Saturday, November 12, 2011

Three types of people and three types of struggle

1. The sinner...without Christ; disobedient; in total rebellion to the presence of God; out of harmony.

2. The believer in Christ...forgiven, back into sin, forgiven, back into sin...etc. Without victory; has an inner conflict between the divine nature and the carnal. A civil war is in his members. Doubt interferes with his faith. He's up and down, in and out, back and forth, wants salvation, and wants the world. He struggles with his relationship with God. Worldly sorrow, not godly sorrow from wrongdoing. Double minded and unstable. Easy prey to temptation. Out of harmony. Uncontrolled by the Spirit.

3. The believer in Christ...repentant, forgiven, God conscious, morally obligated, obedient to God, holiness of character, strong in faith, victorious over the world, flesh, and the Devil; Sold on the Christian experience; Avoids or overcomes situations that can quench or grieve the Holy Spirit. Not easy prey to temptation. Avoids ungodliness. Obedient to the presence of God. In harmony with God. Controlled by the Holy Spirit. Single-minded and stable.

Three types of struggle...

1. What man can do to obtain salvation, works, human effort, not trusting God's divine Grace
2. Inner conflict, war in the members, conflict between the flesh and the Spirit
3. World pressures, weights, problems of life…outer circumstances

Thursday, November 10, 2011

To our Christian Brethren around the Globe...

The Bible teaches us we can live holy and have a clean heart because Christ changes the heart of man with His saving Grace.

"If" we sin we have and Advocate (Jesus) with the Father. We can confess our sins to Him. He will cleanse and forgive...and restore us to right-standing with God.

The Bible teaches us to turn from sin and to accept Christ. This is repentance that comes "before" we accept Christ...not afterwards.

Christians do not pray to those who are dead. Christians pray to the living God who hears and answers our prayers. Necromancy is communication with the dead. Necromancy is a sin against God according to the Bible.

There is liberty in the Spirit of God. Grace gives...the Law demands.

Enjoy your walk with Christ. Do it in the Spirit...not in the flesh. Glorify Him in body and Spirit. You're His.

Thanks for stopping by.