Saturday, February 28, 2009

Holy Hubert Lindsey (audio)...1990 Sermon at the Full Gospel Businessmen Convention in, Seattle Washington

Below is Rick Roehm's first audio post of Holy Hubert Lindsey... so please "excuse" the quality as there were many unknown hoops to jump through that degraded the quality on this trial run. After clicking the start button you may have to nudge the arrow slightly to the right to make the player work ...but it will work I promise! Don't know why it has a glitch but it does! Never-the-less this recording will be worth it. Also video player will improve with time and experience... by the Grace of God. I worked (last night) 6 hours (2 hours this morning) to make this recording happen! A little tired this Sunday morning... so please bear with me! (whew!)

On the positive side (after making player work!) Brother Lindsey expounds on the "Full Gospel" and the "Full Salvation experience" of Entire Sanctification on this recording. The content of this message is very enlightening to those who desire "more" in their personal Salvation experience with Christ.

May the Lord Jesus Christ open doors in the future to "scatter" these messages of the true Gospel across the Internet. May they reach men and women across the world for the cause of Christ. Brother Lindsey wanted these messages to be "scattered"! Two things Brother Lindsey left me with before he died; One was to realize, "A true heart is never troubled"; and two was to, "Take these messages and the knowledge that were left behind for us, and scatter them"! This writer understands the need to do that very thing. May the "Churches on Trial Christian Blog" and "this writer's endeavors for Christ" bless your hearts and lives as much they do... this writer.

By the Grace of God...I do this work.

Is Paradise and Heaven...the same place?

I heard Hubert touch on this a few times on the Churches on Trial.

The Apostle Paul called Paradise...the third Heaven.
2 Cor 12:1-4... It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

There are three heavens taught in the Bible...
1. The physical universe...the sun...the moon...the stars...the planets...etc.
2. The atmospheric conditions..the sky...the firmaments, oxygen, stratosphere, etc.
3. Literal Heaven or the Third Heaven...where the souls of just men are made perfect...

Heb 12:23...To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

Scriptures teach "Paradise"is the third Heaven...a place where "just men go when they die". Just men are men pardoned by God... from sin and unrighteousness. The soul's of "just men" go to Paradise in Heaven and recieve eternal life. The souls of "unjust men" go to Hell... and recieve eternal damnation.

Christ was God in the flesh. When He preached during His earthly ministry He still had power to forgive sin. Christ pardoned one thief that hung on the cross beside him and told that thief,

Luke 23:43... And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

That thief was no longer a convict... he was a "convert". He was converted enough to be with Christ in Paradise. I look forward to meeting both Christ and the converted thief when I get to the other side.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Distinction between Justification and Sanctification

Distinction between Justification and Sanctification
Justification deals with “the sinner”; Sanctification deals with “the believer”


· When you repent
· saved from the transgression
· freed from breaking the law
· sins forgiven
· the new birth
· puts off the old man
· empties out
· instantaneous
· upon
· double minded
· wants to be controlled
· power from redemption
· being sealed with the Spirit
· work begun
· baptism into Christ
· God forgives what you do

Hubert Lindsey showed me this in 1990...


· When you die to what you are
· severed from the carnal life
· removes the adamic nature
· sin nature destroyed
· baptized with the Holy Ghost
· puts on the new man
· fills up
· instantaneous
· Within
· Single minded
· controlled
· the work of the Holy Spirit
· being filled with the Spirit
· work complete
· Christ baptizing with Spirit
· God destroys what you are

It wasn't Hubert was the power of the Gospel he preached!

I do admit Brother Lindsey’s revelation of the Gospel was phenomenal. His ability to expound on and preach the Gospel was profound and very much Spirit filled. Hubert’s Gospel was clearly the same Gospel that God revealed to the Apostle Paul! What Brother Lindsey preached was in line to the letter with the language of the New Testament Epistles. If you listen to various teachings in the mainstream today you’ll notice these are sometimes based more "on telling men what to do" or "man’s religious opinion" more so than the true Gospel according to the Prophets. Jesus described what the Gospel actually is in the following verse.

Luke 24:44-47…And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

When Brother Lindsey preached the Gospel it was always a Christ centered message (soul stirring and life changing) that ministered deep into the souls of men. His preaching ministered "life through the Spirit" and "convicted sinful men to turn away from evil and wrongdoing". The truth of the Gospel prompts Christian’s to study and to rightly divide God’s Word. Hubert's messages encouraged all listeners to learn about and keep themselves under the power of Divine Grace. Brother Lindsey’s preaching stirred people to a consciousness and accountability to the presence of a living Christ. Hubert emphasized how people “should not” depend as much on the council of man as they should on the "council of a Living Christ". The "traditions of men, the opinions of men, and the imaginations of men" did not have any merit according to Brother Lindsey’s Gospel. Hubert did not believe in making addition to God’s Word in any manner. Addition to God’s Word is what prompted the Jews to write the Talmudic writings by "adding their own interpretation to the Torah".

The Gospel according to the Prophets shows people how to depend solely on the person of Christ and not just the pastor of the Church. Hubert's illustration of the Gospel built faith as the truth about Christ was confirmed through the Word he preached and taught! It's the Gospel that brings forth miracles of healing and deliverance. It's the Gospel that stirs the conscience of man. It was only Huberts stance for the Gospel that allowed God to lead men to deliverance from the bondage of sin; and allowed the sick to receive healing from the power of Calvary that he preached. Signs, wonders, and miracles followed Brother Lindsey’s ministry as Christ said they would....but these miracles will follow anyone's ministry that preaches the same Gospel. That was Christ's Great commission!

Mark 16:15-17…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe;

The greatest evidence that stemmed from the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached was the morally changed heart and life of a sinner. Ministering the truth about holiness was Brother Lindsey’s personal conviction and life. Hubert knew any man that received a moral change by the Grace of God was a "miracle given by Christ from the Throneroom". The changed heart and life of a sinner is a sign from God that comes from the Gospel that Christ commissioned all men to preach. Hubert’s Gospel always produced that very power. That power was a dynamic power that morally changes the hearts and lives of people. Hubert’s Gospel also instructed Christians to live a sanctified life, holy and without sin! There was evidence and fruit that blossomed from the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached. As living fruit produced from that very Gospel this writer testifies with joy of such a great experience by the Grace of God! (That's why I write this blog and preach the Gospel myself!)

Unlike many modern day messages Hubert’s Gospel goes beyond Calvary. Brother Lindsey always placed emphasis on the present tense Christ in the Throneroom and not just the cross of Calvary...2009 years ago. The true meaning of the Gospel placed emphasis on the Living Christ in the Throneroom now, today, in the present tense. Hubert Lindsey emphasized over and over again how man needed to be every minute, every hour, and every day conscious to Christ’s power and presence in their hearts and lives. That Gospel was same as Paul’s Gospel beautifully described in the following verses.

Rom 1:1-5…Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:

1 Cor 15:1-4…Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

It's not's you, or me, or Hubert Lindsey that morally changes's the power of the Gospel...AMEN! Be a witness for Christ. Testify to the power of the Gospel. Tell the world about Christ! He will save, He will change, and he will bless your hearts and lives. To Christ be the Glory!

Understanding of the doctrine of Law and Grace can deliver man from erroneous doctrine

Brother Lindsey made many contributions to the Body of Christ throughout his 70+ years in the ministry. One contribution this writer knows of...that sticks out far above all the rest was the foundational teaching Hubert left behind on how to make the distinction between Law and Grace. Hubert also made an audio recording on that subject that I hope to post at this the near future.

This writer personally testifies to the blessing that stems from Hubert's Law and Grace teaching. I personally was delivered from the prison house of erroneous doctrine after recognizing truth and right division of the Bible... in 1989. As a result of that deliverance this writer has endeavored 19 years to preserve Brother Lindsey’s ministry, and complete audio library. Today, in 2009 this writer can't emphasize enough how Hubert Lindsey’s foundational teaching on the doctrine of Law and Grace is so very important to "all" students and teachers of God's Word. The doctrine of Law and Grace offers life changing results that fortify anyone's understanding of the Holy Scripture and their personal relationship with Christ through the Spirit. Understanding of the distinction between Law given to Israel, and Grace given to the Church can offer life-changing protection against so much deception that's caused from erroneous teachings...rampant in our present religious world.

Moreover this writer understands a detriment that stems from being taught to mix up Bible… by unlearned teachers. God used Brother Lindsey to bring freedom through Divine Grace and deliverance from the bondage of the this writer’s heart and life. That's only another reason why I preach the Gospel and write these Blogs.

This writer so vividly recalls how a mixed up Bible knowledge can lay a course of deception; lay a course for failure to God; and lay a course for a frustrated relationship with Christ.

Understanding the distinction between Law and Grace...will do the same for anyone that has a studious attitude toward God. Brother Lindsey had a God given ability and ministry that showed "anyone and everyone" how to rightly divide the Holy Scriptures. Hubert knew that it's the Holy Spirit that reveals “truth” to the heart of man. Hubert only laid the groundwork... this writer carries it on... but it's God that enables people to recognize and understand the benefits of making the distinction between Divine Law given to Israel and Divine Grace given to the Church! Glory!

At the initial Salvation experience people have very little knowledge of the distinction made between Law and Grace; Jew and Gentile; and Israel and the Church. After Christ is accepted many converts have a strong desire to study the Word of God. Unfortunately, "some" are being taught to run everything in the Old and New Testament together thus taking the Bible from its proper context. God’s Word is therefore wrongly divided! Brother Lindsey contended with strange doctrines and numerous false concepts in the 60’s, 70’s, and the 80’s. He acknowledged many mainstream movements who were teaching errneous doctrines. It was obvious then and it's still obvious today! The only way anyone can recognize erroneous doctrines and false teachings is through! That's why it's so important to "get back to the Bible".

In the last twenty years in a very subtle manner certain movements that teach erroneous doctrines have crept into the Charismatic circles across this nation. From experience this writer remembers how deceptive those doctrines really are. Some are damnable and even heresy! They have mixed up the Old and New covenant teachings and run everything in the Bible together. They teach "Spiritual Israel" from the parables and by doing so they have done great harm to the truth about God's Word and harmed many new converts that have come to Christ. They mix up the teachings of Christ under Law with the teachings of the Apostles under Grace… after the resurrection of Christ. They have misled thousands to a frustration; failure; or even a loss of Salvation through wrong division of God’s Word. They have plagued the Church-world with countless misconceptions that they call Bible truth.

Kingdom now theology advocates man building the Kingdom (instead of Christ) in preparation for the return of Christ is taught inside many Charismatic circles. These groups miss the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven message was a message for Israel to accept the Messiahship of Christ. Kingdom Now theology is built upon spiritualization of God’s Word and not the Word rightly divided in relation to Old and New Testament teaching. Hubert’s teaching on Law and Grace "exposes and delivers" man from the bondage of such teachings. This writer was once tangled in Kingdom Now theology but thanks be to God He sent Hubert Lindsey to sway this writer’s thinking and understanding toward... Law and Grace. It was this writer's understanding of the distinction between Law and Grace that helped me to break away from the bondages caused from erroneous teaching.

Hubert Lindsey a man sent from Christ and Elder at the Church at Birmingham was ministering on a public radio broadcast in Detroit Mi. in 1989 when this writer was liberated from erroneous doctrine. With gladness this writer testifies to being touched by Brother Lindsey’s excellent ministry for Christ. God was using Brother Lindsey to preach the Gospel over radio waves and teaching men how to rightly divide the Holy Scriptures. Personal study and right division of the Old and New Testament records taught this writer how to become more dependant on the Word rightly divided and less dependant on the "opinions of man and the modern religious world"!

2 Tim 2:15… Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

For a copy of that Gospel tract on this beautiful teaching about Law and Grace.
Law and Grace

Send E-mail to

May the Grace of God richly bless all your lives through your conciousness to the presence of the Holy Spirit...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Holy Hubert Lindsey, God's preacher of Righteousness

Hubert was an unforgettable preacher of righteousness and always preached with holy boldness. Holy boldness enabled Hubert Lindsey to advocate righteousness from God through the person of Christ he preached. Righteousness from God automatically condemns sin and man's sinful conduct. Hubert Lindsey preached righteousness without deviation but he also did what it took to get men to Christ. Alcohol and strong drink was at the top of Brother Lindsey’s sin list. Having lived during the prohibition Hubert Lindsey knew the detriment in society that was caused from alcohol.

Billy Sunday a great man of God in the early 1900’s and advocate against strong drink pleaded with Brother Lindsey before he died to preach against alcohol and strong drink. Hubert never took Billy Sunday’s admonition lightly and even testified often about their acquaintance. As a matter of fact Hubert preached against alcohol and strong drink his entire life in the ministry. Hubert knew every scripture in the Bible that referred to alcohol and strong drink. According to the Bible... alcohol and strong drink is a sin regardless of whether it’s done in... moderation or in excess.

Hubert always made it clear how the Bible teaches about the two types of wine…fermented and unfermented. Jesus (God in the flesh) could not have drank fermented wine because it was a sin. Jesus was without sin. Jesus did however; drink fruit of the vine which was "unfermented grape juice".

· Mark 14:25… Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.

As a preacher of righteousness Hubert Lindsey did more than just preach against alcohol and strong drink. Hubert preached Christ and the standard of holiness that comes through the person of Christ. According to the Bible and the righteousness of God through Christ, Hubert condemned sin and wrongdoing through preaching the Gospel and showing man what he really is in the presence of Christ. Hubert preached with honor and dignity to the holiness of Christ. Hubert’s Gospel showed sinful men how to get away from evil and how to live according to God’s righteousness. Hubert’s personal obligation to Christ was never taken lightly. Hubert always felt in his own heart he couldn’t afford to fail God; or to fail his obligation to the ministry. Hubert kept himself “surrendered” and “in subjection” to Christ at all times. Hubert never compromised his preaching nor did he water down the Word of truth God revealed to his heart . Hubert Lindsey never allowed any excuse for any man to sin for any reason. No exceptions! He would not offer the Christian any justifiable means to sin against God. As a preacher of righteousness Hubert taught, "that sin was not essential in the heart of a child of God".

· 1 John 3:9… Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin

In 2001 Hubert Lindsey personally told this writer, never to apologize to the world for being sanctified; and never to compromise to live the sanctified life. After pondering that “word of knowledge” deeply, this writer has concluded, “The world says that no man can live without sin, but the Holy Spirit and the Bible both say you can”. There is no shame for having a clean heart and living holy... but the religious world wants to put you on guilt trip for having such. Enlightenment to the sanctified heart is one of the greatest gifts any child of God can ever have in this life. It has taken this writer year’s to understand the depth of those words spoken from my dear brother Hubert Lindsey.

As a preacher of righteousness myself, it has also taken me years to understand man’s enlightenment to the truth about holiness. Brother Lindsey was touched with the gift of discernment. Brother Lindsey was a preacher of righteousness and knew the fruit of the Spirit imputed to man through the blessing of Entire Sanctification. Understanding of that very fruitfulness by the Grace of God has also been imputed to this writer! That's why this Blog was created! “This writer will never compromise the truth of the Holy Spirit’s work in the human soul. This writer will never apologize for living the way Christ wants him to live. As Holy Hubert Lindsey always loudly proclaimed with victory in his heart, “G-L-O-R-Y”! This writer also proclaims, “G-L-O-R-Y” as he means it with all his heart!”

Hubert ministered that “word of knowledge” from the nursing home just months before he passed. At that time he was flooding this writer’s mind, pen, and notebook with knowledge about the doctrine of Entire Sanctification. Over the course of two weeks Hubert preached daily and this writer received Hubert’s wisdom with gladness as mounds of notes were being recorded. With great depth and detail Hubert systematically laid out the complete doctrine of Entire Sanctification and used countless Bible references to fortify its truth. It seemed overwhelming at that time. All this writer could do was to take notes. Hubert continued preaching until he became too weak to speak. Hubert Lindsey preached righteousness and holiness all the days of his life even until his final hours where he died in a nursing home in Raleigh, North Carolina March 30, 2003.

Hubert Lindsey was tutored by a Jewish Rabbi who was later converted by Christ

During an earlier part of Brother Lindsey’s ministry he was influenced and tutored by a Jewish Rabbi who had traveled with him for 15 years. Rabbi Ziegler imparted a wealth of knowledge that Hubert was able to incorporate into his own personal understanding of the Bible. Hubert learned from Rabbi Ziegler that "Talmudic teaching" was Israel’s interpretation of the Torah. Hubert learned why the formation of the Talmud caused Israel to deviate from the authority of the Torah. Hubert learned how the nation of Israel under the influence of Pagan religion from Grecian captivity, Babylonian captivity, Medo-Persian captivity, and Roman captivity added their own interpretation to the Torah. Through the Ages and through various captivities Israel formed Talmudic teaching and taught it according to “the tradition of the Elders”. Christ contended with Talmudic teaching during His earthly ministry. Examine closely the following words of Christ ...recorded by Mark.

Mark 7:8-9…For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

One of Hubert’s best testimonies for Christ was how he personally had the wonderful privilege to win Rabbi Ziegler to the person of Christ. Throughout his ministry Hubert spoke often of how he had challenged Rabbi Ziegler with a Prophetic Truth from Genesis 49:10. This Prophetic utterance recorded in Genesis pertained to the coming of the Messiah (Shiloh in the Hebrew text) and the authority of Israel’s Mosaic Law and Commandments being “lost” during the reign of the Roman Empire.

Gen 49:10… The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come;

The full authority of Israel’s Torah was diminished during the time of Christ’s earthly ministry. History proves Israel’s authority of the Torah was partially dissolved under Roman dictatorship. Unlike Israel’s past captivities under the Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Babylonian Empires, the Roman Empire stripped Israel from a part of Mosaic authority that stemmed from the Torah. Jewish leaders under Roman dictatorship no longer had the legal right according to the Law of Moses to put a Jewish man to death for a capital offense. During the ministry of Christ Israel was "subject first to Roman law" concerning capital punishment. Only Romans were allowed to execute a Jewish criminal. If Jew’s would have carried out the law of capital punishment according to the Torah they would have been guilty of "insurrection" against the Roman government. Israel had no legal right to usurp the authority of the Imperial power of Rome. That’s one reason why the Jewish Council of Ancients turned Christ over to Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor. Roman authority overpowered Mosaic Law for the first time in the history of the Bible. This very historical truth “fulfilled” Prophecy in Genesis 49:10 because the "scepter departed from Israel when Shiloh came".

That fulfillment of prophecy in Genesis 49:10 is what allowed Brother Lindsey to sway Rabbi Ziegler to Christ. Hubert told that “after” he had challenged Rabbi Ziegler with the truth of that Prophecy he was later preaching a Revival meeting in New York. At that particular meeting Rabbi Zeigler showed up and told Hubert during the previous week he had pondered Genesis 49:10 very closely. Rabbi Zeigler made claim that he realized that the historical truth of Mosaic Law was hindered under Roman dictatorship. Rabbi Zeigler realized that Israel had lost certain Mosaic authority as prophesied and that Christ the Messiah (Shiloh) had come during that period of time. God confirmed it to Rabbi Ziegler's heart but history also proves this same truth! It was confirmed to Rabbi Ziegler’s heart by the Holy Spirit! Rabbi Ziegler told Hubert Lindsey that the Prophecy of Genesis 49:10 was true and he couldn’t deny it. That prompted him to give his heart to Christ and he did! Glory! Hubert proclaimed he won several Rabbi's to Christ throughout his whole course of the ministry.

Hubert Lindsey's main objective in life was to "Win" men and women to Christ! May the words of this Blog with dedication to Brother Lindsey's fervent witness for Christ be of much inspiration to all who read its content.

In the name of Yeshua,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Hubert Lindsey, a Gentile preacher of Christ taught from the Jewish perspective...

Hubert Lindsey learned and taught the Bible from a Jewish perspective. Hubert’s right division of the Bible made the subject of Israel interesting to all and showed the importance of "literal Israel' . He captivated audiences with deep explanations of Gods Promises, God’s Prophecies, and God’s Priesthood... all of which dealt specifically with the nation of Israel. If you ever heard Brother Lindsey preach you’d understand why he was considered to be a scholar on the Jewish perspective of the Bible. Brother Lindsey had what seemed to be an unlimited amount of knowledge on the "Torah" which is God’s Divine Law given to Israel. Hubert Lindsey taught that anyone who studied the Bible would learn the depth of "literal Israel". Huberts position on literal Israel undermined to the concept of Spiritual Israel that leans more to spiritualization of the Bible. Literal Israel is the major focal point of the Holy Scriptures.

All of God’s Promises, all of God’s Prophecies, and God’s complete Priesthood are directly related to the Hebrew nation... that birthed Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob which means (Israel in Hebrew). Israel is the homeland of the Promised Messiah. Jerusalem is the city where Christ will reign on the Throne of David at His second appearing. Hubert Lindsey defined why the Jewish heritage was so important to every student of the Bible. Hubert’s knowledge of the Torah and vast memory allowed him to simplify the complexity of God’s Divine Law; and the 613 commandments given to Israel. "All of which were the greatest set of morals ever given to the human family". Hubert explained with clarity how Christ was born Jewish and why Christ taught Jewish Law during His earthly ministry. Brother Lindsey’s messages always clarified why Christ brought the Kingdom message to the lost sheep if Israel and forbid the Apostles to go to the Gentiles and Samaritans.

Hubert’s New Testament knowledge taught the Gospel according to the Prophets and how the Gospel came first through the nation of Israel. He taught all the Apostles were Jewish even those who carried the Gospel message... to the Gentile world, after the death of Christ.

More to follow a blog on how Brother Lindsey was tutored by a Rabbi...and later won that Rabbi to Christ through the truth of a Messianic Prophecy given to Israel in Genesis 49:19. I recently made that post to .

Rick Roehm

Revival after Azusa Street

Hubert Lindsey once stated, "The greatest Revivals in history came when Entire Sanctification was being taught." I agree as history proves such! Revival comes where Holiness of heart and conduct is being preached and taught through the person of Christ. Not "Sinning Religion" and not "Part time Christianity". This writer in his quest to continue a ministry that Brother Lindsey (Holy Hubert) started has been studying holiness and sanctification personally for over 20 years. One of the greatest studies I ever had was from Brother Lindsey a two week phone discussion from a nursing home in North Carolina. He told me everything he ever knew about the most "Sacred theme of the Bible which is ...Sanctification". All I could do was take notes. One of the most monumental experiences this writer ever had. Anyway...

I am posting the following document on "Revival after Azusa Street" also published at ... . The following document on...Revival after Azusa Street... was inspired in this writers life by the boldness and perseverance of Brother Hubert Lindsey a great preacher of the Gospel. May the following Blog for Christ bless others as much as Hubert Lindsey's Gospel message blessed and impacted this writer's heart and life.

Revival after Azusa Street(The fruit of Entire Sanctification)

Beside the Azusa Street Revival in the 1900’s and the Jesus Movement in the 60’s and 70’s the teaching of Entire Sanctification seems to have become almost non-existent in the Church world today. For decades this writer has witnessed over and over again how the doctrine Entire Sanctification is so commonly misunderstood, sometimes intentionally dodged, and other times even rejected by Christians. Why? …why is the truth about Entire Sanctification sidestepped so much in this modern religious world?

Sanctification takes the believer in Christ beyond the new birth experience to a consecrated life of holiness without the inner conflict of the Old Man. Sanctification is an every minute every day consciousness to sin’s deceitfulness that stems from man’s inherited fallen nature. Sanctification rids man of the sinful nature by making men vessels of God’s Grace unto honor, and not vessels of disgrace to dishonor. Sanctified men are true to Christ. God can fully operate through sanctified men. All men that believe are chosen by God to be sanctified holy through the person of Christ.

· Eph 1:4-5…According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

The truth about Entire Sanctification can spread like wildfire when preached and taught because it’s an intimate communion of holiness between God and the believer in Christ. God wants holiness of heart to be the moral essence of all members of His body.

Sanctification makes men willing and yielded vessels to Christ. Every great Revival in history was produced after the doctrine of Entire Sanctification was preached and received. Why? Sanctification reveals the power of a living Christ and changes the moral make-up of fallen man. This move of the Spirit of God in the hearts of men sways men to belief and trust in Christ as their Savior and Sanctifier. Unlike common religious doctrines that tell man what to do…Sanctification, the perfect will of God does not involve the will of man in any manner. Sanctification is the predestinated work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul that morally purges man from the carnal nature. The entire body of believers in Christ is morally adopted into God through the person of Christ for this very reason.

· Eph. 1:5… Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Entire sanctification produces holy hearts and foundates men into God’s standard of morality for the long term. Entire Sanctification is not short lived because it gets the believer away from a wavering life in and out of the Grace of God. Man’s standard of morality is much different than God’s standard of morality. Entire Sanctification that goes to the root of sin consists of the holiness of God that morally cleanses man from what he is! Sanctification does not deal with the things man does. Sanctification deals with what man is! Sanctification is not to be considered a bad word as many religious people think… it’s the inner work of the Spirit of God in heart of a believer. It deals specifically with the believer in Christ and not the sinner!
Through sanctification’s purging work the holiness of God’s makes the believer an example and mouthpiece to the lost and unsaved world, for the glory of Christ. Holiness of heart makes people care about winning souls to the Lord. Holiness of heart gives people a strong testimony for Christ. Holiness people have a strong desire to testify Christ! Why? A sanctified man is endued with power to become a witness (a man dead to sin) for Christ.

Luke 24:49…And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

Acts 1:8…But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

The enduement of power spoken of by Christ is not the new birth! The people that Christ was referring to were already born of the Spirit! This enduement of power is another work of God’s Grace through the Spirit that follows the new birth experience. This enduement of power is not the forgiveness of sins; it’s the power of the Holy Spirit that severs the believer from the fallen nature. Sanctification that endues the believer with power to overcome to old nature is God’s intent through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. God’s purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire does not deal with the sinner’s forgiveness…it deals with the saint’s still existing old nature that wants to conflict with the divine nature received in the new birth!

When the Holy Ghost came upon the recipients in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost they were filled. This filling with the Holy Ghost came only after man emptied out of the old life. Man must first be empty from “what he is” in order to be filled or taken over completely by the Holy Ghost. The blessing of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost gives men power…to live victoriously over sin and the problems of life! This kind of victory only comes from Christ who meets every need of the child of God!

Phil 4:19…But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

In this present generation great revivals are on the decline because holiness of heart and conduct is not being taught in the mainstream. Every doctrine under the sun is being taught in the mainstream but true holiness! Due to a lack of popularity emphasis on true holiness of heart and conduct has been swept-aside in many modern religious bodies today. One reason why Entire Sanctification is not being taught is because it’s not appealing to the natural man or the masses. Why is it not appealing? Sanctification obligates the believer to surrender his old nature that still exists after the new birth. To be entirely sanctified the believer has to die to “all that he is”. Many people do not believe this way because they haven’t heard such truth. The Bible reads,

Col 3:3… For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

Rom 6:4…Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death

The Bible teaches the believer to bury the Old life. Many Christians do not understand the fact that a saved man can to die to all that he is and will bury the old life. They don’t understand they can bury the old life completely! Death to the old allows the Indwelling Spirit to take the believer over completely through the indwelling Spirit that comes through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Without a total surrender and the Baptism with the Holy Ghost a believer will always struggle with the Old Man that tries to rise against the new nature. It must be understood…to put off the Old man is like taking a coat off. To put on the new man through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is like putting a new coat on! A renewed man or a man that’s baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire should never put the old coat on anymore!

Eph 4:22-24… That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Rom 6:5…For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:

Entire Sanctification is necessary for Christians today and should be taught in this present Church Age. Revival will come forth if sanctification is taught! History proves this fact! Unfortunately, the way Sanctification is being taught today in the mainstream is far from its proper Biblical context. The religious world has added their own interpretation to the doctrine of Entire Sanctification. Certain religious bodies are not teaching the sacred truth of Entire Sanctification’s perfect work of the Spirit of God in the life of a believer. Remember; the Bible states Sanctification through the Spirit destroys the body of sin. It also states that a dead man is freed from sin completely!

Rom 6:6-7…Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin.

This writer acknowledges the fact that the lukewarm condition that exists in the religious world today indicates a Biblical falling away. Why are they falling away?

2 Thess 2:3…for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Man’s understanding of Entire Sanctification is confused because its being mixed with various types and modes of water Baptism rather than the purifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that rids the believer of the Old Man or, the Adamic nature. The works of man in the acts of Water Baptism do not sanctify the heart of man to be holy. The works of man in the acts of Water Baptism rather than the operation of the Holy Spirit in the human soul have tainted the modern mindset concerning the sacred truth about the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost. This hinders many from receiving a personal holiness according to the moral standard of the person of Christ confirmed in the Holy Scriptures. True holiness is the holiness of heart that in times past has broken into great revival in honor to a living Christ who governs His body from the Throne Room. Revival can still break out today when Entire Sanctification is taught and preached according to the truth of the Bible. Holiness of heart and entire sanctification through man’s recognition of a living Christ are grounds for the outbreak of modern day revival. Unlike a man that’s neither hot nor cold…a revived man will be on fire for the Lord!

There are numerous modern denominations that run entire sanctification to a form of dress code, or rules about women wearing make-up, or abstaining from cigarettes. Other denominations teach Entire Sanctification relates to the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that purifies the heart inwardly BUT… they do not believe in the outward evidence of speaking in tongues for today. They believe the outward manifestation of the Holy Ghost stopped in the days the Early Church. Then you have the charismatic movement that places all emphasis on speaking in tongues (Glossolalia) with no inner evidence of a believer’s heart being cleansed from the Adamic nature.
“The New Testament teaches Entire Sanctification’s inner evidence is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that destroys the Adamic nature in the life of the believer. The outer evidence of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost’s purging work is speaking in an unknown tongue”. Why tongues? Christ controls that man’s entire being!

Acts 10:44-46…the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.

Acts 19:6…And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

The inner evidence is Christ controlling the believer’s inner being because the Adamic nature has been destroyed; the outer evidence is where Christ controls the physical part of man’s body that includes the tongue. Both the inner and outer evidences of entire sanctification are proven in the New Testament records. Both inner and outer evidences of entire sanctification are for today as there is no scriptural evidence that teaches this manifestation of the Holy Ghost stopped at the first century.

There are many Theological views concerning sanctification’s affect on the man of God. Some views teach progressive sanctification or the process of being made holy gradually, some views teach entire sanctification comes when man gets to Heaven in the next life, and others teach that man cannot receive entire sanctification at all. None of these views recognize the instantaneous work of the baptism with the Holy Ghost like men received on the day of Pentecost.

Most all the popular theological views refer to sanctification as some form or mode of water baptism performed by a priest or preacher. Contrary to all these the New Testament teaches that entire Sanctification’s renewal in the heart of a believer in Christ comes through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost that eradicates the sinful nature of man. Entire Sanctification’s renewal comes through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and is also an instantaneous experience. Like the new birth is an instantaneous work of the Spirit through a sinner’s forgiveness of sin’s; so likewise is a saved man instantaneously sanctified when baptized with the Holy Ghost and delivered from the Adamic nature. The only process is… death to the Old Man or man first dying to “all” that he is.

Entire Sanctification as taught by the Apostles of the resurrection of Christ deals specifically with the eradication of the sin nature inherited from the fall of Adam. Eradication of the sin nature is not a gradual process. Why? … The believer’s experience of baptism with the Holy Ghost is not a gradual experience. It’s instantaneous like the Bible teaches on the Day of Pentecost. The language to Bible calls a falling upon, being shed forth, coming upon, and a filling an instantaneous operation of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:33, 8:15-17, 10:44-46, 19:2-6 …These verses only confirm the fact that the Sanctifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost in the heart of man is the instantaneous operation of the Spirit of God and nothing else. There is no scriptural evidence whatsoever that proves the sanctifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is anything more than the Spirit’s work in the heart of man! Entire Sanctification performed in the baptism with the Holy Ghost has no reference to water Baptism in any manner. Sanctification is not performed by a priest or preacher but only by the person of Christ through a Divine Baptism from Heaven. There is no scriptural evidence whatsoever that proves the sanctifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost stopped in the days of the Early Church. Entire Sanctification deals specifically with the eradication of the Adamic nature that tries to rule the heart of a believer in Christ. Water Baptism performed in the mode of sprinkling, pouring, or full body immersion can in no way wash away any act of sin committed or …man’s inherited sinful nature.

False concepts concerning Entire Sanctification are rampant in this modern religious world. Why? Man’s natural tendencies and imaginations mixed with traditional concept have created numerous ideals concerning the Adamic nature and sanctification from its hold over man. The fact about this matter is that most people have never heard the truth about Sanctification nor have they been shown scripturally they can be delivered from the Adamic nature’s threshold over man. Therefore, the natural or the unlearned man is inclined to say, “Man can never be delivered from Adamic nature”. Contrary to that way of thinking the Bible teaches the Adamic nature can be eradicated through the baptism of the Holy Ghost which is the moral operation God’s Grace in the heart of a believer. When believers get bent to this way of thinking God can operate, even unto great Revival’s. Why Revival? Human works are taken out of the picture. The power of a living Christ in the human soul is magnified. Therefore godly things happen as result!

Sanctification is what God does in the heart of a believer. Sanctification has no reference to what man does in any respect. Outside of the Sanctifying work of Holy Spirit man can do nothing to sanctify himself from what he is by nature.

Eph 2:3…Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Without Sanctification through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire the Adamic nature is capable of swaying the Christian back into sinful conduct!

Sanctification should never be confused with Justification by Grace. Justification relates directly to God’s pardon and forgiveness granted to the unsaved man for the acts of sin that were committed in the past. Justification relates to Salvation of the human soul in the new birth.

Acts 13:38-39…Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

Sanctification relates directly to a deliverance from the fallen nature that exists in the life of that believer. Entire Sanctification follows God’s Justification of the sinner and the Holy Spirit’s regeneration of the soul in the new birth. Justification is a sinner’s pardon from all sinful misconduct of the past. Sanctification deals only with the existing fallen nature of man (that tries to rule) in the life of a believer.

1 Thess 5:23-24… And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

Some Christians do not accept the truth about Entire Sanctification because they do not understand that a Christian can be delivered from the Adamic nature through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. Likewise they are not taught from behind the pulpits they can receive such experience and be delivered from the Adamic nature’s sway. Sanctification, a blessing of God’s Divine Grace is the work of the Holy Spirit that destroys the Adamic part of a Christian that cannot be forgiven at the new birth.

Rom 6:6… Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

The language of Scripture says that God can destroy the body of sin which simply mean’s the Adamic nature. This destroying work produced by God’s Grace is the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that removes the Adamic nature from man’s being… after man has accepted the shed blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Sanctification takes the believer away the unfruitful part of man’s being that produces criticism, aggravation, worry, oppression, depression, anger, selfish interest and selfish purpose. A sanctified man gets away from himself and trusts Christ for every problem in life. A sanctified man trusts in Christ for all things. Why? He’s sanctified and preserved in the Spiritual body of Christ.

Jude 1…Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ:

Let’s look back to Creation where Adam the first man was created with a sanctified heart. Adam was created perfect! After the fall of Adam where the sanctified heart was lost, every believer that has been born since (that receives a divine nature) can likewise be renewed or entirely sanctified through the Pentecostal experience of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. Remember, Entire Sanctification is based on the promise of Christ and power of a resurrected Lord and manifests through the Baptizing work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer. Entire Sanctification deals with the saved man and not the unsaved! The new birth dealt with the sinner… not the saint!

Revival is the fruit that Entire Sanctification yields within the heart of man. Why? A witness to the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit knows from experience what is offered through Entire Sanctification’s blessing. The recipient of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire wants to tell the world about this great experience and blessing! Why? Peace and contentment through Christ is found above all things in life. The Holy Spirits deliverance from the Adamic nature overcomes man’s conflict with the natural witness of the flesh. The blessed experience of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is worth testifying about! Great revivals have always stemmed from the dividends of Entire Sanctification’s riches in the hearts of all its recipients.
Yes brother, Entire Sanctification is for today and needs to be taught! In 2008 when Entire Sanctification is brought to people’s attention… holiness, purity, and clean Christian living becomes the fruit of this blessed work of the Spirit of God. It may not be seen in large numbers of people but it will be seen through their purity of heart. Entire Sanctification brings forth more than the new birth because the believer gets away from self; this believer gets delivered from the Adamic nature, and this believer finds victory over a struggle with self that many believers suffer with their entire life. The holy experience of Entire Sanctification that comes after the new birth is renewal for the child of God! How? The conflict of the flesh and its affections are crucified.

Gal 5:24-25…And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

A believer puts to death to all that he is and the Spirit takes him over. Crucifixion of self became the path to Entire Sanctification through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost that purges out “all” of the believer’s sinful nature. This allows a believer to be crucified inwardly from self’s attachment to the world and outwardly from self’s attachment to the circumstances or problems of life that arise from the world.

Gal 6:14…But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

The Spiritual awakening from the sanctified heart forms revival in the heart and confession of its recipients. The experience of Sanctification is thus made known from the mouth of that believer! Like those in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost an entirely Sanctified man is endued with power that makes him a witness for Christ! Notice Peter, John and James in the book of Acts after they were baptized with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. They were filled with the Spirit and they preached Christ fervently too! Revival broke out and miracles followed their ministry. Please take the time to read the following chapters in the Acts of the Apostles… in light of Revival and Spiritual Awakening after the death of Christ!

Acts 2,3,4

The truth and power of Entire Sanctification wrought several historical revivals and miracles after the first century. The truth about Entire Sanctification has always wrought revival and miracles in the name of Christ through the hearts of the men and women who received its great benefits. Note the beautiful scriptural evidence of Revival in the first century when, Peter, James, John, and Paul revolutionized multitudes with the true Gospel that morally changed and miraculously affected the hearts and lives of many. These Apostles of the Early Church preached Entire Sanctification through Christ that brought forth revival!

Wesley in the 1600’s preached Entire Sanctification and it brought forth revival! Azusa Street in the 1900’s preached Entire Sanctification through Christ and it brought forth revival! Hubert Lindsey, the father of the Jesus movement in the late 60’s and early 70’s preached Entire sanctification through Christ that brought forth great revival! In order to have a revival Entire Sanctification and deliverance from the Adamic nature must be preached through Christ and be presented to man’s way of thinking! If men were taught such truth from behind the pulpits today you would have many more people that would accept the doctrine of Sanctification and worth of its truth in the hearts and lives of Christian’s! Revival would thus break out like measles.

After the doctrine of Entire Sanctification began diminishing in the early centuries and emphasis began to be placed on Water Baptism as a mode of Sanctification Revival’s dwindled because hearts were not being morally changed. Erroneous doctrines formed that based sanctification on man’s acceptance of various modes of water Baptism rather than an inner work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. The Roman Church that dominated Europe’s religious world for 13 centuries placed emphasis on removing the sinful nature of a child through the waters of purification sprinkled upon an infant by a priest. This mode of Baptism was taught to remove the sin nature of a child through the act of Water Baptism sprinkled upon an infant by a priest. Water was not then, and never has been since, an element that takes away a person’s sinful nature. According to the Bible an infant is not accountable to God for the sinful nature!

Rom 5:13…but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

Only the sanctifying work of the Baptism with Holy Spirit can perform the miracle of eradicating the sinful nature from the heart of man anyway. Not Water Baptism!
After the 15th Century the Protestant movement formed denominations that began practicing the mode of water baptism through immersion performed by a preacher as an outward act of obedience or public confession of ones faith in Christ. Through tradition and man’s interpretation of the Holy Scripture sanctification became what man done rather than what the Spirit of God done within the heart of man. The purging work of the Spirit of God that delivered man from the Adamic nature was now shifted over to the works of a preacher or a priest. A false concept concerning the truth and holiness from Entire Sanctification formed during those centuries. It’s ripple affect still carries on today.

Calvinism later formed and did not teach or accept Entire Sanctification because John Calvin did not believe the Adamic nature of man could be destroyed. Calvinists differed from the Roman Church who took the stand that the Adamic nature of a child could be cleansed or washed away through waters of sprinkling. Calvinist’s who water baptized by immersion performed by a preacher as a “Public confession” hold no claim to the sanctifying power of the Spirit of God in the heart of man in reference to the Adamic nature being destroyed. They likewise teach the believer will always live with two natures without a means of deliverance from the Adamic nature in this life. Calvinists do not believe the Adamic nature can be destroyed nor do they accept such truth taught in other denominations. Calvinists do not teach the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire nor do they place emphasis on the Pentecostal experience inwardly or outwardly. The doctrine of once saved always saved stemmed from Calvinism.

In the 17th Century a spiritual awakening swept through England under the teachings of a man by the name of John Wesley. Wesley understood and taught scripturally that man could be delivered from the Adamic nature through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Wesley’s view of Entire Sanctification unlike the views of the Roman Church and John Calvin produced a Great Revival and Spiritual awakening. Why? Entire Sanctification produced holiness. Holiness of heart and conduct allowed God to operate through man’s body and spirit as a witness for Christ.

1 Cor 6:19-20…What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Wesley’s Theology did accept the inner work of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to be the suppression of the sinful nature but did not accept the outer evidence of speaking in unknown tongue. Wesley’s doctrinal belief of “unknown tongues not being for today” is still carried out today.

The doctrine of Entire Sanctification is a very sacred scriptural truth that confirms the fact that a child of God can live and serve God in holiness without sin…after the new birth is experienced. The reason is that the sanctifying work of the Spirit of God in the heart of a saved man takes away the inner conflict of “trying without success” to live the holy life without sin in the sight of God. Entire Sanctification gives the saved man more concerning what’s needed to live with victory over the inner conflict of self. Self sufficiency can lead the child of God back into sin. Contrary to many people’s belief and practice today in the mainstream…a sanctified man does live with victory over sinful conduct.

Sanctification also gives man confidence over the outer problems and afflictions of life. The saved man begins his consciousness to the Holy Spirit’s presence. The sanctified man who is fully conscious to Christ is endued with power from God to overcome the lusts of the flesh and moral weakness’ that yield to temptation. How? …Through the eradication of the Adamic nature. Man’s experience of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost happens after the initial experience of the new birth in the heart of the sinner. There is no set time frame between the sinner’s new birth and the believer’s Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. The only process in the Bible is the human side of sanctification and falls between the new birth and Entire sanctification. That process is man’s crucifixion of self. The Holy Ghost reveals such crucifixion to the believer.

Contrary to many denomination’s beliefs and opinions the Bible teaches that entire Sanctification is another work of the Spirit of God subsequent to the new birth. Many scriptures in the Bible confirm such truth! For example, “A sinner doesn’t know the Spirit of Christ until after his sins are forgiven”. “A believer doesn’t realize his old nature can be dealt until after it’s revealed to him by the Holy Ghost. Then a believer can experience Entire Sanctification through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost”. A saved man knows his sins are forgiven but also realizes the old nature still exists. An entirely sanctified man is a believer who gets rid of the old nature, all of its habits, and all of its sensual affections by the power of the Grace of God. A sanctified man knows the Holy Spirit’s presence by the power of God’s Grace.

Titus 2:11-12…For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

There are many reasons why the sanctified man longs to keep the heart pure, longs to live in obedience to Christ, and longs to have victory over the sinful nature. The sanctified man knows the power of Holy Spirit and stays in subjection to it!

1 Cor 9:27… But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Entire Sanctification is God’s will for every member of the body of Christ! Entire Sanctification is the predestinated will of God for man to be holy through Christ since Adam’s fall in the Garden.

1 Thess 4:3-4… For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor;

Eph 1:4-5…According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Sanctification, the will of God for man that comes through the person of Christ was prophesied in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The first promise God made concerning such truth was made to the serpent that deceived Eve in Genesis 3:15, 16. Within that promise of Christ God said He would morally restore within the heart of man what Adam lost at the fall. What did Adam lose…the sanctified heart!

Entire Sanctification’s moral blessing though the person of Christ provides the believer with a way to get back what Adam lost. Entire Sanctification takes away man’s fallen nature that’s inherited from Adam. Sanctification rids man of the struggle between the old nature (that tries to rule) and the Divine nature received in the new birth. Entire Sanctification’s blessing severs the Christian from an unstable inner conflict that is governed by the inherited propensity to sin. This writer has termed that propensity as, “the Adamic nature” throughout this entire document.

The perfection of Entire Sanctification should never be overlooked or missed in this life. Why? It’s man’s complete love for God which was Christ’s first commandment! It’s a heart full of love for all humanity which was Christ’s second commandment! There is no partiality or prejudice toward any man in a sanctified man’s heart. Why? Perfect love for God and humanity is the fruit of Entire Sanctification.

Matt 5:48… Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I admit there are some Christians who have never heard about the truth and benefits of Entire Sanctification. Unfortunately there are also groups of Christians that are taught a man cannot be entirely sanctified in this life. I wrote this treaty so all reader’s could examine the evidence and truth from the Bible concerning Entire Sanctification’s riches of holiness through the living person of Christ. As mentioned previously a wealth of knowledge concerning Entire Sanctification has been deviated from in the past 100 years. The intent of this treaty is to illuminate believers and provide more scriptural support that a child of God can experience an entirely sanctified heart and life on this side of Heaven. This writer has only scratched the surface of this most holy truth. My expectations are that the doctrine of entire sanctification through the person of the living Christ and its evidence through the Scriptures be magnified through the entirety of this document until Christ returns.
Experience it and tell the world about it! Bless the Lord with all that you are in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The truth of Entire Sanctification through preaching Christ can and will bring forth Revival!

1 Thess 5:24…Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

Rick Roehm
A disciple under the ministry of Brother Holy Hubert Lindsey

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why doesn't the mainstream teach holiness in 2014 like it did 1900?

This writer has always been an advocate of Biblical Holiness since 1987 when he first met Hubert Lindsey. Hubert's timeless message of holiness was different than mainstream teaching because he did not believe in compromising the truth of the Bible. Hubert Lindsey taught that Christians could live "without" sin. This kind of teaching goes against the grain of mainstream teaching. True Holiness even seemed unusual and peculiar to this writer because nobody in the mainstream was teaching such doctrine.

I began following Brother Lindsey's radio broadcast in 1988 and taking notes of the "many" verses he would quote in a two hour talk show of Biblical Questions and Answers. I daily studied the Bible for hours without end! The Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit were both confirming in this writer's heart, "the truth about Biblical Holiness". No longer was I only taking Hubert Lindsey's word on it...the Bible was confirming Truth in this writer's heart...and so was the Holy Spirit.

After getting to know Brother Lindsey personally I was able to pump out of him other writers he knew that also taught Biblical Holiness. Brother Lindsey (a collector of rare Christian books) was hesitant on endorsing fellow teachers and preachers ...but I did manage to get a few suggestions out of him.

One excellent book Brother Lindsey endorsed was Binney's Theological Compend by Amos Binney. That was the first book I purchased and at that time it was out of print. It was originally written in the late 1800's. Another book (a great book!) is Jesus is Coming by William E. Blackstone which is very old and another is... A commentary on Romans by Donald Grey Barnhouse that was written in the 50's. Most of the above writer's taught holiness of heart and conduct quite similar to Brother Lindsey's teachings. The interesting thing about Amos Binney, and the teachings of his son in law Daniel Steele who were both writers and advocates of Christian holiness was the fact that holiness was taught back then...and very popular at that day and hour. It was basically the turn of the century! Actually the late 1800's through the early 1900's...but I stress, " Holiness of heart and conduct was lived and taught at that time...but as anyone knows it not very popular 2009!" What does it take for people to get back to holiness?

As this writer continued his studies under the teachings of Hubert Lindsey throughout the 80's until 2000... and his quest to find out more about why holiness is not taught in this present Age... I stumbled across much information on the Internet. One of the most credible sources I found concerning the forgotten doctrine of Holiness was at the following link (a link also embedded in the title of this Blog).

The link is...Binney's Theological compend - PDF . What a great link and a wealth of info concerning Christian Holiness! I personally have read much of that websites content. As this Blog "The Churches on Trial" progresses, I will provide more links and more resources for other advocates of Christian Holiness such as myself. The Bible teaches without holiness no man shall see the Lord.

In closing this blog, I remember one of Brother Lindsey's strongest arguments in defense of teaching that Christians can and do live "without sin". Brother Lindsey said that when man is born of the Spirit...the Holy Spirit gives this person a new "stop" and to "quit" practicing sin. I personally have found this same truth that Brother Lindsey so adamantly be the theme of the entire New Testament.

With joy I'm glad Christ enlightened this writer with the truth about the forgotten doctrine of Holiness...but... if it wouldn't have been for Brother Hubert Lindsey's strong defense for Christian holiness... This writer may have gotten tangled up in the web of the world...and perhaps even ate by the spider.

God Bless you all...
Rick Roehm, a Revivalist for Christ

Monday, February 23, 2009

How do Christian Blogs relate to Christian preaching?

In this Millenium (2009) Blogging has become another way of communicating God's Word. I see Christian Blogging becoming more popular each day of my life. I'm 55 years young! Granted, Blogging can never be actual preaching...but!!! actual preaching can be made into Blogs. That's the intent of this Blog! To publish in writing and on audio what Brother Lindsey desired to do...and that's to preach the Gospel in all the World. WOW! What better place than the Internet!

It is this writer's intent to "REVIVE" many of Hubert Lindsey's timeless messages of Biblical Truth and Holiness. Those messages will range from audio teachings that were recorded by Brother Lindsey for 25+ years on audio cassettes and have been collected and put onto CD by this writer: to Church services that were recorded at the Church at Birmingham (Birmingham MI); and of course Radio Broadcasts recorded from the Churches on Trial.

Perhaps this Blogger will also post his own documents that also coincide with all of Brother Lindsey's timeless messages of Bible Truth. I told Brother Lindsey I would carry on his ministry by the Grace of God. I'm looking forward to it because I know Brother Lindsey wanted it done. So does this writer/preacher...for the Glory of Christ. Many blessings to all of our readers...

Rick Roehm

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The days of Churches on Trial were a later phase of Holy Hubert's ministry in the "Open Air"

Brother Lindsey's life in the ministry took many different turns through the decades. Remember he preached the Gospel for over 70 years. In the 30's-50's he went under the blanket of the Baptist denomination. Somewhere between the 60's and 70's Hubert's ministry changed! Why? He was "sanctified entire" through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. He made claim his whole past and his whole Theology was changed when Christ "filled" him with the Holy Spirit.

It was in the 60's-70's that Hubert preached the Open Air in Berkeley CA. and on the West Coast during the Viet Nam era. In the 80's his ministry took another turn where he ended up in Birmingham Mi. and started a New Testament Church while also ministering on the air waves where the Churches on Trial radio broadcast began .

more tommorrow...
Rick Roehm

The intent of this blog for Christ...

The intention of the Blog is to reach people with the same Christ that Brother Lindsey reached people with for over 70 years in the ministry. The Internet however; is full of episodes that were made real by Brother Lindsey in the work of the ministry but this writer wants it to be made known, "It's not as much about the man Hubert Lindsey... as it is about the person of Christ that Hubert Lindsey preached about". God wants it that way. Hubert wanted it that way and this writer wants it that way. To Christ be the Glory! This writer became a product of Brother Lindsey's Gospel message... in 1988. That's what influences me to write this Blog!

Odd as it may sound, I made Brother Lindsey's acquaintance while incarcerated in Michigan in 1988. Christ had already got my attention in 1987, but as all new converts are...I was very shallow in Bible knowledge. That's where the relationship with Brother Lindsey began. I was first introduced to Brother Lindsey by radio but months later I made his personal acquaintance. Then, I was introduced to his audio ministry of which is "currently preserved" at this present hour onto audio CD. Originally Hubert's audio ministry was recorded onto audio cassette but since... has been transposed to CD format for preservation purpose of Hubert's vast wealth of knowledge.

In months to come in 2009 it's this writers intent to convey in this Blog the teachings, the ongoing the ministry, the doctrines, the books, and the audios of Brother Lindsey...which sometimes automatically puts certain "Churches on Trial". Within this ministry there will be no denominational oversight to govern this Blog! There will be no traditional views that sway this Blog! It will be a Spirit led Blog that reaches the hearts and souls of men and women like you and I. It will be based on Biblical facts...not denominational views! As all of us know this sometimes goes against the grain of "Modern Religion".

I look forward to many exciting things to bloom from this ministry! I know it can happen because I am a product the power of the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached! Glory to the person of Christ we serve! May the Churches-on-Trial. bless others richly with Divine Grace... as it has this writer.

In Christ,
Rick Roehm

The origin of this Blog for Christ...

The Churches on Trial was a radio broadcast aired in Detroit Michigan around 1986-1990. It was a call in talk show moderated by Jim Elsman (a michigan attorney) and consisted of "questions and answers" all of which were based on Bible Truth. The show's host was Hubert Lindsey, a blind preacher also known by some as the "Walking Bible". The reason Hubert Lindsey was called the Walking Bible was because of his vast memory. He quoted almost the entire Bible...from memory! This writer has the complete of collection of those recorded programs and by the Grace of God they will be published on this Blog!

Rick Roehm