Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Glimpse of Hell...(audio) by Brother Hubert Lindsey

This audio on the truth about "Hell"was originally a sermon at the Church of Birmingham in Birmingham Mi. where Brother Lindsey served as a pastor of that local body for several years. During that time all the Church services and Bible studies were recorded for preservation of the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached. I hope to re-publish all of Brother Lindseys teachings as time and God both allow.

Brother Lindsey always proclaimed that modern day preachers have gotten away from teaching the truth about Hell's Fire and Divine Judgment. Both subjects are taught in the Bible and were also taught by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Brother Lindsey goes in depth to describe the "inner tortures" of Hell on this audio. This audio is truely an eye opener as it brings men to an accountability to God...before death. Examine the following to find out the truth about "Eternal Damnation" on the following audio.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The perfect, complete, and completed work of Salvation… defined in the Greek text of the Bible

Both Experiences in Salvation by Grace are Biblically proven to be received “at one stroke” or “instantaneously” through the Sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost:

· The new birth, regeneration: a complete work of purity in the heart of a penitent sinner; forgiveness of sins at the new birth through Justification; where holiness begins

· Baptism with the Holy Ghost: a completed and entire work of purity after the new birth within the heart of a believer; deliverance from a sinful nature and its conflicts…Sanctifying power of the Spirit after Justification; where holiness is perfected

Bible and Greek text References:

Ephesians 4:12 -13...For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: perfect man

· teleios (tel'-i-os); from NT:5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with NT:3588) completeness:KJV - of full age, man, perfect.

Hebrew 13:21 ...Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; perfect work

· Katartizo (kat-ar-tid'-zo); from NT: 2596 and a derivative of NT: 739; to complete thoroughly, i.e. repair (literally or figuratively) or adjust: KJV - fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect (-ly join together), prepare, restore.

1 John 1:9... he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. cleanses

· katharizo (kath-ar-id'-zo); from NT:2513; to cleanse (literally or figuratively): KJV - (make) clean (-se), purge, purify.

2 Thess. 2:13 ...God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: sanctification, to sever

· hagiasmos (hag-ee-as-mos'); from NT:37; properly, purification, i.e. (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: KJV - holiness, sanctification, to sever, to cut away.

The three Greek terms used above teleios, katartizo, hagiasmos have no reference to the maturing process of a believer however; all do indicate the complete and perfect operation of the Spirit of God pertaining to an instantaneous Salvation of the human soul. Perfection is a complete and completed work of the Holy Ghost within the human soul at conviction, regeneration, and Entire Sanctification. The above terms simply apply to the unpopular doctrine of holiness that many people feel “cannot” be lived out in this present life. That theory is false and only the opposite is true. Holiness (recognition of Christ in the personal life) can be lived out presently and without Greek Text to prove such. This New Testament truth is confirmed by words such as perfect and complete.

The words perfect, perfected, and perfection are used 120 times in the King James Version of the Bible. Examine the King James Bible to see if these things be so. you see why this type of Biblical language puts the Churches on Trial?

Truth that prevails...People affected by Brother Lindsey's ministry...30-40 years ago

There are numerous people across the nation who was affected by Hubert Lindsey’s ministry for Christ. In 2002… a dear brother in Nashville, Tennessee by the name of John Alvarez told me while riding in his vehicle at work one day he was listening to one of Brother Lindsey’s audio recordings. He stepped out of the vehicle to speak with a gentleman about something work related and the gentleman overheard an audio playing in John’s player. The gentleman asked John who the preacher was and John replied, “Hubert Lindsey”. The gentleman responded, “Holy Hubert? I remember him preaching on campus in 1969 when I was attending college at Berkeley”. That gentleman remembered Hubert Lindsey and his Gospel message for Christ for almost 40 years! Ironically you can go anywhere in the U.S. and meet people that knew Brother Lindsey and his preaching endeavors! Hearts were changed by his ministry for Christ! Lives were changed by the power of the Gospel! Hubert’s preaching impacted people for the cause of Christ for 72 years!

Since then this writer has become acquainted with people from every corner of the United States. That includes people from the East Coast to the West Coast from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada that were made conscious to Christ through Brother Lindsey’s endeavors to preach Christ. I personally recall a couple… in Odessa TX. I became acquainted with by the name of Howard and Lee Mills. They met Hubert and his wife Phoebe in the 70’s when Hubert was traveling from Berkeley to Dallas. Hubert gave the Mills’ family one of his preaching tapes that he had recorded in the earlier part of his ministry. In 2005 the Mills family contacted this writer from the Internet to obtain Hubert’s complete set of audio teachings. The Mills’ received Brother Lindsey’s teaching audios however; they still had the old original cassette that Brother Lindsey recorded and left with them while passing through Odessa in the 70’s. I was so blessed by that occurrence.

There are many factors that made Brother Lindsey’s ministry so affective for Christ but the one that sticks out most is the fact that Hubert was in the ministry for the cause of Christ and nothing else. Hubert wasn’t in it for personal gain, or for the money, for the glory, or for a worldly position. Hubert was in it to get men to Christ and that’s all. He was in it to teach men the truth about Christ…and for no other reason!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

God the giver of Law...

Should or should not... the Law be preached today (2009) to convict the sinner of sin...that the sinner might know Christ, as Lord and Saviour?

Dorsey Lunn
The Steward...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Original Sin and Doubt (audio)...a study about the fallen nature of man and how to get rid of it

This in depth teaching about the "fallen nature" of man is the most thorough teaching this writer has ever encountered in 21 years. This audio contains a wealth of scriptural evidence that brings understanding to anyone who studies the Bible. This study magnifies the person of Christ by proving what the really Bible teaches about the sinful nature of man ...and how Christ can rid man of his "inherited propensity".

This audio on Original sin and doubt teaches the conquest and victory that can only be found in a living Christ. It's an inspirational teaching concerning the truth about the Word of God. It's an encouragement and blessing to anyone who desires the truth behind the Word of God. May its great worth bless you the listener as much as it has the writer of this Blog.

I thank God for these posts, for Brother Lindsey's audio recordings, and for the spare time God provides this writer with to "revive and re-publish" this great wealth of knowledge. It's these kind of teachings that inspire men to dig deeper into a Spirit filled relationship with Christ and the power of His resurrection.

Brother Lindsey wanted this knowledge "scattered" throughout the World. The Internet is now making that request possible.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The ministry and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit

This document was originally written in 2004 by Rick Roehm. I don't think this subject is touched on enough, today in our present Church World...but should be. So for Sunday April 5th, 2009, I'm going to re-publish this excellent teaching for those who those who desire more enlightment about the "Sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit".

Christ ministers to both saved and unsaved souls through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Through infinite love and mercy the Father draws men to salvation of the soul through conviction, repentance, and faith in the death of a Savior for personal forgiveness from sin. All these come from hearing, learning, and accepting the Gospel message that Christ commanded us to preach. Since the original sin in the Garden of Eden man has remained unholy from birth and polluted with an Adamic nature.  The Bible teaches the will and desire of every human being born is to do wrong in the sight of God. The ministry and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit is God’s method of restoring humanity back to a God-given state of righteousness.

The first work of the Holy Spirit through conviction affects the will, conscience, and desire of man by revealing the sinful and unholy heart. Man’s need for a Savior’s love is made known to the penitent as the Holy Spirit testifies the person of Christ to the human soul. Through conviction from the Holy Spirit and guilt from the human conscience, condemnation from sin is revealed and placed heavy upon mans inner being. The Holy Spirit places a desire in that heart of man to quit wrong doing.  Conviction is the ministry of the Holy Spirit that affects the human soul and leads a sinful man to repentance.

Repentance is the process of an unbeliever changing his mind after the ministry of the Holy Spirit’s conviction sways the human will to change or brokenness. God’s goodness leads men to repentance as the Holy Spirit reveals man’s need for a Savior’s mercy and forgiveness. When man recognizes Christ and sees himself as he really is, the presence of the Holy Spirit makes man sorrowful for a wrongful past and his unholiness of heart. This man will no longer want to continue in sin and unrighteousness. Man thus turns away from sin and cries out to God for help.  The process of repentance through the work of the Holy Spirit is a sinful mans action of turning away from sin and disobedience to a life of obedience and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance is simply a change of mind.

Trusting in the death of Christ for personal forgiveness of sins allows God to give man a new heart which begins the new life in Christ. This new creation in Christ comes through the Spirit’s work of regeneration in the human soul.  Regeneration is a re-created mind, will, and conscience produced by God’s Grace in the new birth. The inner make-up of man is morally restored with a divine nature like Adam had before the fall.  Through the Holy Spirit’s power of regeneration a sinful man is converted into a child of God and thus receives a God-given divine nature. In this new birth man’s sins are not only forgiven but also a new desire from the Holy Spirit is given to the believer in Christ… to forsake sin.

The Holy Spirit testifies Christ and confirms the truth of God’s Word.  This revelation does not come from flesh and blood it comes straight from the Throne of God. After regeneration the work of the Holy Spirit continues making Christ known to the heart of a believer through divine revelation. This witness from the Spirit not only reveals Christ but also strengthens the believer inwardly. Regeneration from the Holy Spirit leads the believer in Christ to sanctification. Sanctification allows the Spirit of God to cut the believer away from the old man and the old life of self consisting of bad habits, selfish desires, selfish affections, etc. that still exists. An inner conflict which began through the power of the new birth arises between mans inherited carnal nature and the newly given divine nature. The power of the Holy Spirit’s witness exposes the conflict caused from the Old Man that still tries to rule. This exposure in light of the death of Christ on the cross reveals the crucifixion of self.  Crucifixion of self is brought more to a believer’s attention by the Spirit of God. Crucifixion of self is an actual death to the Old Man. This crucifixion of self is experienced in the life of a believer by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. The Bible states, “The body of sin might be destroyed”. Romans 6:6

Sanctification through the Spirit reaches to the deepest need found in the heart of a believer. This need is the crucifixion of self that gets in the way of God. The ministry of the Holy Spirit leads the believer in Christ to the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying power that’s found in the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Sanctification through the Spirit is a work that enables the Spirit of God to sever a believer away from a selfish life of I, me, and mine that exists… to the complete crucifixion (death) of the Old Man. After Sanctification through the Spirit cuts man away from all the conflicts in life God also can preserve and fortify this faithful man in Christ.  This operation in the life of a believer is the “fullness” of the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and comes after regeneration and after the crucifixion of self where the body of sin, the Adamic nature is destroyed. Yes, a believer can be completely rid of the Old Man. God said so!
 Indwelling sin is destroyed as the indwelling Holy Spirit takes full possession of mans total being.  This final work of the Holy Spirit is called, “Entire Sanctification”. It’s proven in New Testament records through the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire and follows the regenerating work of the new birth.  Two complete experiences through the ministry and sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit.  Both experiences take place at separate times. Regeneration is the experience of a sinner and takes place when forgiveness of sins is received. Sanctification is the experience of the believer and takes place when the Old Man is crucified.

Unlike the new convert at regeneration where the conflicting Adamic nature still tries to rule, the entirely sanctified believer is completely delivered from the carnal nature and relieved from the bondages caused from all struggles in life… both inner* and outer*. This completed work of Sanctification allows the Holy Spirit to have full sway of the believer’s entire being and character. After the inward work of the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is experienced, a believer’s life is renewed in the Spirit.  Holiness of heart and full trust in Christ for everything in life without an inner or outer struggle is proof of this renewal.

*Inner Struggle…conflict between the new nature and the Adamic life…after the new birth
*Outer Struggle…conflict with the problems of life that man can’t control

Unfortunately for many, the fullness of the work of the Holy Spirit is missed and never experienced until late stages of the Christian life or even after death to the physical body.  When the blessing of Entire sanctification is however; experienced and walked out for a long period of time on this side of heaven it offers: an unimaginable life that provides victory over sin; gives a sense of contentment the world can never offer; and provides a full assurance to an eternal inheritance that awaits every child of God in heaven. There is no struggle when God has your complete trust and dependency on Him for everything in life. There is a contentment found in this experience that can be found in no other place in life on this side of Heaven. It’s Full Salvation that offers the full blessing of deliverance. It’s not just being saved it’s being completely dependent on God without the Old man trying to dictate your life.

This writer does not have all the Biblical answers for all of our encounters in life. I know the new birth is taught in the Bible. I know the baptism with the Holy Ghost is taught in the Bible. Both operations regeneration and Sanctification have their distinct purpose. This discourse on the ministry and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit was written only to build up ones personal faith in Christ who regenerates and sanctifies. This document is intended only to encourage men to learn more about the truth of the Bible.  This writing is based on an overview of all New Testament records that agrees with the Epistles of Paul, John, James, and Peter after the death of Christ. This writing contains many years of doctrinal clarification and clarifies with words the most blessed experience any man can receive from a living Christ in the Throneroom.  Sanctification entire, the will of God, is one of the greatest blessing’s any believer can receive on the Christian side of life.

….As a believer grows in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ a closer walk with God is developed.  A shallow knowledge of Christ can also mean a shallow walk with God. A broad knowledge of Christ will increase faith and bring responsibility to the heart of a believer…
 Hubert T. Lindsey