwardly through the person of Christ you receive it through belief...
When the heart is made right (cleansed) you receive it through belief...
When you walk in obedience like a child of God should you do it through belief...

This type of belief is a belief that never wants to let go of Christ and His holy presence in their life. Belief brings the power of God's Divine Grace. Belief is actual trust in the redemptive work of Christ at Calvary. Belief is an actual acceptance of a living Christ for personal holiness of heart and conduct. Actual belief in Christ is a reality of clean living with a conscience freed from the guilt of sin.

If you are not experiencing the power of the Gospel in your heart and life you could be believing in vain. The Word admonishes us to examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith. Just a simple examination of self in light of Christ can sometimes allow God to show man what he really needs. Devils believe...but they are not saved. They reject the truth about Christ. They deny the power of Salvation of the human soul. They miss the saving Grace. Keep yourself from believing in vain... believe, accept, and trust Christ as as your personal Lord and Saviour from the heart. Then the Spirit's witness will confirm in your heart that you have it made. You will never turn your back on God. The devil won't be able to pry you out of Christ with a crow bar. You will be immovable.

Col 1:21-23...And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled, In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard,