This show (in it's first hour) was primarily focused the controversial subject of Water Baptism. Many people in the Detroit area called in with various questions as Brother Lindsey expounded from the Bible and the Greek text. Much Biblical clairification is brought forth from the Jewish perspective.
When the Bible is viewed and understood from a Jewish perspective much of the controversy concerning Water Baptism and its various modes taught in the mainstream today are clairified. Brother Lindsey makes effort to clairify and take away confusion. Hubert Lindsey relates the mode of Water Baptism to ceremonial purification as taught according to the Law of Moses.
Other subjects on this audio brought forth clairity on the subject of the Divine Trinity...or God in three persons. Much Biblical evidence from the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms is given . This writer personally attempts to post Scriptural content on the video portion of these audios for the edification of those who desire to know more about God's Word.
Hey Rick, I cant believe you have these recordings!! I used to be a faithful listener to Hubert's show. A preacher will guts. I loved the simplicity of his teaching. This is awesome. Thank you for putting this all together!!