Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Walk in Williamsburg...presented by the Upper Room

Every year my wife Paula does the Christmas light ritual in Williamsburg, Ohio at the Roehm residence. This year was a little different as we at the Upper Room put "Christ" into the picture...both literally and spirtually! The following audio/video was our contribution to the village of Williamsburg and now to the world as we publish this audio/video on the Internet. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless all of you richly this Holiday Season Christ truely, is the "only reason" for the Season.

Seasons Greetings from the Upper Room, The Churches on Trial, the Roehm family, Jimmie and Grace, and all of our dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ that worked with us on this blessed project!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy (unfolded)...Dr. Hubert T. Lindsey

This audio/video on Daniel's Seventy Week Prophecy is a great Bible exposition. It unfolds vast amounts of prophetic and historical truth. It includes many books of the Bible including John's Revelation of Christ. This audio/video was originally a service at the Church at Birmingham in Birmingham, Mi. made in 1987. For the first 7 minutes of the service Brother Lindsey brought forth an admonition for many members at that local body under the office of his Apostleship.

After the brief admonition Brother Lindsey brought forth one of the most profound teachings this writer has ever encountered in 22 years as a member/teacher within the the body of Christ. This audio like no other unfolds many Biblical mysteries and offers vast historical evidence that students of the Bible can build upon for a lifetime. May Brother Lindsey's exposition of Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy enlighten your understanding of the Holy Scriptures in light of Christ the Messiah... from the truth of the Old Testament records.

This writer hopes to bring forth much more in depth teaching on Daniel, Revelation, the Anti-Christ, the Great Tribulation (a Jewish Tribulation), the Abomination of Desolation, and much, much, more. Also don't forget to review the many other documents posted on this blog that coincide with this great teaching on Daniel's Seventy Weeks! Please remember... Brother Lindsey won many Rabbi's to Christ in his 72 years in the ministry. May the content of this audio bless you the listener (for many years to come) as much as it has this writer.

Glory to Christ!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Does the Holy Spirit have "full sway" of your heart and life?

What do I mean by "full sway"? The Holy Spirit can govern your thoughts and actions. Yes, every thought in your mind, your complete will, and all your actions. Yes, the Holy Spirit can possess your total being...body, soul, and spirit. Glory!

You might ask, "How can I get to this state preacher" ? First you have to be born of the Spirit and second you must "die completely" to the Devil's nature in your life. Indwelling sin must be dealt with in order for the the Holy Spirit to have full sway of your complete being. In order for God's Spirit to "destroy" the Devil's nature (Indwelling Sin) in your life..."death" to the Old Man must occur. Someone would ask, "How do I die to the Old Adam" ?

Here's how! In the new birth the Holy Spirit convicts and regenerates the the heart of man and gives him the power to do the eyes of God. The believer is made right by God. Now, God can minister truth to the heart of a believer! What is truth? The Spirit of Truth is revealed to the believer by the Spirit of God ...and thus shows this believer that he or she must get rid of the Devils nature that still tries to rule the heart and life. The Spirit of Truth wants to possess the believer completely. The Holy Spirit in light of Calvary reveals "death" to the Old man in the heart of a believer. The Holy Spirit wants to have full sway and wants to possess the believer's entire being.

The only way the Indwelling Spirit can possess the believer's entire being is for man to get out of the way. This includes selfish interests, selfish ambitions, personal plans, and personal things that interfere with the Holy Spirit's work of having full sway of the believer's entire being. Take note...the crucifixion of Christ "reveals" the crucifixion of self in the life of a believer. Death's crucifixion of self cannot occur until the believer "dies" completely to the old Adam. It's not the process of death to the old man that we look's the "actual experience" of death to the Old man. This allows God to operate! Glory!

What happens when a believer "dies completely" to self? The Indwelling Spirit takes over...The Indwelling Spirit has full sway, and the Devils nature is destroyed by the refining power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This is new Testament Truth! It was prophesied in the Old Testament! Glory!

Ezek 36:26-27...A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you,

Mal 3:3...And he shall sit as a refiner and purifer of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver