One little sin brought death on the entire human family
One little sin separated man from God
One little sin brought guilt and shame upon the human conscience
One little sin took man out of harmony with God
One little sin is enough to send a man to Hell
One little sin can be excused and then what?
One little sin doesn't seem like much in man's eyes
One little sin caused God to send His son to bleed and die as Savior of the World.
This one little sin Adam and Eve committed changed the whole course of humanity. When God promised to send Christ He meant that big things would happen. Christ would thus restore man with what Adam lost. One little sin caused God to do something that now changes the course of humanity.
It's called Salvation by the Grace of God. So great a Salvation that fallen man can be morally changed to have a clean heart! Live a clean life! And do right in the eyes of God. How? Through faith and trust in God's promised Savior for personal forgiveness. God can wipe your slate clean and keep it clean by the power of Salvation.
Beware of one little sin. It can do a lot of damage. Adam and Eve found out the hard way. In Christ you can avoid such grief. Remember one little sin, two little sins, three little sins, four little sins, five little sins, ...where does it stop?
With Christ. Get into Christ now and be delivered from the bondage of sin. Why deliverance? One little sin, two little sins, three little sins four little sins, five little sins? Christianity is a better life. Why? Christ delivers and gives you the power to quit sin. Greater is Christ! Glory! Don't Grieve God with sinful activity! Christ will help you to, "quit". Christ has enough power to change the course of humanity. Why not start with you. In the presence of Jesus sin must leave. Then its no more one little sin, two little sins, three little sins four little sins, five little sins? Christianity is a better life based on the holy heart and holy life. Glory to Jesus who is greater than sin!