This ministry was ordained of God to tell the world the truth about Christ. We are not based on hype. We are not in it for the money, nor are we in it to gain popularity. The reality is, "Christ is real". He changes things and gives us a better life.
We do not argue. We do not debate. We do not teach fables. Our intent is to get people to Christ and to teach them God's Word.
The world is lost. So many distractions. Evil is rampant. The pressures of life are intense. The clean heart is the simplicity of Christ in your heart and mine. The Bible teaches that Christians have a clean heart. Christians are holy and right in the eyes of God. Christ is alive and His power is given to those who believe.
This is the plain and simple truth. Christ is the way; the truth; and the life. No room for argument or debate. God said so. It's final. To do the will of God your heart must be clean. Only Christ can clean the heart of man. Don't be overtaken with the opinions of men. Read it in your Bible.
Truth undermines elegant stories which come from enticing words of men's wisdom. Truth plows under human wisdom with demonstration of the Spirit and power. Truth is only built upon the Word of God. Truth is not open for debate. Truth is only argued by people who reject it or don't understand it's worth. Truth is raw...and simple enough for a child to understand. Truth needs to be stood for and taught more!
At the Churches on Trial we put Churches on Trial because we don't water down truth. We don't compromise, nor do we apologize for teaching truth. Sometimes the truth requires giving up what you have. Sometimes truth seems unusual but it brings comfort to the soul. Brother Lindsey paved the way teaching truth so that's why we publish his timeless messages on this Blog. The Christ Brother Lindsey preached changed Rick Roehms life too. That's why I give my time and life to this cause.
May it bless your life. Thanks for stopping by this Blog to study these things out to see if they be true. God knows your heart. We appreciate the fellowship. Enjoy the Churches on Trial, a blog started to magnify the cause of Christ in a present evil world. Make Christ your anchor and your joy. Appreciate you stopping by.
Rick Roehm
Author of the Churches on Trial, a blog dedicated to the ministry of Christ