Greater works and greater blessings are for the child of God or members of the body of Christ. These are "good men" made good by Christ. Reason? Because Christ went to the Father in His ascension. Greater blessings mean that a Christian can have a better life than David had. How is this so? When Jesus died, rose from the dead, and ascended to the Father...He sent His Holy Spirit to give the believer (members of His body) a better life. Men are made good as a result of moral change that flows from the Spirit of God. This operation from God is how God governs His members. He provides victory over sin which is something David "didn't have". A better blessing. A greater blessing. A goodness that is bestowed upon the human soul and human character. To be ordered by God is to be subject to His Holy presence...with realization of the change that flows from the shed blood of Christ for personal forgiveness. How blessed! How honored! How great is the power of the living Christ that makes men good in the eyes of God.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord...Psalms 37:23