Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Genesis of Healing...(audio) Hubert T. Lindsey

This audio is the first of a six tape series... on the subject of Divine Healing. The Genesis of healing teaches and emphasizes the power of how Christ "restores" man with holiness, happiness and health like Adam had before the Fall. After the Fall...Restoration from God was given in the days of Adam, Abel, Noah, and Abraham. The Operation of God is the theme of Genesis. Restoration is the result of God's Divine favor upon man.

Three common prophesies about Christ in Genesis are...Christ, the seed of a woman...Gen. 3:15, Christ, the seed of Abraham who would bless all the families on Earth in Gen. 12: 8, and Christ the peacemaker...Gen. 49:10.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

God is using this Blog to magnify Christ...

In just two short months the Lord has used this Blog for so many reach so many people...and by giving so much detail about Biblical Truth that's needed this day and hour. Brother Lindsey paved the way of perseverance and consistancy in his ministry for the cause of Christ. He left us an example of ministry... by his personal life; his personal testimonies; and his life teachings on preserved audio. He left us so much teaching that it may take a lifetime to publicize it (or just a portion of it) on the Internet...but its all good because his ministry still lives and spreads as he desired from his heart until he died. His Bible Truth still ministers in the Spirit today April 30, 2009. God has used this Blog to open doors to Brother Lindsey's lifetime of teaching and Theology...and example.

In just two short months in this fast paced society of immorality that's rampant, false Biblical teachings and concepts by the hundreds maybe thousands, in a world that says everything is ok in the eyes of God...the light of the Gospel still shines many dark places. The Truth is revealed in remote places to confound the wise and to raise up the base things in life. those are the one's this message reaches.

In just two short months I've publicized Brother Lindsey's teachings that touch on Eternal Security, Original Sin and Fallen man, Entire Sanctification, Water Baptism, Hell's Fire, Eternal Damnation and Divine Judgment, Holiness of heart and life, and just so much material that's benificial to the anyone's growth in the knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of these subjects may seem complex to you, others you may not understand, and some you may welcome with open heart and mind. It is my desire to continue pumping this material out there because Brother Lindsey also wanted it...and so does Christ.

There is much more to come! Many subjects to teach and clairify. I'm being led in the direction of Divine Healing as of today. I will most likely wrap up the subject of Water Baptism for a while and move on to other subjects that are needed in all of our lives. Brother Lindsey has an excellent 6 volume set of healing audios that I may post soon.

This writer treasures all of Brother Lindsey's teaching material as it has fortified my own knowledge and personal witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. I know this material will fortify others also. Brother Lindsey's teachings showed this writer how to rightly Divide the Holy Scriptures and build upon a foundation in the person of Christ. So much work! So much blessing!

May the Lord Bless your personal endeavors in the ministry... as we all grow together in the Grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:17-18...beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why the doctrine of “Entire Sanctification” was deviated from...and the doctrine of Water Baptism was accepted

The following will coincide with Brother Lindsey's teaching on Water Baptism and Entire Sanctification.

In order to understand why the doctrine of Entire Sanctification was deviated from after the early Church, the subject of “Baptism” must be touched on to clarify. Baptism relates to the Sanctifying work of the Spirit, but - Sanctification through the Spirit has no reference to Water Baptism; or the use of water ministered by a preacher. Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul.

The work of the Holy Spirit relates to conviction in a sinner, repentance of a sinful man, the new birth in regeneration. Entire Sanctificaiton relates to crucifixion of self and the final work of the Holy Spirit in the soul of a believer. Two Baptisms are pertinent to New Testament doctrine and both baptisms refer to the work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul.

· Baptism of the penitent is where the Holy Spirit places a believer into the body of Christ at salvation through trust alone in the death of Christ for the forgiveness of sins
· Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire cleanses a believer from the conflicting Adamic nature that often tries to arise during the believer’s life in Christ. The conflict is where a saved man has an inner struggle from the old man that wars against the work of the Holy Spirit in that life. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is the purifying work that takes place that rids the believer from the war within his members. This final work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer is termed as “Entire Sanctification”.

Neither Baptism mentioned above pertains to the mode of water Baptism.

· Sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit that removes the Adamic life from the believing soul.
· Water Baptism is a religious act of man that has no reference to Biblical Sanctification, the work of the Holy Spirit: or salvation to the human soul.

After the Early Church the mode of Baptism (performed by preachers) became an issue of importance as the truth of Sanctification (performed by the Holy Spirit) in the human soul, dwindled. Man formed doctrines, and deviated from the truth of salvation. Various modes of Water Baptism became prevalent in the religious world and thus became appealing to the religious affections of man.

· Obviously man’s “own” wisdom deviated from the wisdom of God experienced by the writers of the New Testament Epistles (James, John, Peter, and Paul) after the resurrection of Christ.

Since the First Century Church, doctrines, denominations, and numerous modes of Water Baptism have been made by man to an uncountable degree. The truth of the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul has been tossed aside, as religious emphasis has been placed on the mode of Water Baptism. A few examples and various religious modes of Baptism are…Sprinkling, pouring, full body immersion, cleansing from Original sin, confession of faith, burying the Old man, an act of obedience, or following Christ’s example.

Let's examine John’s baptism a baptism performed by a preacher however; in Johns Baptism one must know the history of Jewish religion and ceremonial purification ministered by a Levite upon the nation of Israel. To simplify, “John’s baptism “under Law” purified the body of those with faith unto righteousness and allowed Israel to approach and accept Christ as the promised Messiah”. Repentance from a deviation from the Law of Moses and Faith in Christ as the promised Messiah allowed Israel to repent, thus obey the Law and have their sins remitted by God. John’s Baptism showed Israel’s obedience to the Law of Moses and acceptance of Christ as the Messiah.

John's baptism attracted enough attention in its time to have been recorded by Jewish historian Josephus 50 years later in his "Jewish Antiquities":

"Now some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod’s army came from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against John, that was called the Baptist: for Herod slew him, who was a good man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety towards God, and so to come to baptism; for that the washing [with water] would be acceptable to him, if they made use of it, not in order to the putting away [or the remission] of some sins [only], but for the purification of the body; supposing still that the soul was thoroughly purified beforehand by righteousness..." (Josephus, "Jewish Antiquities", Book 18, Chapter 5)

More in part 2...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Revived...Churches on Trial (audio)...7/5/87 (pt.1) on the subject of "Water Baptism"

This show (in it's first hour) was primarily focused the controversial subject of Water Baptism. Many people in the Detroit area called in with various questions as Brother Lindsey expounded from the Bible and the Greek text. Much Biblical clairification is brought forth from the Jewish perspective.

When the Bible is viewed and understood from a Jewish perspective much of the controversy concerning Water Baptism and its various modes taught in the mainstream today are clairified. Brother Lindsey makes effort to clairify and take away confusion. Hubert Lindsey relates the mode of Water Baptism to ceremonial purification as taught according to the Law of Moses.

Other subjects on this audio brought forth clairity on the subject of the Divine Trinity...or God in three persons. Much Biblical evidence from the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms is given . This writer personally attempts to post Scriptural content on the video portion of these audios for the edification of those who desire to know more about God's Word.