Two of the greatest problems known in the religious world today are the (unsaved) man's struggles to try to obtain the saving Grace of God and; the believer's (the saved man's) struggles to keep the saving Grace of God at work throughout his entire Christian walk. Both of these struggles ring to the tune of the works of man rather than the works of God's Divine Grace in the heart of a believer! The Bible calls these human works, dead works. Human works take away from the work of God's Divine Grace! Human works "add too" the work of God's of Divine Grace! God doesn't need your works! That's why Christ suffered and died for you and I personally!
The Bible doesn't teach that man works to obtain anything from God for salvation or holiness! As a matter of fact, human works used to obtain Salvation or some other blessing from God are stench to the nostrils of God! Human works in relation to Salvation, holiness, and righteousness...are dead works! The Bible says so! All of man's "works" (human effort, human achievements, and human advancements toward a closer walk with God) cause men to look to themselves or to look to their own abilities or talents. This causes men to miss or overlook, God's Divine Grace that instantaneously changes the human being! This type of living in the name of Christ is contrary to what's taught in the Bible. You may ask, "Can you clarify that?" Yes I can. Here's how.
When man "tries" to work his way into Salvation or righteousness gradually, he trusts in his own ability rather than the ability of God's Grace which is a free gift that effectively flows from Calvary. This free gift of righteousness by Grace changes the believer in Christ, morally (in the present tense). If man tries to gradually "quit" sinful conduct, or to gradually "steer away" from the use of alcohol, sensuality, or dirty living... man hinders his faith and trust in the redemptive work of Christ at Calvary from having effective changes upon the moral character and being.
Doctrines that lean to the humanistic approach (rather than the Divine Grace approach) causes man to look to himself or to his own will power to overcome sinful conduct, addictions, and disobedience to God. This kind of mindset by passes the God-given righteousness that comes from Christ in this present Grace Age! This kind of mindset indicates the human will is not broken by the Spirit of God that flows from Calvary! The will of man is controlled by man himself and doesn't depend on God's Grace completely! Human ability sometimes causes man to "fall short of the glory of God's Saving Grace".
When the will of man is broken by a living Christ, the will of God can take over and govern the believer's actions and being through every condition in life. This believer will not come short of the glory of God anymore... because this believer has the power and effectiveness of Christ... that flows from Calvary! Now! Today! He's alive! That effectiveness is not personal forgiveness only. That effectiveness is also a God-given righteousness that morally changes man's character and being. God-given righteousness is the believers power to do right because man is unable to do right without power from above! It's the Christ given power of God's Grace "imputed" to a believer in Christ that provides a means for the believer to overcome "wrong-doing".
Rom 3:23-26...For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believer in Jesus
Notice Paul says, "All men have sinned". "Have sinned" is a past tense statement about men before they find Christ. All men "were sinners" and "all men have sinned" but Paul is looking back to a man before he finds the power and effectiveness of Christ (in the present tense of a believer). Before the believer touches or experience's the "gift of God's Grace", he is a sinful man! After the believer trusts in Christ's suffering and death for personal remission of sins God does something to this man's character and being. God not only " pardons and forgives this man" but He also declares this man righteous. How? He frees the conscience of a sinful man from the guilt of sin. Because of man's faith and trust in Christ at Calvary the cleansing power of God's Grace effectually does something in that man's heart and life. That beleiver becomes a new creation or conversion made by Christ.
Yes, my brother, God not only forgives you when you believe... He also "imputes" righteousness into that believing heart and soul to be the man or woman you should be in Christ! Imputed righteousness is a gift given to the heart of a believer from God!
Rom 4:22-24...therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
Get this clear into your thinking...the gift of righteousness that's given to the child of God should not "come and go at will!" When you're awakened to righteousness that is given to your heart by Christ.. you don't desire to sin! The Bible says so! This righteousness I speak of is given from the Christian are to live it out! God's Righteousness permits God's peace to comfort your conscience. God's Righteousness is the power to do right and to live right in the eyes of God every day of your existence. The Bible teaches that this gift of righteousness "reigns" in the life of the believer. This means righteousness "rules" the life of a believer in Christ, "Not wrong doing, not disobedience, and not sinful conduct!"
Rom 5:17...For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.
The human intellect, the human inclination, and human reasoning may indicate something different than God's Word or God's Spirit! These human characteristics are not the truth of God's Word! God's Word is the basis of Christian faith...not man's human inclinations! The Word of God is the only true basis for light we have today. Christ makes us holy and right and keeps us that way if our faithfulness lies in Him! If you don't trust the holiness and purity of God's Word, and God's Spirit, "What are you trusting?' The human inclination to do wrong does not come from God! Man's ways are not God's ways. Don't let the human intellect have its way in your life if you're a child of God! God's righteousness will never allow you to "justify or excuse sin!" Human intellect will!
Remember Christ was "made" sin for you and I could become the righteousness of God... because of what he did for us personally! God-given righteousness has nothing to do with what you do meaning your works! Christ suffered and died for you and I we could could be made the righteousness of God. Glory!
2 Cor 5:21...For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Should we live a righteous life everyday between now and eternity? The answer is the Grace of God! Glory! How?
Rom 5:20-21...But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Notice how "Grace abounds through our righteousness" in the New Testament after Calvary...Glory!
A christian blog that stemmed from a radio talk show of Biblical questions and answers...addressed by Brother Hubert Lindsey
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Before Holy Hubert died (a lesson on marriage)...from Britthaven nursing Home
A dear Brother of mine by the name of Joel Lunsford visited Brother Lindsey in Raliegh, N.C. before Brother Lindsey passed. The fellowship and communion in the Spirit was told to this writer to be... beautiful and God inspired.
Joel's visit with Brother Lindsey was accompanied with his wife to be, Joanne who shares the beauties of marriage at this present hour with Brother Joel! Holy Hubert Lindsey always held a special place in his heart for all women. He loved his wife Phoebe more than anything on this planet! Joel informed me that Brother Lindsey "lit up" when his soon to be wife held hands and conversed with Brother Lindsey.
Before the nice visit ended Joel asked Brother Lindsey for some good Christian advice pertaining to a soon to be,"marriage" with Joanne. Holy Hubert stated boldly from his bedridden condition with a pure heart full of love, " Tell your wife that you love her everyday... and kiss her often!"
Many years later (today!) Joel and I analyzed that prophetic statement given by Brother Lindsey from Britthaven nursing home! How beautifully it has been remembered and cherished! How true that statement is! How Biblical that God given statement is in the beauties of God's Grace Covenant we live in today!
Here's Why!
Eph 5:25-27...Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Loving your wife like Christ loved the Church is only a blessing of the Great Grace Covenant we "now" have in the Church, the body of Christ! This love we Christians have for our wives is a treasure that has never been before... in the history of humanity. Even Jewish Law permitted man to divorce...but not Christianity! Why? The Christian marriage is based on husband's loving their wives like Christ loved the Church! The husband's love for the wife, is a treasure close to the love we have for God Almighty. Husband's (in the scope of love) give your "all" to your wives. Let your wives know that you love them daily! Kiss them often!
This writer thankfully treasures Brother Lindsey's sound Christian advice for the sanctity of marriage. I also appreciate joel sharing this with me just an hour ago. I respect Brother Lindsey's Apostleship and carry on that ministry today bringing honor to Christ! I also honor the truth of God's Word and the fellowship I have with my Brothers! Glory to the Christ that makes husbands the men they ought to be! By the way God "restored" this writers marriage! It's a miracle in itself! This writer thanks God for his restored marriage every day of his Christian life. I also tell my wife I love her! I need to kiss her more often. I'm glad Joel brought this to my attention today! Glory!
God Bless you all! Thank you for coming to the Churches on Trial where we stand for truth and holy living. May the Lord bless all your marriages!
Joel's visit with Brother Lindsey was accompanied with his wife to be, Joanne who shares the beauties of marriage at this present hour with Brother Joel! Holy Hubert Lindsey always held a special place in his heart for all women. He loved his wife Phoebe more than anything on this planet! Joel informed me that Brother Lindsey "lit up" when his soon to be wife held hands and conversed with Brother Lindsey.
Before the nice visit ended Joel asked Brother Lindsey for some good Christian advice pertaining to a soon to be,"marriage" with Joanne. Holy Hubert stated boldly from his bedridden condition with a pure heart full of love, " Tell your wife that you love her everyday... and kiss her often!"
Many years later (today!) Joel and I analyzed that prophetic statement given by Brother Lindsey from Britthaven nursing home! How beautifully it has been remembered and cherished! How true that statement is! How Biblical that God given statement is in the beauties of God's Grace Covenant we live in today!
Here's Why!
Eph 5:25-27...Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Loving your wife like Christ loved the Church is only a blessing of the Great Grace Covenant we "now" have in the Church, the body of Christ! This love we Christians have for our wives is a treasure that has never been before... in the history of humanity. Even Jewish Law permitted man to divorce...but not Christianity! Why? The Christian marriage is based on husband's loving their wives like Christ loved the Church! The husband's love for the wife, is a treasure close to the love we have for God Almighty. Husband's (in the scope of love) give your "all" to your wives. Let your wives know that you love them daily! Kiss them often!
This writer thankfully treasures Brother Lindsey's sound Christian advice for the sanctity of marriage. I also appreciate joel sharing this with me just an hour ago. I respect Brother Lindsey's Apostleship and carry on that ministry today bringing honor to Christ! I also honor the truth of God's Word and the fellowship I have with my Brothers! Glory to the Christ that makes husbands the men they ought to be! By the way God "restored" this writers marriage! It's a miracle in itself! This writer thanks God for his restored marriage every day of his Christian life. I also tell my wife I love her! I need to kiss her more often. I'm glad Joel brought this to my attention today! Glory!
God Bless you all! Thank you for coming to the Churches on Trial where we stand for truth and holy living. May the Lord bless all your marriages!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Christian obedience...can Christian's "always" obey God?
Yes! here's why...
Obedience is the outflow (effectiveness) of Calvary in the heart and life of a believer. This effectiveness is not something that just happened for all men 2010 years ago that should be taken for granted! Nor is this effectiveness something that covers all believers in their future life until they die. The effectiveness of Calvary is a "present tense" effectiveness that produces holiness of character and obedience in the conduct of a believer in Christ. The moral character of a believer in Christ is changed by the outflow of Calvary within that human soul. Obedience is produced in the heart of a the Grace of God! Obedience is shown in the believers life and conduct toward God. That's why Christians can be in right standing with God every day of their this present world. No matter what conditions in life they face or experience. Notice the language of the Epistles...
Col present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:
Col 1:10... That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work
Heb 13:21...Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ
Unreprovable in his sight. Doing everything pleasing in the sight of God. Yes, Christians can be "full time" obedient to God. How? Christ forms within the character and makeup of believer in Christ. Christ morally changes human behavior and the human character. Notice what Paul professed in the following verse.
1 Thess 2:10...Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:
Notice the behavior and conduct of this believer! Notice the example! Obedience... that Paul speaks of in the New Testament writings is the product of the Grace of God that all men need! Paul knew this. Paul taught this! I teach it too! This life changing Grace I speak of can only be found in the person of Christ! Sinful men no matter how talented they are, or how able they are, cannot achieve or advance toward this obedience of character I write about in this Blog. No matter what... man is not able to morally change himself enough to do things pleasing in the eyes of God. What I mean is the unbelieving soul is without the power of Christ that morally changes their hearts and lives! The present tense effectiveness of Calvary is what I'm conveying and writing about! Man has to be changed by the Divine Grace of God that flows from the effectiveness of Calvary. This effectiveness likewise doesn't cease at Calvary... it also flows from the living Christ in the Throneroom. Glory! God given righteousness is also the very gift of Christ I speak of within this effectiveness. Notice the abundance of Grace mentioned in the following verse...
Rom 5:17...much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ
God given righteousness enables the believer in Christ to be obedient to God because that conscience is freed from the guilt of sin. The soul of the believer in Christ has been pardoned from guilt caused from the sins of the past life. The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation offers power to free man from "guilt" and "condemnation" caused from sin's vast separation from the bliss of Eternity in Heaven. This freedom I speak of... (from the guilt of sin in the human conscience) is only granted to the believer in Christ...through the present tense effectiveness of the outflow of Calvary! You ask, "Why", "why"?" Here's why!
Christ was innocent and without guilt in an unbelieving world! Christ suffered, and was badly beaten, and then crucified for the sins of humanity! Christ was tried 4 times by the Jews and the Romans. They broke their own civil and moral Laws to make Christ guilty enough to be punished in a horrible death by crucifixion...but remember, Christ was innocent! As an innocent man...Christ's death on the Cross and His suffering in a Roman dungeon was the Judgment of God Almighty! Yes, it pleased God Almighty to bruise His Son. Yes, in innocence Jesus was badly beaten and scourged! Yes, in innocence Jesus bore in His body (the punishment) for the sins of humanity! Yes, Calvary was the Judgment of God Almighty! Why Judgment? Why," My God my God why hast thou forsaken me?" Here's a small glimpse of that Divine Judgment!
"So you and I could be made the righteousness of God in Christ!"
2 Cor 5:21...For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
"The effectiveness from the great truth of Calvary; and the effectiveness of this great blessing that flows from Calvary is,"your obedience and "your morally changed heart and life". Obedience to God Almighty is your responsibility and obligation to a believer! I speak of full time obedience to God." Unbeliever's can't obey God because they don't have the power of Calvary in their hearts that follows the forgiveness of their sins and their renunciation of sinful conduct. Unbeliever's can't do right in the eyes of God because they don't have the "gift of righteousness" which is the believer's power to do right! The Apostle Paul commended the Philippian Church... because they always obeyed.
Phil 2:12... Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence
Simply put, "Christians can always obey God Almighty". Salvation of the soul gives the believer what's necessary to "always obey!" How can Christians always obey? Here's how! Christian's have the power to do right! Christian's have a Divine Nature! Christian's can walk with victory over sin every day of their lives! Christians obey the authority of Christ's Holy and Righteous presence in their lives. Christians are subject to Christ the head of the Church!
Why do I say this? Why do I teach such truth? God's Word teaches this doctrine. God's Word says so! God's word is the basis of this writer's faith! It is written! It is proven! It's not the opinions of men! It's what the doctrine of the New Testament teaches! What are you going to do with it? It's God's Word and it's His opinion!
Obedience is the outflow (effectiveness) of Calvary in the heart and life of a believer. This effectiveness is not something that just happened for all men 2010 years ago that should be taken for granted! Nor is this effectiveness something that covers all believers in their future life until they die. The effectiveness of Calvary is a "present tense" effectiveness that produces holiness of character and obedience in the conduct of a believer in Christ. The moral character of a believer in Christ is changed by the outflow of Calvary within that human soul. Obedience is produced in the heart of a the Grace of God! Obedience is shown in the believers life and conduct toward God. That's why Christians can be in right standing with God every day of their this present world. No matter what conditions in life they face or experience. Notice the language of the Epistles...
Col present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:
Col 1:10... That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work
Heb 13:21...Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ
Unreprovable in his sight. Doing everything pleasing in the sight of God. Yes, Christians can be "full time" obedient to God. How? Christ forms within the character and makeup of believer in Christ. Christ morally changes human behavior and the human character. Notice what Paul professed in the following verse.
1 Thess 2:10...Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:
Notice the behavior and conduct of this believer! Notice the example! Obedience... that Paul speaks of in the New Testament writings is the product of the Grace of God that all men need! Paul knew this. Paul taught this! I teach it too! This life changing Grace I speak of can only be found in the person of Christ! Sinful men no matter how talented they are, or how able they are, cannot achieve or advance toward this obedience of character I write about in this Blog. No matter what... man is not able to morally change himself enough to do things pleasing in the eyes of God. What I mean is the unbelieving soul is without the power of Christ that morally changes their hearts and lives! The present tense effectiveness of Calvary is what I'm conveying and writing about! Man has to be changed by the Divine Grace of God that flows from the effectiveness of Calvary. This effectiveness likewise doesn't cease at Calvary... it also flows from the living Christ in the Throneroom. Glory! God given righteousness is also the very gift of Christ I speak of within this effectiveness. Notice the abundance of Grace mentioned in the following verse...
Rom 5:17...much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ
God given righteousness enables the believer in Christ to be obedient to God because that conscience is freed from the guilt of sin. The soul of the believer in Christ has been pardoned from guilt caused from the sins of the past life. The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation offers power to free man from "guilt" and "condemnation" caused from sin's vast separation from the bliss of Eternity in Heaven. This freedom I speak of... (from the guilt of sin in the human conscience) is only granted to the believer in Christ...through the present tense effectiveness of the outflow of Calvary! You ask, "Why", "why"?" Here's why!
Christ was innocent and without guilt in an unbelieving world! Christ suffered, and was badly beaten, and then crucified for the sins of humanity! Christ was tried 4 times by the Jews and the Romans. They broke their own civil and moral Laws to make Christ guilty enough to be punished in a horrible death by crucifixion...but remember, Christ was innocent! As an innocent man...Christ's death on the Cross and His suffering in a Roman dungeon was the Judgment of God Almighty! Yes, it pleased God Almighty to bruise His Son. Yes, in innocence Jesus was badly beaten and scourged! Yes, in innocence Jesus bore in His body (the punishment) for the sins of humanity! Yes, Calvary was the Judgment of God Almighty! Why Judgment? Why," My God my God why hast thou forsaken me?" Here's a small glimpse of that Divine Judgment!
"So you and I could be made the righteousness of God in Christ!"
2 Cor 5:21...For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
"The effectiveness from the great truth of Calvary; and the effectiveness of this great blessing that flows from Calvary is,"your obedience and "your morally changed heart and life". Obedience to God Almighty is your responsibility and obligation to a believer! I speak of full time obedience to God." Unbeliever's can't obey God because they don't have the power of Calvary in their hearts that follows the forgiveness of their sins and their renunciation of sinful conduct. Unbeliever's can't do right in the eyes of God because they don't have the "gift of righteousness" which is the believer's power to do right! The Apostle Paul commended the Philippian Church... because they always obeyed.
Phil 2:12... Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence
Simply put, "Christians can always obey God Almighty". Salvation of the soul gives the believer what's necessary to "always obey!" How can Christians always obey? Here's how! Christian's have the power to do right! Christian's have a Divine Nature! Christian's can walk with victory over sin every day of their lives! Christians obey the authority of Christ's Holy and Righteous presence in their lives. Christians are subject to Christ the head of the Church!
Why do I say this? Why do I teach such truth? God's Word teaches this doctrine. God's Word says so! God's word is the basis of this writer's faith! It is written! It is proven! It's not the opinions of men! It's what the doctrine of the New Testament teaches! What are you going to do with it? It's God's Word and it's His opinion!
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