What I mean about constant victory over sin is this. If you're saved by Grace...the power of Divine Grace can give you constant victory over the "acts of sin" and the "sinful nature" both. God doesn't give us this Great Salvation to continue in sin and sinful conduct. Grace abounds and provides the child of God with power enough to maintain a constant victory over the acts of sin.
Rom 6:1-2...Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.
Alot of Christians don't know this fact, "Sin is not essential to the Christian life". The Bible teaches us that we are "overcomers". What is an overcomer? Overcomers have the Grace in their lives to overcome sin. Overcomers have constant victory over the acts of sin.
The miracle of the new birth provides the believer with the power to do right. Before the new birth man is powerless and helpless to the dominion of sin. With the new birth a Christian has righteousness which is simply power to do right. Did you know righteousness that comes from Christ stimulates man's desire to live godly rather than ungodly? Righteousness is a gift of God's Grace.
Rom 5:17...they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
The gift of righteousness alone is enough to have a constant victory over sin and sinful conduct. Sin causes people to violate God's Law...but Christians are freed from sin the Bible says.
Rom 6:7... For he that is dead is freed from sin.
What is freedom from sin? Freedom means you escaped from the bondage of sin. Sin doesn't control a Christian! You may hear that it does but the Bible doesn't teach that stuff. Freedom is freedom. the Bible says so! Freedom means constant victory from the confines of sin. Freedom means Christ set me free. Freedom means Christ governs this heart and life. Freedom means I got away from sins bondage and the lusts of the flesh. I am free from lustful thoughts. I am free from pride. Yes my brother and sister Christians can be free indeed. What I mean is constant freedom that brings every thought into captivity to an obedience to Christ. Constant victory! You can live that way. Any Christian can live that way!
The Bible teaches Christians "escape" the corruption that's in the world. How? by having a divine nature!
2 Peter 1:4...ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that's in the world
Bloggers...I do not write these words with pride or out of demand to do something. I just know that Christ who washed us with His blood and gave us His Holy Spirit gave us HIs keeping power. Yes, He has power to keep us and preserve us. He has power to give us an every minute, every hour, everyday victory to be the men and women that He wants us to be. There is no shame living a life totally dependant on a Christ who not only forgives but gives the holy heart, the new nature, and a righteousness by Grace. All this so you can have..."constant victory".
You see my brothers and sisters in the the Grace covenant we don't "seek" righteousness. We've got it! Righteousness is given in the new birth. Righteousness is "found" by the believer. Righteousness is experienced! Righteousness is not progressive! Righteouness is lived out with constant victory over sin. A Christian life don't have to waver back and forth from righteousness to unrighteousness. Wavering is not a good thing. The Bible doesn't teach us to waver. The Bible does teach us to be steadfast.
James 1:6-8...But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Heb 10:23...Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
Just a little tid bit of encouragement...not telling people what to do but telling people who Christ is! What Christ gives is the power for us to be the men and women He wants us to be. Our obligation is to live with a constant recognition to the holy presence of a living Christ. Christ from the Throneroom gives us constant accountability and victory over sin. He gives us what's needed to live up to His standard of holiness and right living. Actually the Bible says He makes us "more than" conquerors. Be single minded...keep your eyes on Him! You don't have to sin.
Rom 8:37...in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
God doesn't want you to be bound with sin. God doesn't want you to struggle with sin. Be free from because you know you've been freed by the power of God! Be happy because your life in holiness has delivered you from the guilt of sin! Be contented with a life of obedience to God with consciousness to His presence. Try it for one week, one month, one year! Glory! You're single minded! Christ made you that way! You can have and live your life with a constant victory over sin! Thanks be to Christ He'll show you "real life" through a different set of eyes.