Friday, March 12, 2010

Why does the Bible make such a contrast between the "frailty of man in relation to the greatness of God?"

Human frailty! Moral depravity! Fallen man... out of harmony with God! Why does the Bible teach such doctrine?

To show man what he really is. To show man his need for a Saviour. To show that a man has inability to reach a place of right standing in the eyes of God...without Christ!

Only God's Grace can deliver fallen man from human frailty and moral depravity! Only God's Grace can cleanse man from sin and sinful conduct! Human frailty taught from the Bible helps man to recognize he is fallen and shows man his need for Christ! When man realizes he is fallen and under the control of a carnal nature...the only place he can turn for help is to an Almighty God...who is Christ! Who became a man, was badly beaten and scourged in a Roman dungeon, bled and died in a cruel death at Calvary, and is now resurrected and exalted to Heaven!

Yes, my brothers and sisters Christ can deliver fallen man from sin and sinful conduct. Christ can give you, the believer victory over sin every day of your life. When you're wrapped up in Christ rather than wrapped up in human've got something powerful! You've got deliverance brother! You've got Grace tha morally changes fallen man! You've got the power of God in your life that gets you away from human frailty! Glory! That's what we taught last night at the Upper Room.

To God be the Glory through the power of a resurrected Christ! I teach it because I believe it! I teach it because I live it! He changed me and I know He can change you too! Glory!

The following link labeled "FALLEN MAN" shows (5) previous Blogs that related to similar topic's about the frailty of man. There are "ton's of Scripture in the following Blog's". May the Lord bless your studies and your personal walk with Him...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday highlights!

I'm glad Brother Hubert Lindsey left behind his beautiful stance for holiness to follow in 2010. Brother Lindsey, his radio broadcast, his hundred's of recorded teaching audio's, his personal ministry, and his text books (The Kingdom Series) were truely the frontrunner and basis for this Blog for Christ! It's working for Christ right now as you read!

The Churches on Trial...Blog now has a "new" archive section (below left) that allows you to review titles from "Old Blogs" for further study and research! Alot goes into this Blog for the cause of Christ! Brother Lindsey left that does this preacher!

Our intent is to help people to base their faith on Bible Truth! We desire to help people to recognize (everyday, every minute) the presence of Christ in their a perverse and evil world that surrounds us. What a testimony for Christ! Holiness and victory in 2010! Glory!

Brother Lindsey set a standard for teaching the true Gospel, rightly dividing the scriptures between Law and Grace, living holy, and showing the necessity of understanding the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire.

With all my heart I give my carry on what Brother Lindsey left behind! Don't forget the Blog Archives section (bottom left of homepage) for the NEW REVISED AND UPDATED TTTLED SECTION OF THIS BLOG!

I'm thankful for the Upper Room! Service tonight at 7:00PM! It's a New Testament Church! Ordained by God for the cause of Christ! We know Christ changes man morally! Christ delivers men from sin! Christ meets every need of our lives! How beautiful it is to go the Upper Room to learn the Bible and get stirred in the Spirit to recognize the presence of Christ in everyday living.

With Love,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jesus told the Pharisee's that by their traditions...they made the Word of God of none effect...Do you see this today?

Man's fallen nature caused Israel to "add their own interpretation" to the Law of God which was the Torah. By adding the Rabbi's interpretation...traditional views and human opinions began to "take away" from the truth and authority of God's effectual Word. The truth and authority of God's Word is what "effects the human soul and gives us a basis for our faith". Tradition or human ideals are not the ways of God, nor do they effectually work within the human soul. Traditions and opinions "add too" God's Word and thus water it down to a place where it has no "effect" on the heart of man. Religious tradition and human opinion is a violation against the truth and authority of God's Word.

Matt 15:1-8...Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, Why do thy disciples "transgress the tradition of the elders?" for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also "transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have "ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition." Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Today there are modern doctrines and teachings that still make the Word of God of none effect in 2010. These doctrines and teachings have a form of godliness but they "deny the power!" The Word of God should have power and effect! The Word of of God teaches the authority behind man's righteousness and holiness is Christ. Without the truth of the Word of God we have no standard to live by. Christ is the central theme of the Bible's great truth! Man's natural standard and natural inclination is not one of victory but defeat! Victory comes from the work of Christ in the human soul. Defeat comes from human works which are stench in the nostrils of God! The Word of God teaches man to have a holy character from Christ, not an unholy character from the works of human conduct. I'm so glad we have the truth of God's Word to live by in 2010! The traditional and religious ways of the modern Church say we are defeated..but the Word of God in the New Testament records teaches we can have victory over sin, victory over the flesh, victory over the Devil, and victory over every problem in our lives! Christians can have this victory...the Bible says so! Yes, God's Word says so. Tradition can not give us victory. Man's ideals can not give us victory...but the truth of God's says "all Christian's should have this victory". See the harm that religion and tradition has caused even at this present hour? Come on?

I'm so glad we have the Bible as the basis of our faith. I'm so glad we have a resurrected Christ ruling and reigning in our hearts and lives! I appreciate the truth and authority behind God's Word. The Word has an effect in my life and my ministry for Christ. I love teaching the Word! I love reaping the Word's dividends from the fruit in your lives. Christ made a way. The Holy Spirit is our teacher. May this ministry and Blog go out with power and authority that comes from the Truth of God's Word. May it change your heart and life for the glory of Christ! I'm thankful it has my own. The Word teaches victory and truth. No matter what the opinions of men are. No matter what tradition says. In this ministry for Christ...the Word of God still has an effect! Glory! I love this Blog. I love you the reader! Trust and Obey!