The following links are on the subject of "Biblical Justification". They reveal the power of God's Divine Grace. They were condensed and placed in a systematic order for future learning purpose. These writings and audios are published on this Internet Library to teach and fortify the truth behind God's Word. May they richly bless your lives and your future study of God's Word of Truth.
1. Justification by faith (God's spoken pardon)
2. Justification by Grace (A sinner's pardon from God)
3. Justification (a believer's path to Sanctification)
4. The Adamic Nature in Justification
5. Justification, Regeneration, and the Witness of the Spirit
A christian blog that stemmed from a radio talk show of Biblical questions and answers...addressed by Brother Hubert Lindsey
Friday, January 18, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
The Adamic Nature...defined in a systematic theology and Internet library
God has opened doors the past 3 years for the subject the Adamic Nature to be taught in contrast to Christ, the supplier of our Salvation and Sanctification in the New Testament.
The simplified system of theology (below, taken from previous expositions) consists of links to the various aspects of the Adamic Nature; how the Adamic Nature effects man: how to get rid of the Adamic Nature; and renewal after the Adamic Nature is removed by the Grace of God. May this simplified systematic study on the Adamic Nature be a blessing to your life in Christ.
The simplified system of theology (below, taken from previous expositions) consists of links to the various aspects of the Adamic Nature; how the Adamic Nature effects man: how to get rid of the Adamic Nature; and renewal after the Adamic Nature is removed by the Grace of God. May this simplified systematic study on the Adamic Nature be a blessing to your life in Christ.
- What is the Adamic Nature?
- The human will: tainted with an Adamic Nature
- Where does the Bible say man has a free will?
- The will of man: Free or controlled?
- A man ruled by I, me, and mine
- The Devil's prison house...the Adamic Life
- The way of Cain, the son of Adam
- The distinction between the acts of sin and inherited sin
- The Adamic Nature in Justification
- The Adamic Nature in Sanctification
- You don't have to let the Adamic Nature get the best of you
- The Adamic Nature and how to get rid of it
- God's method of getting rid of the (still existing) Old Adam
- Death to self: the object of the believer in Christ
- Human objective from the Biblical perspective
- What does it mean to, "put off the Old Man?"
- The Promise of my Father (pt. 1)
- The Promise of my Father (pt. 2)
- The purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire
- Complete freedom from the Adamic Nature
- Renewal takes place "after" man is sanctified
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Complete freedom from the Adamic Nature
It has been my privilege to research and write about the Adamic Nature and it's relation to the human soul for over 25 years. During these years I have written a series of documents on the subject of the Adamic Nature. These were developed and found to be placed into a sequential order on the Internet. God has opened doors for these writings to be published and scattered around the Globe. Through life's Spirit led endeavor to preach Christ and share Bible Truth, God has allowed me to develop a System of Theology and Internet library...for you the reader. This Theological Library is found easy and free on Google and the Internet by searching for the Adamic Nature . Enjoy this latest exposition on the subject of, "Freedom from the Adamic Nature."
The subject of the Adamic Nature is as subject that many people lack full understanding about. Some students fail to realize the Divine Nature is greater than the Adamic nature. Some say you always have to live with the Adamic Nature regardless of the Divine Nature received in the new birth. Some feel you have to live under sin's rule your whole life as a child of God. From the pulpits across our nation today, countless hearers are being told that the Adamic Nature is greater than God's Grace. This concept is "NOT" Biblically correct. The Bible states, "Greater is Christ and His God-given nature to the new born Christian!" The intent of this writing is to convey what God says about the matter. Not man!
God's holiness is greater than any man's unholiness. In the Grace Covenant we now live under God's Holiness is given to the believing heart and found within the make-up of child of God. Sinners are called to holiness by the preaching of the Gospel message. In the conversion of a sinner when old things pass away "all" things become new. "New things" include the Divine nature given to man which is created by God in the new birth. The new birth is a birth of the new God-given nature of righteousness and holiness. The Divine Nature is granted to fallen man as a result of the broken will that comes through belief and trust in a Savior for personal forgiveness. When the will of fallen man is broken by the Spirit of God the believer (for the first time in his life) has power over the dominion of sin; the lusts of the flesh; and wrongful living. The make-up of a child of God thus is made, "holy".
The Biblical fact of the matter is, "God gives the penitent sinner (which is a believer in Christ) power the do right or what the Bible terms as righteousness. The blessing of God's imputed righteousness flows from the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ... into the believing heart" of the penitent. Grace comes into the believing heart. Holiness comes into the believing heart. Righteousness comes in, and the Divine nature comes in. A new creature in Christ is birthed from above. The old will of fallen man was broken. The clean heart from Christ was given. A desire to quit sin was given to the believing heart. A clean conscience came when all guilt from past sins was removed. Grace thus abounds in righteousness and holiness. No condemnation in Christ. Greater is He that is "now" in you. The make-up of a child of God becomes clean and holy...with God-given power to do right.
What does this mean concerning the Adamic Nature? Does the Adamic Nature still exist? If the Divine Nature is greater what about the Adamic Nature? The Adamic Nature still exists...but doesn't rule. The Divine Nature rules and God's Grace is greater than the Adamic. This is Bible Truth. Where sin abounds Grace does much more abound. The problem lies in what people are being told and being taught about the Old Adam. People are taught the Adamic Nature will always get the best of you. People are taught they will always have to live with this condition. People are misled into believing such falsities. These human opinions and traditional teachings have caused men to fail God, and fall from God by the thousands maybe millions.
The Bible teaches about the Adamic Nature and how to have freedom from its rule and dominion. The New Man is greater than the Old Man. Christian's live the new way (which is holy), not the old way of unholiness. Rebellion against God ceases when you get to Calvary and find forgiveness. Then, and only then can the Spirit of God can show the believing heart how to get rid of the still existing Adamic Nature. The new birth is a new creature with a new way of life. The Adamic Nature only "tries" to rule the new creation in Christ. The Adamic Nature does not rule. There will be memories of the old life but the new life prevails. There will be temptations relating to things you used to do but now you know better. There are old associations but God has shown you how to stay clear of such. This is the truth behind God's opinion and not man's opinion.
The Holy Spirit convicts the sinner and breaks the fallen will enough for fallen man to believe. After conversion the Holy Spirit shows this believing heart how to get away from the Adamic Nature that still tries to rule the life. This is where the power of God comes back into play. The power behind God's Spirit of Holiness shows man "death to self". Self being the place of entry to conflict with the Divine Nature. Self being the weak link into the make-up of the believing heart. Self being the object of God's sanctifying power in the life of a believer. The will of a saved man must now be "crushed" or "destroyed" completely. The Adamic Nature has to be dealt with by the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This baptism which comes after the new birth is God's method of freedom and deliverance from the still existing Adamic Nature.
God gives forgiveness to the sinner but He also gives freedom from the Adamic Nature to the saved man. Yes, you can have complete deliverance from the Old Adam in the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. In this blessing of sanctification from the Old Adam you don't only have a broken will, you now have a will completely "crushed" by the power of the Holy Spirit. The human will and self is taken out of the picture. The white flag of surrender goes up. The old man is crucified. The old man is buried. The old man is put to death. I give up Lord, I'm yours completely. Thank You Jesus.
Freedom from the Adamic Nature is Bible Truth based on leaving Romans 7 and getting into Romans 8. Freedom is not just the broken will but the will is completely crushed! Like being Issac instead of Ishmael. Like coming out of the wilderness and having a Mt. Zion experience. Glory! The Old Adam can be put to death completely. The body of sin can be destroyed. God said so! You can be freed by Grace. Freed from the Old Adam. Delivered from the body of sin that wasn't dealt with when you got saved. Not forgiven...but delivered. No more inner conflict. Surrendered completely. The flesh is crucified Dead to the old you. The Adamic nature cannot be confessed. The Adamic Nature must be destroyed by God. When God destroys the Adamic Nature you will be "free".
Romans 6:6...Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin.
The subject of the Adamic Nature is as subject that many people lack full understanding about. Some students fail to realize the Divine Nature is greater than the Adamic nature. Some say you always have to live with the Adamic Nature regardless of the Divine Nature received in the new birth. Some feel you have to live under sin's rule your whole life as a child of God. From the pulpits across our nation today, countless hearers are being told that the Adamic Nature is greater than God's Grace. This concept is "NOT" Biblically correct. The Bible states, "Greater is Christ and His God-given nature to the new born Christian!" The intent of this writing is to convey what God says about the matter. Not man!
God's holiness is greater than any man's unholiness. In the Grace Covenant we now live under God's Holiness is given to the believing heart and found within the make-up of child of God. Sinners are called to holiness by the preaching of the Gospel message. In the conversion of a sinner when old things pass away "all" things become new. "New things" include the Divine nature given to man which is created by God in the new birth. The new birth is a birth of the new God-given nature of righteousness and holiness. The Divine Nature is granted to fallen man as a result of the broken will that comes through belief and trust in a Savior for personal forgiveness. When the will of fallen man is broken by the Spirit of God the believer (for the first time in his life) has power over the dominion of sin; the lusts of the flesh; and wrongful living. The make-up of a child of God thus is made, "holy".
The Biblical fact of the matter is, "God gives the penitent sinner (which is a believer in Christ) power the do right or what the Bible terms as righteousness. The blessing of God's imputed righteousness flows from the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ... into the believing heart" of the penitent. Grace comes into the believing heart. Holiness comes into the believing heart. Righteousness comes in, and the Divine nature comes in. A new creature in Christ is birthed from above. The old will of fallen man was broken. The clean heart from Christ was given. A desire to quit sin was given to the believing heart. A clean conscience came when all guilt from past sins was removed. Grace thus abounds in righteousness and holiness. No condemnation in Christ. Greater is He that is "now" in you. The make-up of a child of God becomes clean and holy...with God-given power to do right.
What does this mean concerning the Adamic Nature? Does the Adamic Nature still exist? If the Divine Nature is greater what about the Adamic Nature? The Adamic Nature still exists...but doesn't rule. The Divine Nature rules and God's Grace is greater than the Adamic. This is Bible Truth. Where sin abounds Grace does much more abound. The problem lies in what people are being told and being taught about the Old Adam. People are taught the Adamic Nature will always get the best of you. People are taught they will always have to live with this condition. People are misled into believing such falsities. These human opinions and traditional teachings have caused men to fail God, and fall from God by the thousands maybe millions.
The Bible teaches about the Adamic Nature and how to have freedom from its rule and dominion. The New Man is greater than the Old Man. Christian's live the new way (which is holy), not the old way of unholiness. Rebellion against God ceases when you get to Calvary and find forgiveness. Then, and only then can the Spirit of God can show the believing heart how to get rid of the still existing Adamic Nature. The new birth is a new creature with a new way of life. The Adamic Nature only "tries" to rule the new creation in Christ. The Adamic Nature does not rule. There will be memories of the old life but the new life prevails. There will be temptations relating to things you used to do but now you know better. There are old associations but God has shown you how to stay clear of such. This is the truth behind God's opinion and not man's opinion.
The Holy Spirit convicts the sinner and breaks the fallen will enough for fallen man to believe. After conversion the Holy Spirit shows this believing heart how to get away from the Adamic Nature that still tries to rule the life. This is where the power of God comes back into play. The power behind God's Spirit of Holiness shows man "death to self". Self being the place of entry to conflict with the Divine Nature. Self being the weak link into the make-up of the believing heart. Self being the object of God's sanctifying power in the life of a believer. The will of a saved man must now be "crushed" or "destroyed" completely. The Adamic Nature has to be dealt with by the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This baptism which comes after the new birth is God's method of freedom and deliverance from the still existing Adamic Nature.
God gives forgiveness to the sinner but He also gives freedom from the Adamic Nature to the saved man. Yes, you can have complete deliverance from the Old Adam in the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. In this blessing of sanctification from the Old Adam you don't only have a broken will, you now have a will completely "crushed" by the power of the Holy Spirit. The human will and self is taken out of the picture. The white flag of surrender goes up. The old man is crucified. The old man is buried. The old man is put to death. I give up Lord, I'm yours completely. Thank You Jesus.
Freedom from the Adamic Nature is Bible Truth based on leaving Romans 7 and getting into Romans 8. Freedom is not just the broken will but the will is completely crushed! Like being Issac instead of Ishmael. Like coming out of the wilderness and having a Mt. Zion experience. Glory! The Old Adam can be put to death completely. The body of sin can be destroyed. God said so! You can be freed by Grace. Freed from the Old Adam. Delivered from the body of sin that wasn't dealt with when you got saved. Not forgiven...but delivered. No more inner conflict. Surrendered completely. The flesh is crucified Dead to the old you. The Adamic nature cannot be confessed. The Adamic Nature must be destroyed by God. When God destroys the Adamic Nature you will be "free".
Romans 6:6...Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin.
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