Saturday, February 28, 2009

Holy Hubert Lindsey (audio)...1990 Sermon at the Full Gospel Businessmen Convention in, Seattle Washington

Below is Rick Roehm's first audio post of Holy Hubert Lindsey... so please "excuse" the quality as there were many unknown hoops to jump through that degraded the quality on this trial run. After clicking the start button you may have to nudge the arrow slightly to the right to make the player work ...but it will work I promise! Don't know why it has a glitch but it does! Never-the-less this recording will be worth it. Also video player will improve with time and experience... by the Grace of God. I worked (last night) 6 hours (2 hours this morning) to make this recording happen! A little tired this Sunday morning... so please bear with me! (whew!)

On the positive side (after making player work!) Brother Lindsey expounds on the "Full Gospel" and the "Full Salvation experience" of Entire Sanctification on this recording. The content of this message is very enlightening to those who desire "more" in their personal Salvation experience with Christ.

May the Lord Jesus Christ open doors in the future to "scatter" these messages of the true Gospel across the Internet. May they reach men and women across the world for the cause of Christ. Brother Lindsey wanted these messages to be "scattered"! Two things Brother Lindsey left me with before he died; One was to realize, "A true heart is never troubled"; and two was to, "Take these messages and the knowledge that were left behind for us, and scatter them"! This writer understands the need to do that very thing. May the "Churches on Trial Christian Blog" and "this writer's endeavors for Christ" bless your hearts and lives as much they do... this writer.

By the Grace of God...I do this work.

1 comment:

  1. Great Message! Is there a way to get downloads of Hubert's messages
