Thursday, November 5, 2009

Original Sin and Doubt (Hubert Lindsey audio)...a study about the fallen nature of man and how to get rid of it.

This writer cannot emphasize enough...the importance of learning about the state of fallen man and what the Scriptures teach about this subject. When we examine the Word of God in light of "fallen man" it shows us the necessity of having the power of living Christ in our heart. That's the reason why I am re-publishing Brother Lindsey's great teaching on the subject of Original Sin and doubt. This teaching should never be stored away from the ears of men or from the students of God's Word. months from the last publication I am re-publicizing "Original Sin and doubt" by Brother Hubert Lindsey. The following writing is the words of April's Blog at the Churches on Trial.

This in depth teaching about the "fallen nature" of man is the most thorough teaching this writer has ever encountered in 21 years. This audio contains a wealth of scriptural evidence that brings understanding to anyone who studies the Bible. This study magnifies the person of Christ by proving what the really Bible teaches about the sinful nature of man ...and how Christ can rid man of his "inherited propensity".

This audio on Original sin and doubt teaches the conquest and victory that can only be found in a living Christ. It's an inspirational teaching concerning the truth about the Word of God. It's an encouragement and blessing to anyone who desires the truth behind the Word of God. May its great worth bless you the listener as much as it has the writer of this Blog.

I thank God for these posts, for Brother Lindsey's audio recordings, and for the spare time God provides this writer with to "revive and re-publish" this great wealth of knowledge. It's these kind of teachings that inspire men to dig deeper into a Spirit filled relationship with Christ and the power of His resurrection.

Brother Lindsey wanted this knowledge "scattered" throughout the World. The Internet is now making that request possible.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The living Christ we serve is blessing this ministry...richly! How? We are reaching hearts and lives for Him! Glory!

In February 2009 God opened the doors for this Internet ministry on Google to publish the timeless sermons of Brother Hubert Lindsey known by many as "Holy Hubert". This minstry began 18 years ago when Brother Howard Aschenbrenner handed this writer a complete audio library of the Reverend Hubert Lindsey. It contained sermons from the past, the Churches on Trial radio broadcast during the late 80's, and many sermons recorded at the Church at Birmingham Michigan where Brother Lindsey was Pastor and Apostle.

Since September 2009 another door has been opened for this writer to personally publish his own audio ministry for Christ at . The Internet portion of this ministry was started by a dear brother from the Upper Room by the name of James Allen. This "new" minstry is a part of the ministry that coincides with the New Testament teachings of Brother Lindsey. This ministry is a part of the ministry for Christ that spawned from Brother Lindsey's ministry where this writer was personally tutored by the teachings of Brother Lindsey. The origin of this Internet ministry contains our present tense teaching and preaching at the Upper Room. The latest teachings are recorded sometimes twice weekly on a small audio recorder that was brought to my attention by my dear Brother Jim Denton, a pastor in Pontiac Michigan.

Wow! Christ is working through us in Williamsburg Ohio! On the Internet too! We're busy like bees spreading the truth of God's Word and God has opened the doors! The Christ we preach is alive and meeting needs...right now in the present tense! Glory to the name of Christ! His hand is on us! We are servants for Him! God Bless you all! Thanks for coming to the Churches on Trial... and at where Brother Allen is publishing both Rick Roehm and Hubert Lindsey audios.

Here's a nice clean link straight to the sermon index player without any hit counter. Either link works fine.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Live the holy life, tell about Christ and bring Glory to His name.

The power of the Holy Spirit...the power behind Brother Hubert Lindsey...the power behind Rick Roehm ...and the power behind this Blog is the "Living Christ". Believers are all members of the Church of the Living God! The truth about Christ is revealed and experienced in our hearts and lives. There's never any shame magnifying Christ's glorius presence with the words of your mouth. That's the reason why we tell the lost world about Christ! That's the reason why we talk about Christ and what He's done for us! That's the reason we testify about Christ and the present tense power of His resurrection! Testimony brings honor, glory and consciousness to the presence of Christ to an unbelieving world!

Christ lives my brother and sister! His amazing Grace should never be taken lightly, no matter the situation or the circumstance that arises in your life! Bring glory and honor to the name of Christ...never dishonor and never disgrace! Don't let life's frustrations rob you by robbing God! Don't let the decitfulness of sin harden your holy heart! Christ truely loves the sinner but hates their sin. Glory to the Living Christ who gives the believer a way to escape the decietfulness of sin; the powers of darkness; the entanglements of the world; and the struggles with the Adamic nature. Glory to Christ's presence that's made known...through the truth of the Word and witness of the Holy Spirit!

Bring honor to the Christ you serve with a whole heart. Recognize Christ's Holy presence. Submit to Christ's Divine authority and do His will. Tell the world about the power and victory Christ provides to those who experience His awesome presence. Glory to the holy presence of Christ! Glory to Christ, the head of the Church of the living God! Glory to the King!

Tell the world about what Christ has done for you. Let Christ be known from the attitude of your heart and the words of your mouth! Testify! Preach! Bring honor to a living Christ! Glory! The power of the living Christ is behind you! A testimony for Christ is a strong witness to the unbelieving world!

...with the heart man believeth unto righteousness
...with the mouth confession is made unto Him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Original Churches on Trial (audio) 7-19-87 pt.2...Brother Hubert Lindsey

I'm back on the audios from the original Churches on Trial radio broadcast in 1987. This particular audio (pt. 2) deals alot with questions concerning the Christian marriage, sex, homsexuality, etc. Brother Lindsey often used the holiness aspect of the Bible to defend the truth behind God's Word. 

  • Here's the link to (Churches on Trial pt. 1) of the 2hr. radio broadcast many questions and answers from the Bible. COT 7/19/87 (pt.1) 
  • Here's a link that tell about the origin of this Blog...Origin of Blog 
  •  Here's a link that tells about the intent of this Blog...Intent of Blog