Last Sunday night our dear Brother Jim Denton from Waterford Mi. came to the Upper Room to bring us the Word of God. Along with his good Word he brought fellowship and communion in the Holy Spirit. He played the old Hymnals on guitar...I saw the light, This little light of mine, He is Lord, Mine eyes have seen the Glory... What a blessing! And little Christen (our four year old noisemaker and future Devil fighter) was so touched!
For 2 1/2 years we have continued to do the work of the ministry at the Upper Room helping people to be enlightened to the truth of Gospel centered on our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ. People travel for long distances to visit us and fellowship with us. People from all walks of life come to hear the the Word of God. We reach people with the Gospel that may not ever be reached and we also minister to Christians to fortify what they already have in Christ... to give a better foundation...that helps people to get through trials and various problems of life.
Glory to Christ who is behind this ministry! Glory to Christ who is behind this Blog! Glory to Christ who is behind this writer! I'm glad He bought me! All I have to do is glorify Him in my body and Spirit!
Many prayers go out! We believe God for miracles! Blessed be the name of the Lord!
A christian blog that stemmed from a radio talk show of Biblical questions and answers...addressed by Brother Hubert Lindsey
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A small glimpse of the "inner and outer" work of the Holy Spirit...
The "Inner work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer"… God’s preparation for the Rapture of the Church
• The Holy Spirit reproves the hearts of sinful men and leads them to repentance.
• After repentance the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the body of Christ.
• A believer is thus sealed with the Holy Spirit
• A member of the body of Christ is regenerated by the Spirit of God through the new birth.
• The Holy Spirit testifies and reveals Christ to the hearts of members of the body of Christ
• The Holy Spirit shows members of the body of Christ how to get rid of the Adamic nature that still tries to rule their lives
• In the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire…The Holy Spirit purifies the heart of the believer from the Adamic life and nature that still tries to rule
• After the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is experienced, members of the body of Christ are…renewed by the Spirit.
• All believers patiently await the Rapture of the Church
• The Church in the Rapture is one that is holy, and without spot or blemish
The "Outer work of the Holy Spirit “hindering” the reign of the Antichrist" … until the Rapture of the Church
The work of the Holy Spirit is not limited to Salvation and Sanctification of the soul only. The Holy Spirit is what keeps the Antichrist from full reign today! The omnipresence of the Holy Spirit is what keeps the mercy of God present in this Church Age! What happens after the Church is taken out? The Rapture allows the seven year Tribulation on Earth to begin. The Tribulation is the ministering of God’s Wrath upon the Earth. God’s mercy departs with the Church in the Rapture. After the Rapture the Antichrist or Man of Sin steps in, under the dominion of Satan!
At present the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit “holds back” the Wrath of God taught in the book of Revelation. At present the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit “holds back” powers of Satan who will set up his kingdom for seven years when the Church is taken out. At present the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit in the Church “holds back” the Man of sin/Antichrist promised to be revealed at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation.
The Holy Spirit is the “hinderer” of God’s Divine Wrath and the Antichrist. The Rapture is the Churches final judgment that “escapes the Wrath of God” during the seven year Tribulation. At present…God’s mercy in the Holy Spirit is the only thing that hinders the Wrath of God from coming upon the Church! The Antichrist cannot come until the Church is taken out first. Satan’s dominion will come after the Rapture. The Antichrist will move in at that time under Satan’s dominion. Satan’s kingdom and the Antichrist are both hindered in this present Church Age until the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit steps aside, at the Rapture of the Church.
Many people understand the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. Fewer understand the hindering work of the Holy Spirit that saves the Church world from the Wrath of God. Why? The Divine Wrath and Judgment of an angry God are subjects seldom taught on today. When the Holy Spirit is viewed as more than a reprover and sanctifier He will be seen as a hinderer of God’s Wrath. The Holy Spirit hinders the Wrath of God… withholds the Wrath of God… and steps aside from the Divine Wrath of God at the Rapture of the Church. The hindering work of the Holy Spirit is the only thing keeps the Antichrist from stepping into our present Church Age! Here’s the best verse in the Bible that describes the hindering work of the Holy Spirit that is holding back the reign of the Antichrist in this present Church Age.
• 2 Thess 2:4-8… Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God (the Antichrist). Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth (the Holy Spirit) that he (the Antichrist) might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let (the Holy Spirit), until he be taken out of the way (the Holy Spirit steps aside). And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy (the Antichrist) with the brightness of his coming ;
William E. Blackstone author of… Jesus is Coming…This mystery of Lawlessness already worked in the days of the apostle, but there has been a hindering power, which, we believe, is the Holy Spirit, in His present manifestation, or office, viz.: as the reprover of the world and gatherer of the Church. When He, the restraining one, is taken out of the way (or out of the midst), at the rapture of the Church, then shall the mystery be unveiled, and the Lawless one be revealed (2 Thess. 2:7-8).
• The Holy Spirit reproves the hearts of sinful men and leads them to repentance.
• After repentance the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the body of Christ.
• A believer is thus sealed with the Holy Spirit
• A member of the body of Christ is regenerated by the Spirit of God through the new birth.
• The Holy Spirit testifies and reveals Christ to the hearts of members of the body of Christ
• The Holy Spirit shows members of the body of Christ how to get rid of the Adamic nature that still tries to rule their lives
• In the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire…The Holy Spirit purifies the heart of the believer from the Adamic life and nature that still tries to rule
• After the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is experienced, members of the body of Christ are…renewed by the Spirit.
• All believers patiently await the Rapture of the Church
• The Church in the Rapture is one that is holy, and without spot or blemish
The "Outer work of the Holy Spirit “hindering” the reign of the Antichrist" … until the Rapture of the Church
The work of the Holy Spirit is not limited to Salvation and Sanctification of the soul only. The Holy Spirit is what keeps the Antichrist from full reign today! The omnipresence of the Holy Spirit is what keeps the mercy of God present in this Church Age! What happens after the Church is taken out? The Rapture allows the seven year Tribulation on Earth to begin. The Tribulation is the ministering of God’s Wrath upon the Earth. God’s mercy departs with the Church in the Rapture. After the Rapture the Antichrist or Man of Sin steps in, under the dominion of Satan!
At present the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit “holds back” the Wrath of God taught in the book of Revelation. At present the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit “holds back” powers of Satan who will set up his kingdom for seven years when the Church is taken out. At present the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit in the Church “holds back” the Man of sin/Antichrist promised to be revealed at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation.
The Holy Spirit is the “hinderer” of God’s Divine Wrath and the Antichrist. The Rapture is the Churches final judgment that “escapes the Wrath of God” during the seven year Tribulation. At present…God’s mercy in the Holy Spirit is the only thing that hinders the Wrath of God from coming upon the Church! The Antichrist cannot come until the Church is taken out first. Satan’s dominion will come after the Rapture. The Antichrist will move in at that time under Satan’s dominion. Satan’s kingdom and the Antichrist are both hindered in this present Church Age until the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit steps aside, at the Rapture of the Church.
Many people understand the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. Fewer understand the hindering work of the Holy Spirit that saves the Church world from the Wrath of God. Why? The Divine Wrath and Judgment of an angry God are subjects seldom taught on today. When the Holy Spirit is viewed as more than a reprover and sanctifier He will be seen as a hinderer of God’s Wrath. The Holy Spirit hinders the Wrath of God… withholds the Wrath of God… and steps aside from the Divine Wrath of God at the Rapture of the Church. The hindering work of the Holy Spirit is the only thing keeps the Antichrist from stepping into our present Church Age! Here’s the best verse in the Bible that describes the hindering work of the Holy Spirit that is holding back the reign of the Antichrist in this present Church Age.
• 2 Thess 2:4-8… Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God (the Antichrist). Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth (the Holy Spirit) that he (the Antichrist) might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let (the Holy Spirit), until he be taken out of the way (the Holy Spirit steps aside). And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy (the Antichrist) with the brightness of his coming ;
William E. Blackstone author of… Jesus is Coming…This mystery of Lawlessness already worked in the days of the apostle, but there has been a hindering power, which, we believe, is the Holy Spirit, in His present manifestation, or office, viz.: as the reprover of the world and gatherer of the Church. When He, the restraining one, is taken out of the way (or out of the midst), at the rapture of the Church, then shall the mystery be unveiled, and the Lawless one be revealed (2 Thess. 2:7-8).
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