2 Cor 4:5-6... For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
The following audio holds a special place in this writer's heart as it pertains to God using Brother Lindsey's radio broadcast to minister to those in bonds. This writer was first introduced to Brother Lindsey and his ministry for Christ during those years throughout a time of incarceration. At the beginning of this audio a dear Brother in the Lord, by the name of Larry Shilling had written Brother Lindsey and Jim Elsman a letter telling them about "us" who were incarcerated at Milan Correctional Facility in Milan Mi. The letter was a letter of love from a Church behind the fence...that contained a question about "Water Baptism" which Brother Lindsey very much clarified.
Brother Larry Shilling introduced me to Hubert Lindsey's ministry during that time as Larry and I both followed the Churches on Trial until it terminated in the 1990's. Unfortunately Brother Shilling was transferred I think in 1989. During that time frame Brother Lindsey and others from the Church at Birmingham came to Milan FCI to minister the Gospel to us in bonds. God knew and provided our needs. Meeting and getting to know Brother Lindsey was an unforgettable experience for this writer that impacted me enough that I was able to leave Milan, come home to Williamsburg Ohio to my wife, son, and daughter, restore a marriage, built a Church house, continue preaching the Gospel, and carry on Brother Lindsey's ministry up til now...21 years later. I know Brother Lindsey is smiling down from Heaven at this Blog that has "revived" his audio ministry after all these years. Hallelujah...God knows.
Brother Lindsey, Jim Elsman, Tom Lunn, and others were used by God to make Christ "real" to this writer who was called by Christ to also carry the Gospel. That's why I built the "Upper Room" a Church in Williamsburg, Ohio and carry on this ministry today.
I do it with the "Joy of the Lord" because He... is my strength.
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