God doesn't save a man because man's sorry for his wrongdoing. God saves men because they trust in the work of Christ "alone" for the forgiveness of sins. The sorrow of a natural man's heart worketh death. The sorrow in a man's heart that's prompted by the Spirit of God will lead man to Salvation. What does death mean? Death is separation from God. Death is separation from God's power to change the moral makeup of man. A natural man repeats the same act of sin over and over and over again. Why? He's controlled by a sinful nature. Each time the natural man says he's sorry...he's not truly sorry from the heart because it's not prompted by God because of Christ?
Man's fallen nature proves that man is a rebel against God. His will is controlled by the sinful nature. In relation to Godly sorrow...Godly sorrow is the work of the Spirit of God that sways the will of man. Godly sorrow leads man to Salvation of the human soul. Why? It's the work of God that "breaks" the will of a natural man and shows this individual what he really is. The Spirit of God "convicts" the conscience of a natural man. The Spirit of God "breaks" the will of a fallen man. How? The Holy Spirit shows man what he really is in light of a Savior on the Cross...in light of a resurrected Christ...in light of the holiness and purity of the God of our Salvation.
When man is truly and godly sorrowful for the acts of sin he committed against God...he will turn to Christ and never go back. Why? His mind is changed! He realizes his helplessness. He realizes his hopelessness. He realizes he has no strength without Christ...and by the way...the Grace of God also delivers the penitent from "the guilt of sin". Only the Grace of God can remove guilt from the human conscience.
Worldly sorrow does not break the will of man...Godly sorrow does! Godly sorrow is the affect of the power of the Holy Spirit that "sways" the will of a rebel against God...just enough...to cause this person to believe! Godly sorrow causes rebels to turn away from sin and turn to Christ! Godly sorrow leads men to repentance! Godly sorrow is the affect of the work of God upon the human soul...worldly sorrow that bringeth forth death is a vicious cycle that repeats the same sinful action over, over, and over again.
2 Cor 7:9-11... Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
Notice the attitude of the penitent ( a man of Godly sorrow) in the following part of the verse...
For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, (this man cared about his actions) yea, what clearing of yourselves (this man cleared himself from sinful conduct), yea, what indignation (this man hated the old life), yea, what fear (this man had great reverence toward God), yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge (this man had revenge against the old life of sin)! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.
The work of the Holy Spirit can never be limited. The work of the Holy Spirit reproves the world of sin. The work of the Holy Spirit leads men to repentance and godly sorrow. The work of the Holy Spirit gives the believer in Christ...a desire to "stop" practicing sin.
Grieve not the Holy Spirit!
Quench not the Holy Spirit!
God put this on my heart last night at a Bible study at the Upper Room! I went to bed thinking about it! I woke this morning thinking about it! Thought I'd share it on the Blog.
I like what Paul says in the Corinthian letter about Christ...1 Cor 15:1-4...Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Note how he says..."Keep Christ in memory ". Why? When Christ is kept in memory...you will never grieve or quench the Spirit! Lose memory of Christ and the world will consume you!
Special thanks to Mike and Chuck who prompted this study...and most of all special thanks to Christ who compels this writer to publish this Blog while keeping the legacy of Brother Hubert Lindsey alive... in 2009! I'll close with the following Bible verse...
1 Cor 6:20...For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
A christian blog that stemmed from a radio talk show of Biblical questions and answers...addressed by Brother Hubert Lindsey
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
History inside of Prophecy... prophetic truth from the Torah that has won several Rabbi's to Christ
The following document was written by Rick Roehm, the author and publisher of this site. This was my first Blog written several years ago.
Having been tutored and influenced by Brother Hubert Lindsey for many years this writer was compelled to study and research the truth behind all of Hubert Lindsey's teachings. Inside this prophecy (from the Torah...Genesis 49:10)...is a truth and history about the nation of Israel that has led many Jewish people to an acceptance of Christ, as the Promised Messiah. Brother Lindsey personally had the privilege to lead many Rabbis to Christ in his 70+ years in the ministry. One particular Rabbi who taught in a Hebrew Theological School was "converted' by the truth behind Brother Lindsey's preaching and the prophecy of Genesis 49:10 written about in this Blog. That Jewish Rabbi associated with Brother Lindsey in the ministry for over 15 years.
Rabbi Ziegler (who Hubert won to Christ) personally tutored Brother Lindsey on matters of the Law and commandments given to Israel which are 613; the Talmudic teachings and the reason the Talmud was written; and prophetic truth about Christ contained in both the Torah and History inside of Prophecy. History Inside of Prophecy contains an abundant amount of information and truth about Christ, the Jewish nation, and the history behind Israel. May the following document continue to bless all it's readers especially our dear Jewish Brethren who seek or have found Christ to be their personal Lord and Savior.
History inside of Prophecy
· Genesis 49:10...The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Scepter...The Scepter points toward the authority of God relative to the Torah (the Law of Moses), which contained 613 commandments, and governed the moral and civil laws of the Jewish nation.
Judah...The son of Jacob: one of the twelve tribes of Israel: was a distinct pathway to the Messianic lineage through Joseph and Mary. The most accurate genealogies in the world were kept by the nation of Israel.
Lawgiver...During the life of Christ unlike any other time in history Israel’s authority concerning Mosaic Law was altered under the administration of the Roman government. During that period of time certain criminal and civil matters pertaining to the Jew were first politically handled by Roman Officials, and then delegated to an appointed High Priest within the Jewish council of Ancients (i.e., Caiaphas). In previous Gentile Governments such as the Babylonian, Medo -Persian, and Grecian Empires, the Jewish legal right to govern the Nation of Israel was never altered like it was under Roman Dictatorship. (John 18:13, 14) (John 18:31)
Shiloh...Hebrew term for the promised Messiah
This prophecy (Genesis 49:10) given to the Nation of Israel and partially fulfilled during the life of Christ, was confirmed by the historical records of Josephus, the Talmud, and the four Gospels. History of the Roman Empire during the life of Christ reveals the political authority of the Roman government “over” parts of Israel’s Mosaic Law. This type of authority from a Gentile government had never altered Mosaic Law during any of Israel’s past captivities under Gentile dictatorships. Criminal matters in Israel such as the death penalty were reviewed and handled at Roman discretion. Jewish High priests like Caiaphas were appointed and functioned within the Sanhedrin under Roman dictatorship. Israel’s authority of Mosaic Law “departed” under the Roman Authority and thus proved the truth of Gods prophetic sovereignty.
The Jewish nation at that time was limited in many areas of authority. Why? Israel was first subject to the Roman Government. Death by Crucifixion was even a Roman form of punishment. Crucifixion was prophesied in (Psalm 22:16), (Zechariah 12:10). According to Biblical prophecy crucifixion was the way Old Testament records indicated the Lord would die*.
*The Lord could not have been David because David said in (Psalm 110:1), “The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand”.
Even though Christ was condemned and betrayed by the Jewish people, here are two reasons why the Council of Ancients under Roman dictatorship did not execute Christ themselves, but first delivered him unto Pontius Pilate:
1. Blasphemy according to Jewish law (because Christ made himself equal with God) was punishable by stoning according to Mosaic Law.
2. Jews had no legal right to carry out Mosaic Law but were first subject to the Roman Government or guilty of insurrection.
History confirms Israel’s authority was lost (the Scepter departed from Judah) during the life of Christ under Roman Dictatorship. Prophecy was fulfilled in Genesis 49:10 and only confirmed more Biblical truth concerning the promised Messiah. From the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms it is proven that Christ is the promised Messiah.
· Christ said in Luke 24:44….all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the Law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
Christ is the one that died, rose from the grave, and sent the Holy Spirit from Heaven. Christ thus returned to Fathers right hand where God continues to gather Israel from the four corners of the Earth. The prophetic gathering of the Jewish people will continue until Christ’s blessed return to set up and restore the Kingdom of Heaven in Jerusalem.
· Genesis 49:10...The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Here's a few Jewish Historical Records that confirm the fact that the “Scepter” or “Authority of Israel” was lost when Shiloh came…
THE SANHEDRIN....The rise of this great council of the Hebrews took place in the time of Greek supremacy, though there has been some attempt to trace its origins to the council of seventy elders named by Moses. The first mention of the Sanhedrin is in the time of Antiochus the Great (223-187 B.C.) It was evidently an aristocratic body, with the high priest acting as president. When the Roman order was introduced by Pompey, the high priest still retained the position of governor of the nation, making it likely that the Sanhedrin was carrying on.Herod the Great began his reign by ordering the whole of the Sanhedrin to be put to death, appointing his own council of elders in their place. Under the Roman pro-curators, the internal government of the country was in the hands of the Sanhedrin to a much greater extent. And in the time of Christ and the apostles, the Sanhedrin is frequently mentioned as being the supreme Jewish court of justice. The Sanhedrin was abolished after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SANHEDRIN...The Sanhedrin was composed of 71 priests who served for life and who were selected from the following:
- The acting high priest presided over the council; all former high priests were members.
- Male members of the high priestly families
- Scribes, legal assessors, bureaucrats
- Pharisees and Sadducees
- Elders - tribal and family heads
Criminal judges were members of the Sanhedrin, and twenty-three of them sat in judgment, with two clerks to record votes for acquittal and conviction. In capital cases, argument for acquittal was heard first, then those in favor of conviction. Anyone who had spoken in favor of the accused could not then speak against him; but one who had spoken against the accused could change his testimony in his favor. Sentence for acquittal could be pronounced immediately; but sentence for conviction was reserved for the next day.In voting, each member stood, beginning with the youngest. A simple majority was sufficient for acquittal; but a majority of at least two votes was required for conviction. More members of the Sanhedrin would be brought in two at a time to vote whenever there was a majority of only one for conviction. When all 71 had voted, the person was acquitted if there was still a majority of only one.
Jesus appeared before the Sanhedrin on a charge of blasphemy (Matt. 26:65; John 19:7). Peter and John were charged with being false prophets and deceivers of the people (Acts 4 and 5), Stephen with being a blasphemer (Acts 6:13 ff), and Paul with being guilty of transgressing the Mosaic law (Acts 23). The Sanhedrin had the right of ordering arrests by its own officers; of finally disposing of such cases as did not involve capital punishment. A sentence of death had to be ratified by the Roman procurator.
In Antiquities 20:9 Josephus again points out that the Sanhedrin had no authority over capital cases:
"After the death of the procurator Festus, when Albinus was about to succeed him , the high priest Ananias considered it a favorable opportunity to assembly the Sanhedrin. He therefore caused James the Brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, and several others, to appear before this hastily assembled council, and pronounced upon them the sentence of death by stoning. All the wise men and strict observers of the law who were at Jerusalem expressed their disapprobation of this act...Some even went to Albinus himself , who had departed to Alexandria, to bring this breach of the law under his observation, and to inform him that Ananius had acted illegally in assembling the Sanhedrin without the Roman authority."
This transfer of power is even mentioned in the Talmud: "A little more than forty years before the destruction of the Temple, the power of pronouncing capital sentences was taken away from the Jews."...Jerusalem Talmud, Sanhedrin, filoi 24.
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