This show brought light to the subject of Jesus' conversation with Nicodemas a ruler of the Jews out of Saint John Chapter 3. The show focused on Israel's deliverance from Egypt through the Red Sea and how the Spirit's baptism is promised to deliver Israel in the latter days by fire. The subject of Water Baptism was briefly touched on and clairified with much scriptural evidence.
This sixth "Revived" broadcast of the Churches on Trial contains a wealth of knowledge that must not be stowed away. As Brother Lindsey desired this writer hopes to continue this ministry with full ambition by the Grace of God. May the wealth of knowledge contained in these shows and on these recordings...bless your lives and ministries for the cause of Christ.
A christian blog that stemmed from a radio talk show of Biblical questions and answers...addressed by Brother Hubert Lindsey
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Eternal Security (audio)... by Hubert T. Lindsey
The following audio titled "Eternal Security" is an in depth teaching made by Brother Lindsey in the late 1980's. This audio recording deals with the doctrine of once saved, always saved...commonly known as the "Security of the believer". Brother Lindsey brings out what seems to be unlimited amount of Bible truth concerning the matter of losing faith and turning away from God, and why Christians do not practice sin.
Brother Lindsey came from a Calvinistic background but after being "Sanctified Entire" through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire his entire theology of Calvinism was uprooted somewhere around 1964. He taught the security of the believer early in life (he was Baptist) but after being "filled" with the Holy Ghost and crucified from self his manner of life and his theology was also changed. God revealed to Brother Lindsey that any man could be forgiven of his sins but God also confirmed to Brother Lindsey that a man could be delivered from the Adamic nature. That experience of God's Full Salvation changed Brother Lindsey's entire ministry as it will also change any man through the operation of God's Divine Grace.
Much scriptural evidence is brought forth on this audio and is a must for all students of the Bible. Clarification is given on the subject of "holiness of heart and conduct", "obedience to God", and "righteous living" all of which is given to the heart of man... by the Grace of God. This teaching should not be buried away or tossed aside in these crucial times of modern religious practice in 2009. By the Grace of God this writer hopes to "revive" all of Brother Lindsey's wealth of Biblical knowledge that has been set aside for years and scatter it across this nation and world for the Glory of Christ!
This kind of teaching brings victory in Jesus and not defeat. It makes men overcomers through Christ and helps men to keep from failing God. It clairifies and takes away various types of struggle that some men contend with all the way through life ...without victory in Jesus. May this excellent revived teaching bring victory to your personal enlightenment and personal understanding of God's Word. May it bless your personal walk with God and your personal consciousness to the Holy Spirit's presence in your life.
Re-publishing this audio (that's been buried for years) gives this writer so much joy as a witness for Christ. I know the rewards and blessing of this type of teaching. Brother Linsey wanted me to do this ministry and I committed to him before he died. God has made a way so... I continue to revive Brother Lindsey's complete archive of Biblical teachings on this Blog. May the truth behind these teachings and messages become real to your soul, real in your life, and real in your thinking. May the power and truth behind these teachings bless you as much as they have... this writer.
Brother Lindsey came from a Calvinistic background but after being "Sanctified Entire" through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire his entire theology of Calvinism was uprooted somewhere around 1964. He taught the security of the believer early in life (he was Baptist) but after being "filled" with the Holy Ghost and crucified from self his manner of life and his theology was also changed. God revealed to Brother Lindsey that any man could be forgiven of his sins but God also confirmed to Brother Lindsey that a man could be delivered from the Adamic nature. That experience of God's Full Salvation changed Brother Lindsey's entire ministry as it will also change any man through the operation of God's Divine Grace.
Much scriptural evidence is brought forth on this audio and is a must for all students of the Bible. Clarification is given on the subject of "holiness of heart and conduct", "obedience to God", and "righteous living" all of which is given to the heart of man... by the Grace of God. This teaching should not be buried away or tossed aside in these crucial times of modern religious practice in 2009. By the Grace of God this writer hopes to "revive" all of Brother Lindsey's wealth of Biblical knowledge that has been set aside for years and scatter it across this nation and world for the Glory of Christ!
This kind of teaching brings victory in Jesus and not defeat. It makes men overcomers through Christ and helps men to keep from failing God. It clairifies and takes away various types of struggle that some men contend with all the way through life ...without victory in Jesus. May this excellent revived teaching bring victory to your personal enlightenment and personal understanding of God's Word. May it bless your personal walk with God and your personal consciousness to the Holy Spirit's presence in your life.
Re-publishing this audio (that's been buried for years) gives this writer so much joy as a witness for Christ. I know the rewards and blessing of this type of teaching. Brother Linsey wanted me to do this ministry and I committed to him before he died. God has made a way so... I continue to revive Brother Lindsey's complete archive of Biblical teachings on this Blog. May the truth behind these teachings and messages become real to your soul, real in your life, and real in your thinking. May the power and truth behind these teachings bless you as much as they have... this writer.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
In Memory of: Brother Hubert Lindsey, Holy Hubert, Dr. Hubert Lindsey, Reverend Hubert Lindsey
After being reminded yesterday by a dear sister in the Lord, Laura Kelso... this writer felt the need to post this Blog in dedication to an Apostle by the resurrection of Christ... Hubert T. Lindsey. A true servant of God and a true man of perfect love.
Through an ongoing fellowship with Brother Lindsey...the Father of the Gospel that changed my life... I write these words...
Yesterday was year six since Brother Lindsey went on to be with Christ. I felt the necessity to share the following with all the readers of this Blog...
Through an ongoing fellowship with Brother Lindsey...the Father of the Gospel that changed my life... I write these words...
Yesterday was year six since Brother Lindsey went on to be with Christ. I felt the necessity to share the following with all the readers of this Blog...
Brother Hubert Lindsey
Born...May 21, 1914
Born of the Spirit...December 22, 1929
Sanctified Entire 1964
Went home to Christ...March 30, 2003
Holy Hubert's Legacy lives! His legacy was "Revival". Could this mean Jesus Movement 2009?
With honor and reverence toward Brother Lindsey, the father of this (present tense) movement for Christ in 2009...this Christian Blog has been created. When I speak of this movement for Christ in 2009 I speak of the present tense work of Christ from the Throneroom that actively "works" (now) in the hearts and lives of those who believe in Him. I speak of a present tense "Revival" that Brother Lindsey preached about and lived his entire life for. I speak of a present tense "Revival" that lives and moves under the directive Holy Spirit that flows through the truth of the Bible and our obedience to Christ! I speak of stirring souls and moving people to Christ through the truth behind the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached. That is my objective as I personally became a product of the power of the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached in 1988.
Brother Lindsey gave himself to the cause of Christ his whole life in the ministry. He was the Father of the Jesus Movement in the late sixties and experienced great "Revival". His ministry for Christ (25 years later in the late 80's) affected this writers life tremendously..that's why I write this Blog. Brother Lindsey's Revival message didn't cease in the 80's as this writer was "Revived" by that 1988. Brother Lindsey's Gospel brought "Revival" to thousands and there is a reason behind it all! All the power of a living Christ was behind Brother Lindsey's Gospel...and that's why so many people were affected by his ministry. That's why I'm resurrecting Brother Lindsey's messages, his teachings, his Church services, and the radio broadcast...The Churches on Trial. There was to much knowledge contained on the audios recorded by Brother Lindsey to be buried and stored away. God wants that material out there. So did Brother Lindsey, and so does this writer!
In order to have "Revival" and a modern day "Jesus Movement" the truth about Holiness must not be suppressed in these trying times of 2009. Truth must be revealed through the Christian witness and character for Christ. The truth about Sanctification and God's Sanctifying work in the human soul must be brought to peoples attention...(today) in 2009. The name of Christ and His power to "Revive" must be magnified...not suppressed. This brings "Revival" ...and this is how I remember Brother Lindsey declaring these same words...time and time..again! Brother Lindsey believed in Revival! I also believe in " Revival"! Brother Lindsey believed Christ Revives! I also believe Christ Revives! Brother Lindsey believed Christ restores! I believe Christ restores! Brother Lindsey believed Christ heals! I believe Christ heals! Brother Lindsey believed Christ forgives! I know Christ forgives!
I write this stuff because its fresh on my heart everyday. I preach the Gospel because its fresh on my heart everyday. My witness for Christ is fresh on my heart everyday! I know we need an awakening in 2009! I get responses from people across this nation that were awakened by the power behind Brother Lindsey's messages (even people who were affected 25-40 years ago). The power behind Brother Lindsey's Gospel was a living Christ and that same Christ is alive today an He "Awakens and Revives". The power behind a Christian's "holy heart" is a living Christ... and holiness of heart is the "center" of Revival and a present tense Awakening. The power behind our "true witness" for holiness of heart through a living Christ! The root of Revival is Holiness of heart. When the truth about holiness of heart is taught... Revival can break out like measles. That's where the Jesus Movement in 2009 can start from.
Revival didn't cease...because the power and presence of Christ is alive! Holiness didn't cease because Christ is alive and He changes sinful men to holy men of God! The holy heart is what compels Revival! The holy heart is what compels the child of God to tell the world about Christ. If you're a child of God...don't give place to the Devil! Don't be distracted by religion, by the mainstream opinions of men, or by the problems of life. The Jesus Movement is for today and there are many who need His Revival and His Awakening! Get outside the four walls...and help people to find the power and presence of Christ...who saved our souls.
Thanks be to Brother Lindsey and his timeless messages of holiness for Christ. Thanks be to those who respond to this Blog and testify of how Christ used Brother Lindsey to affect their personal lives in Christ. Thanks be to the Sanctifying Work of the Holy Ghost that rids man of the sinful nature and produces holiness of charcter and conduct. Thanks be to the Churches on Trial (Blog) and the Internet that allows this ministry to go into all the World for Christ. Thanks be to Christ who "Revives" those who are touched by His ministry. Do you sense an Awakening from Christ, or perhaps a Jesus Movement in 2009?
Brother Lindsey gave himself to the cause of Christ his whole life in the ministry. He was the Father of the Jesus Movement in the late sixties and experienced great "Revival". His ministry for Christ (25 years later in the late 80's) affected this writers life tremendously..that's why I write this Blog. Brother Lindsey's Revival message didn't cease in the 80's as this writer was "Revived" by that 1988. Brother Lindsey's Gospel brought "Revival" to thousands and there is a reason behind it all! All the power of a living Christ was behind Brother Lindsey's Gospel...and that's why so many people were affected by his ministry. That's why I'm resurrecting Brother Lindsey's messages, his teachings, his Church services, and the radio broadcast...The Churches on Trial. There was to much knowledge contained on the audios recorded by Brother Lindsey to be buried and stored away. God wants that material out there. So did Brother Lindsey, and so does this writer!
In order to have "Revival" and a modern day "Jesus Movement" the truth about Holiness must not be suppressed in these trying times of 2009. Truth must be revealed through the Christian witness and character for Christ. The truth about Sanctification and God's Sanctifying work in the human soul must be brought to peoples attention...(today) in 2009. The name of Christ and His power to "Revive" must be magnified...not suppressed. This brings "Revival" ...and this is how I remember Brother Lindsey declaring these same words...time and time..again! Brother Lindsey believed in Revival! I also believe in " Revival"! Brother Lindsey believed Christ Revives! I also believe Christ Revives! Brother Lindsey believed Christ restores! I believe Christ restores! Brother Lindsey believed Christ heals! I believe Christ heals! Brother Lindsey believed Christ forgives! I know Christ forgives!
I write this stuff because its fresh on my heart everyday. I preach the Gospel because its fresh on my heart everyday. My witness for Christ is fresh on my heart everyday! I know we need an awakening in 2009! I get responses from people across this nation that were awakened by the power behind Brother Lindsey's messages (even people who were affected 25-40 years ago). The power behind Brother Lindsey's Gospel was a living Christ and that same Christ is alive today an He "Awakens and Revives". The power behind a Christian's "holy heart" is a living Christ... and holiness of heart is the "center" of Revival and a present tense Awakening. The power behind our "true witness" for holiness of heart through a living Christ! The root of Revival is Holiness of heart. When the truth about holiness of heart is taught... Revival can break out like measles. That's where the Jesus Movement in 2009 can start from.
Revival didn't cease...because the power and presence of Christ is alive! Holiness didn't cease because Christ is alive and He changes sinful men to holy men of God! The holy heart is what compels Revival! The holy heart is what compels the child of God to tell the world about Christ. If you're a child of God...don't give place to the Devil! Don't be distracted by religion, by the mainstream opinions of men, or by the problems of life. The Jesus Movement is for today and there are many who need His Revival and His Awakening! Get outside the four walls...and help people to find the power and presence of Christ...who saved our souls.
Thanks be to Brother Lindsey and his timeless messages of holiness for Christ. Thanks be to those who respond to this Blog and testify of how Christ used Brother Lindsey to affect their personal lives in Christ. Thanks be to the Sanctifying Work of the Holy Ghost that rids man of the sinful nature and produces holiness of charcter and conduct. Thanks be to the Churches on Trial (Blog) and the Internet that allows this ministry to go into all the World for Christ. Thanks be to Christ who "Revives" those who are touched by His ministry. Do you sense an Awakening from Christ, or perhaps a Jesus Movement in 2009?
Monday, March 30, 2009
What the Bible really teaches about 'Tithing' (audio) by Brother Hubert Lindsey
What does the Bible really teach about the subject of Tithing? Do people in the Church World really know?
The following audio (on the subject of Tithing) was made by Brother Lindsey in the late 1980's to clairify the modern day plague... of money in the Church. Money in the Church has formed so many doctrines today in the Modern Church World its not worth mentioning them all. The main thing behind this publication on Tithing is that it reveals how prosperity messages originated and clairifies the real truth behind Sowing and Reaping.
For those who teach that Tithing (which is actually a Biblical ordinance of the Leviticval Preisthood) and apply it to the Church today... much clairification comes forth from this audio. For those who believe they must give out of obligation to God much clairification is given here also. There are other teachings who say people are cursed if they don't Tithe. A wealth of knowledge is contained in this presentation (on video and audio) on the subject of Tithing and what the Bible really teaches about this subject.
Please review, study, and research the Scriptural evidence behind this subject to see the real valididty of truth about Tithing. This teaching will also show people how to rightly divide the Holy making the vast distinction beteen Law given to Isreal...and Grace given to the present Church Age.
In closing, the writer of this Blog will state, " If a Christian truely loves God...they will give more than 10%" ...and perhaps disperse it throughout the homeless, the fatherless, the needy and even the poor saints like those in Jerusalem during Pauls day and hour.
May the Lord of our Salvation, Jesus Christ... reveal to your heart the truth in the Bible about...the subject of Tithing.
The following audio (on the subject of Tithing) was made by Brother Lindsey in the late 1980's to clairify the modern day plague... of money in the Church. Money in the Church has formed so many doctrines today in the Modern Church World its not worth mentioning them all. The main thing behind this publication on Tithing is that it reveals how prosperity messages originated and clairifies the real truth behind Sowing and Reaping.
For those who teach that Tithing (which is actually a Biblical ordinance of the Leviticval Preisthood) and apply it to the Church today... much clairification comes forth from this audio. For those who believe they must give out of obligation to God much clairification is given here also. There are other teachings who say people are cursed if they don't Tithe. A wealth of knowledge is contained in this presentation (on video and audio) on the subject of Tithing and what the Bible really teaches about this subject.
Please review, study, and research the Scriptural evidence behind this subject to see the real valididty of truth about Tithing. This teaching will also show people how to rightly divide the Holy making the vast distinction beteen Law given to Isreal...and Grace given to the present Church Age.
In closing, the writer of this Blog will state, " If a Christian truely loves God...they will give more than 10%" ...and perhaps disperse it throughout the homeless, the fatherless, the needy and even the poor saints like those in Jerusalem during Pauls day and hour.
May the Lord of our Salvation, Jesus Christ... reveal to your heart the truth in the Bible about...the subject of Tithing.
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