Saturday, October 14, 2023

Complete freedom from the Adamic nature

 It has been my privilege to research and write about the Adamic Nature and it's relation to the human soul for over 25 years. During these years I have written a series of documents on the subject of the Adamic Nature. These were developed and found to be placed into a sequential order on the Internet. God has opened doors for these writings to be published and scattered around the Globe. Through life's Spirit led endeavor to preach Christ and share Bible Truth, God has allowed me to develop a System of Theology and Internet library...for you the reader. This Theological Library is found easy and free on Word Press, Christian Blessings and Google by searching for the Adamic Nature . Enjoy this latest exposition on the subject of, "Freedom from the Adamic Nature."

The subject of the Adamic Nature is as subject that many people lack full understanding about. Some students fail to realize the Divine Nature is greater than the Adamic nature. Some say you always have to live with the Adamic Nature regardless of the Divine Nature received in the new birth. Some feel you have to live under sin's rule your whole life as a child of God. From the pulpits across our nation today, countless hearers are being told that the Adamic Nature is greater than God's Grace. This concept is "NOT" Biblically correct. The Bible states, "Greater is Christ and His God-given nature to the new born Christian!" The intent of this writing is to convey what God says about the matter. Not man!

God's holiness is greater than any man's unholiness. In the Grace Covenant we now live under God's Holiness is given to the believing heart and found within the make-up of child of God. Sinners are called to holiness by the preaching of the Gospel message. In the conversion of a sinner when old things pass away "all" things become new. "New things" include the Divine nature given to man which is created by God in the new birth. The new birth is a birth of the new God-given nature of righteousness and holiness. The Divine Nature is granted to fallen man as a result of the broken will that comes through belief and trust in a Savior for personal forgiveness. When the will of fallen man is broken by the Spirit of God the believer (for the first time in his life) has power over the dominion of sin; the lusts of the flesh; and wrongful living. The make-up of a child of God thus is made, "holy".

The Biblical fact of the matter is, "God gives the penitent sinner (which is a believer in Christ) power the do right or what the Bible terms as righteousness. The blessing of God's imputed righteousness flows from the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ... into the believing heart" of the penitent. Grace comes into the believing heart. Holiness comes into the believing heart. Righteousness comes in, and the Divine nature comes in. A new creature in Christ is birthed from above. The old will of fallen man was broken. The clean heart from Christ was given. A desire to quit sin was given to the believing heart. A clean conscience came when all guilt from past sins was removed. Grace thus abounds in righteousness and holiness. No condemnation in Christ. Greater is He that is "now" in you. The make-up of a child of God becomes clean and holy...with God-given power to do right.

What does this mean concerning the Adamic Nature? Does the Adamic Nature still exist? If the Divine Nature is greater what about the Adamic Nature? The Adamic Nature still exists...but doesn't rule. The Divine Nature rules and God's Grace is greater than the Adamic. This is Bible Truth. Where sin abounds Grace does much more abound. The problem lies in what people are being told and being taught about the Old Adam. People are taught the Adamic Nature will always get the best of you. People are taught they will always have to live with this condition. People are misled into believing such falsities. These human opinions and traditional teachings have caused men to fail God, and fall from God by the thousands maybe millions.

The Bible teaches about the Adamic Nature and how to have freedom from its rule and dominion. The New Man is greater than the Old Man. Christian's live the new way (which is holy), not the old way of unholiness. Rebellion against God ceases when you get to Calvary and find forgiveness. Then, and only then can the Spirit of God can show the believing heart how to get rid of the still existing Adamic Nature. The new birth is a new creature with a new way of life. The Adamic Nature only "tries" to rule the new creation in Christ. The Adamic Nature does not rule. There will be memories of the old life but the new life prevails. There will be temptations relating to things you used to do but now you know better. There are old associations but God has shown you how to stay clear of such. This is the truth behind God's opinion and not man's opinion.

The Holy Spirit convicts the sinner and breaks the fallen will enough for fallen man to believe. After conversion the Holy Spirit shows this believing heart how to get away from the Adamic Nature that still tries to rule the life. This is where the power of God comes back into play. The power behind God's Spirit of Holiness shows man "death to self". Self being the place of entry to conflict with the Divine Nature. Self being the weak link into the make-up of the believing heart. Self being the object of God's sanctifying power in the life of a believer. The will of a saved man must now be "crushed" or "destroyed" completely. The Adamic Nature has to be dealt with by the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This baptism which comes after the new birth is God's method of freedom and deliverance from the still existing Adamic Nature.

God gives forgiveness to the sinner but He also gives freedom from the Adamic Nature to the saved man. Yes, you can have complete deliverance from the Old Adam in the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. In this blessing of sanctification from the Old Adam you don't only have a broken will, you now have a will completely "crushed" by the power of the Holy Spirit. The human will and self is taken out of the picture. The white flag of surrender goes up. The old man is crucified. The old man is buried. The old man is put to death. I give up Lord, I'm yours completely. Thank You Jesus.

Freedom from the Adamic Nature is Bible Truth based on leaving Romans 7 and getting into Romans 8. Freedom is not just the broken will but the will is completely crushed! Like being Issac instead of Ishmael. Like coming out of the wilderness and having a Mt. Zion experience. Glory! The Old Adam can be put to death completely. The body of sin can be destroyed. God said so! You can be freed by Grace. Freed from the Old Adam. Delivered from the body of sin that wasn't dealt with when you got saved. Not forgiven...but delivered. No more inner conflict. Surrendered completely. The flesh is crucified Dead to the old you. The Adamic nature cannot be confessed. The Adamic Nature must be destroyed by God. When God destroys the Adamic Nature you will be "free".

Romans 6:6...Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin

The purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire


The Holy Ghost is the third person of God, in the Divine Trinity. The work of Holy Ghost in the Godhead reveals the sin of man, his rejection of Christ, and doubt to the human conscience. How? By stirring the conscience and showing man what he really is in the presence of Christ. Sanctification through the Spirit is the will of God for all men. The sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost is conviction and repentance for the sinner. The sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost turns the penitent from sin to Christ, for salvation of the human soul. The sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost relates to the child of God (after Salvation) where the believers heart is purged from the Adamic nature. This final work of the Spirit through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire will be the central focus of this discourse. Its content will describe how, when, and why this Baptism performed by Christ deals with a part of a believer not dealt with at the new birth.

1. All believers need the sanctifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire

Reason: The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is the cleansing work of the Spirit in the heart of a Christian, not the sinner. This work of the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with initial Salvation in the new birth where the believer receives a new nature. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is another Christian experience that comes after the new birth. The purpose of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is God’s deliverance from the old nature that still exists in the life of a believer.

Through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross the miracle of Salvation of the human soul is granted to those who “trust in Christ’s death for the forgiveness of sins”. Within that miracle is a new birth where that believer receives a divine nature. The divine nature allows the believer to live a holy life in the sight of God however; the old nature suppressed by the presence of the Holy Ghost, still exists.

There is no struggle to do right in a believer’s life; however when there is a lack of recognition to this power, self still tries to rule the mind, soul, and body. This inner conflict wars against the power and will of the Holy Spirit’s directive. Why? The Adamic nature still exists in the life of a believer and tries to rule the mind, soul, and body even though it is suppressed by the power of the Holy Spirit after the new birth.

The miracle of the new birth is an instantaneous work of the Holy Ghost in soul of a penitent sinner. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire likewise is an instantaneous work however; this operation of the Holy Ghost deals with the believer instead of the sinner. Unlike the new birth received by the sinner, the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire deals specifically those who know Christ. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire allows God to deal with a part of this believer not dealt with at the new birth. What is not dealt with in the new birth? The old nature man was born with! That old nature is not forgiven in the new birth because it’s not an act of sin committed. Its man’s fallen nature that still tries to be recognized. The only way a believer can get rid of the old nature is through the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that destroys that part of man, entirely.

The Adamic nature which once ruled the sinner does not rule those who trust in Calvary for the forgiveness of sins. The existence of the old nature is still there but suppressed by the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence. The Adamic life (a product of self) continues to war against the believers consciousness to the Holy Spirits presence. This shows the great need for a believer to get rid of the selfish part of his being not dealt with at the new birth.

The sanctifying work of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire” came upon” believers, not sinners on the day of Pentecost. This Baptism was an instantaneous work of the Holy Ghost and not a progressive work as some profess. Why do Christians need the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire? It’s a more complete Salvation for the believer. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence that delivers those who are saved from the Adamic life. The sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost in the heart of a believer makes better witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ.

• Acts 1:8…But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you ;and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire has no relationship to Water Baptism. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire deals primarily with an inner conflict from the Adamic nature that hinders the believer from having all the Spirit of God has to offer in Salvation. This purifying work of the Holy Ghost that removes the believer’s conflict with the Spirit… is the will of God for all believers. It’s the fullness of Salvation to some however; vague to others due to lack of recognition of the Holy Spirits presence in their lives; or vague because of erroneous indoctrination.

What does it mean to "put off the old man?"

 Putting off the Old Man is an issue many Christian's don't understand. Reason? The Old Man still exists after one is saved and born of the Spirit. The Old Man tries to rule the new-born Christian with the power of selfishness...but Glory to God...God gives this believing heart a way out.

Sins are forgiven in the new birth. Self (the root of the old man) is not dealt with until after the new birth. The Holy Spirit takes the believing heart to Calvary so that "self can be put to death". Putting self to death is God's way of getting possession of the "whole you". Putting self to death is putting off the Old Man.

The best illustration I can give to shine light on "Putting off the Old Man" is like taking off a coat or jacket. Putting off the Old man must be taken off, hung up, but never put on again.  By experiencing such blessing the Spirit of God can rid the believer of all the dross of the Old Man, purge the believer's entire being, and give him a "new man to put on" which is created in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-25

Putting off rids the saved man of the still existing Adamic life that taunts the believing heart. Putting on shows the life of contentment found in the sanctified life where the Old Adam got hung up and even buried...never to be shown anymore. Buried with Christ in Baptism is the result of putting off.

Putting off the Old Man and putting on the new man reflects the Sanctifying power that takes place in life of believer. Putting off the Old Man completely allows God to have full possession of your entire being...that your entire body, soul, and spirit be preserved blameless until the day of Christ's coming. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-25

Human objective from a Biblical perspective


The objective of a sinner is lawlessness, rebellion, and a natural desire to do right without the blessing of God's Divine favor.

The objective of a penitent sinner affected by the Holy Spirit. Tired of the old life with a desire to turn to Christ. The mind is changed with recognition of Christ as Savior and Redeemer. Forgiveness from all sins of the past and pardon from God are received through trusting Christ. At the point of the broken will and full acceptance of Christ...God's favor regenerates the human soul. The mind, will, and intellect thus becomes subject to the authority of Christ's presence. For the first time in life a believing heart is focused on Christ and has God-given power to do right. The aim is obedience to God.

The objective of a saved man is to die to self. Reason? The Holy Spirit in light of Christ reveals and shows the believing heart the necessity of death to self. Unlike sin, self is something inherited from the Old Adamic life. Unlike sin, self cannot be confessed or forgiven. Death to self becomes the objective of a saved man because the Spirit constantly reveals full Salvation and constant victory. Why? Self tries to rule the believing heart and causes an "inner conflict" never experienced before in life. Why? God's Blessing of Divine Grace "abounds much, much more" and thus leads the believing heart back to Calvary. What is revealed? Crucifixion of self which is a God-given directive.

The objective of a believer after crucifixion to self. Renewal and transformation has taken place. The Spirit filled and Spirit led life rules the flesh. Totally given to God. The inner conflict is over. The outer conflicts of life are put into the hands of Christ. Realization that by being under the authority of an enthroned Christ nothing in life can defeat you. The object? Complete dependency on Christ. The Devil is defeated. The Old Adam is buried. Temptations don't have the same effect on a Sanctified man. The aim and objective are constantly Christ centered. Contentment is found. Rooted and grounded in Christ. Steadfast. Cannot be swayed back to the Old Life. The righteousness of the Law "fulfilled" in you. The objective? To be single-minded on Christ.

Death to self...the object of a believer in Christ


No frills here. Let’s get straight to the point…where the rubber meets the road.

The subject of death to self is often misunderstood by many and there is no easy way to express this topic. In this modern era of religion some have turned the actual "crucifixion of self" into a gradual process that is never received in this life. What a sad tragedy and so very harmful to a life of victory in Jesus! So often scriptures are wrenched (out of context) using terms such as dying daily, or the outward man perishing day by day as the inward man is renewed. This misconception has caused many people to fail God and has caused many people to fail to understand what "death to self" according to the Bible actually is.

Death to self is really living in Jesus without hindrance from the inner conflict caused from the old man. Without Jesus man cannot "die" to this old man anyway. Only intervention from God Almighty gives the believer in Christ a yearning or desire to experience what "crucifixion to old man" really is. Death to self actually occurs like Paul said, "I am crucified with Christ". I am… is an actual present tense experience of getting rid of the Old man completely. Sinful men get forgiven in regeneration… but the old self still exists. Children of God recognize more is needed because the Holy Spirit shows this believer in Christ that “death to self” is needed. Crucifixion of self is revealed by the Spirit of God. When crucifixion of self is realized by the believer…it can actually occur and/or be experienced.

Self relates directly to what the Bibles terms as the flesh. Flesh is a physical Biblical expression of being controlled by the Adamic nature. Flesh as told in the Bible is an enmity against God so get that clear in your thinking. The flesh has led more people to Hell than the Devil himself. As a matter of fact if the Devil knows that self rules you… he doesn't have to bother with getting your attention. You are doomed anyway and most likely Hell bound. You can't really live happy in Christ if self is dictating you. You've got a war on the inside and a struggle on the outside. You're miserable. What kind of life is this? Not victory in Jesus. You are not an over-comer.

Death to self is when the old life is gone. Death to self is when you don't show the old life anymore. The Holy Spirit convicts a sinner… but reveals crucifixion of self to a believer after regeneration. Another glimpse of Calvary comes to the believer. Not a glimpse of Calvary to bring the new birth but a glimpse of Calvary to bring a death to the Old man. Death to the old can come; “at one stroke” if you get rid of this mindset that death is not a gradual process. Get process out of your mind. Crucifixion is an actual death. The self life is over, gone, not shown anymore!

Terms such as planting or burying the old life simply means, “It’s gone” and “not shown anymore”. On the other hand…Sinning religion caused from self is actually, “Hell on Earth”. What a life of misery! Back and forth, in and out of relationship with Christ, up and down, to and fro in sin and out…like the waves of a raging sea. Is this what you call living, or happiness, or joy in the Spirit of Christ? Who are you kidding? Joy can become “full” only when you die to self. Real living… is death to the Old man and not only his deeds but also his existence.

The object of sinful man is finding personal forgiveness of sins through faith alone in the sacrifice of Christ.

The object of a believer "after" Salvation and forgiveness of sins is found... is death to self (or what the Bible terms as the Old Man).

Without death to the old self you will never find real life in Christ. If you don’t think crucifixion of self can be experienced in this life, “It won’t be”. If you do believe that self can die or be put off…The Spirit of God will come upon you and destroy that existing body of sin per Romans 6:6. The Holy Spirit takes your life over completely in sanctification. Crucifixion of self is the path to being sanctified completely in this life. What is sanctification? It’s simply getting rid of self completely, in this life by the Indwelling Spirit that comes through baptism. Where sin and self used to dwell…now is taken over by a baptism with the Indwelling Spirit. Now, you’re totally given! Now you’re totally filled! Now there’s no more self! Now, you’re empty of self! Now, you’re filled with the Spirit! Look at Pentecost you will see what happened to the Apostles. Their hearts and lives were revolutionized by the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. John the Baptist spoke of such in Mat. 3. Malachi spoke of such in the third chapter. Ezekiel spoke of such in chapter 36. It’s what God said in the Bible!

This is not a human concept. This is not an ideal conjured up by Rick Roehm. This is not an opinion. Simply put, “its truth from the Holy Scriptures”. Sometimes truth can be painful because it cuts to the chase. Don’t take my word on it. Find out what death to self really is in the Bible. Then you will find out what living in Jesus really is. Regeneration, crucifixion of self, and sanctification are 3 distinct acts that are actually experienced in this life. They all take the child of God into, “Heaven on Earth”. The heart is prepared and always ready for physical death or the Rapture. Clean and purified. Rid of sin. Rid of self. No more double mindedness. Single minded. Christ centered. Happy! Blessed and sold out to Jesus. Then you will be just like this writer where people will say, “Here comes Rick Roehm again. All he wants to do is talk about Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. They’re right!”

God's method of getting rid of the (still existing) Old Adam


Did you ever wonder why "forgiveness of sins" is not mentioned in the following passage? Reason? It makes no reference to getting saved. It deals with man "after" he's saved.

Colossians 2:11-14...In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him

Notice the circumcision made without hands...What Christ does.
Notice putting off the body of the sins of the flesh...What Christ does.
Notice how one is buried with Him in Baptism...What Christ does.
Notice how one is risen with Christ by the operation of God...What Christ does.

The language is clear that God has dominion over all sin. Circumcision is God's method of cutting away the old Adam that still exists in the child of God. Putting off the old man (like taking off a coat) is what a child of God is able to do under the influence and dominion of a Living Savior. To bury the old habits, the old ways, the old plans, and all the old things that interfere with a new life in Christ "happens" when the believer is overwhelmed with the Indwelling Spirit. Overwhelming from the Holy Ghost is a form of baptism that rids the believer from the Old Adam. Christ has dominion over the Adamic nature. The constant urge from the Spirit of God allows man to finally realize he is nothing. Nothingness shows man's need for the Sanctifying operation of God's Spirit that rids the believer from the war that tries to arise in his members. Struggle does not produce happiness. Conflict does allow God to have complete control over the part of you where the Old Adam still tries to rule.

Circumcision cuts out the inner conflict. Putting off the body of the sins of the flesh allows the urge from God to take over and perform an operation of deliverance from the old Adam. God in Christ has ways to rid man of self and selfishness long after the new birth has taken place. The language of the Bible is quite clear if you read it closely enough. Christ does the circumcising. Christ rids man from the conflict of the Old Adam. Only an operation from God can perform such act after the initial act of Salvation and forgiveness takes place. The acts of sin were gone in Salvation but the carnal still lingered. Christ gives this person a way out through "death" or "putting off" the Old Adam. No confession or no forgiveness from the state of self.

Sanctification is not what you do. Sanctification is the operation of the Spirit of God that "rids" man from the conflict brewed from the Old Adam. Sanctification is where man is "severed" or "cut away" from self not removed in Salvation. Justification rids man from the acts of sin. Sanctification rids man from the Old Adam. The urge to die to self comes to a saved man but the overwhelming experience of "death to self" comes when the flesh is circumcised with a circumcision "made without hands". This circumcision comes from Christ who restores and delivers man from the Adamic life. The language of the Bible is clear God has dominion over the acts of sin and the sinful nature.

Notice the circumcision made without hands...What Christ does.
Notice putting off the body of the sins of the flesh...What Christ does.
Notice how one is buried with Him in Baptism...What Christ does.
Notice how one is risen with Christ by the operation of God...What Christ does.

Colossians 2:11-14...In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him

The Adamic to get rid of it


The Adamic nature is a subject that is not taught on much today. The entire Bible contains Scriptural evidence that proves man has an Adamic Nature... since the Fall of Adam.

What is the Adamic Nature? A propensity of sin inherited from Adam.

Why does man have an Adamic Nature. When Adam fell (transgressed against God) the whole human family that followed was automatically "polluted" with a sinful nature and was born with a corrupt heart.

Can the Adamic Nature be confessed? No. The acts of sin can be confessed. The sinful nature of man has to be "removed" by the sanctifying power of the Spirit of God.

How does a Christian get rid of the Adamic Nature? Man does not have power to rid himself of the Adamic Nature. Only the purifiying and purging work of the Baptism with the Indwelling Spirit can rid man from inherited sin.

Romans 6  relates the Adamic Nature to the body of sin. This language of the Scripture teaches that God "destroys" the body of sin. Read it in Romans 6.

In most parts of the Bible man can be rid of sin by confession and forgiveness from God. In Romans 6,7, and 8 the Bible describes how God can rid the believer of inherited sin that cannot be confessed or forgiven in the act of Justification.

Justification that rids man of the acts of sin is the theme of Romans 1-5. Sanctification is the theme of Romans 6-8 that rids the Justified man from the Adamic Nature.

God's Grace can forgive and destroy sin. Grace flows from Christ... the God of our Salvation. Christians, "Get rid of the Adamic nature before the Adamic Nature causes you get rid of Christ". The Holy Scriptures give the evidence that God can "destroy the body of sin". Here's proof!

Rom 6:6...Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

You don't have to let the Adamic nature get the best of you


There is a better life than having an inner struggle going on in your heart...all the time. God doesn't want Christian's to struggle with the sinful nature (the Adamic nature). God gives man a way to get rid of sin. God provides a means of deliverance from the struggle caused from the old nature. It's called sanctification by the Grace of God. The struggle with the Old Adam is what many Christian's deal with at this present hour. This struggle allows the devil's nature (the Adamic Nature) to get the best of people from time to time... but it doesn't have to be that way. Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world.

The Bible teaches Christian's are able to overcome the wicked one. It's also clear that this statement is true in a saved man's life...before he gets sanctified.

1 John 2:14...and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.

1 John 5:18..We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.

People are not taught about this in the Church World. If people were taught about this...they would find out they could be delivered from the devil's nature instead of defeated by it. It would be confirmed with the Holy Scriptures and then you would see alot more victorius Christian's. They wouldn't allow the Adamic nature to knock them down as much. They wouldn't allow the Devil to find a place in their lives. They wouldn't constantly proclaim defeat. They would be professing victory over the Old Adam. People would have a stronger witness and understand the truth of the Holy Scriptures more. Sanctifying power that follows the new birth... can be found and experienced in this life unlike what they are told through through human opinion. I realize the Devil can knock a man down and God will pick him back up. Over and over again. A sanctified man won't let the Devil knock him down. The power of God's Grace in the sanctified heart gives man a better life and a stronger grip on the Holy Spirit. This life produces a life of victory over the Adamic Nature.

The life of victory over the Old Adam is not found in the new birth. The new birth is where forgiveness is found not victory over the Old Adam. Victory over the Old Adam is found after man is born of the Spirit. A new life is made in Christ then crucifixion to self occurs. The believer realizes he has to get out of the way in order to have the life without struggle, without the inner conflict, and without the war in his members. That life is found only through a sanctified heart given by the Spirit of God. Entire sanctification can be found and experienced on this side of heaven. Yes, you can be entirely sanctified on this side of Heaven. When sanctification is found (in the life of a believer in Christ) the Adamic Nature will not get the best of you anymore. The struggle with the old Adam is taken away by God's Grace. You don't have peace in Christ you have the peace of God that "rules" your heart. No more inner conflict. No more war in your members. No more struggle with self.

Sanctification is not a progressive experience that gradually comes in the life of a believer. It's the final work of the Holy Spirit unlike the initial work of the Spirit in the new birth. Sanctification takes place upon a believer (not a sinner) it did upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost. Then later this subject is taught by Peter who testified this same sanctifying experience took place upon the Gentiles (house of Cornelius) like it did on them on the day of Pentecost. The Gentiles had experienced a purifying experience in the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire like the Apostles did on the day of Pentecost. They were saved first (born of the Spirit) and then later they received the sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost right on the spot...instantaneously. They were filled! They were emptied of self! They were purified from the Adamic life! Sanctification came to purify their hearts from the still existing nature of the Old man. This purification by the Spirit of God dealt with the Old Adam that still existed in their lives. They were already saved prior to this Baptism with the Holy Ghost. So what were these saved men purified from? The Old Adam.

Acts 15:7-9...And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

God knows the Old Adam can get the best of people. He gives man a way to be delivered from that. Sanctification through the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire is the only way to find victory over the Olds Adam. Sanctification "purifies" or ""burns up" the Adamic Nature. That's what John the Baptist meant when he said,

Matt 3:11-12...I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

Christ will burn up the chaff in your heart (the Adamic Nature). Christ purifies and sanctifies! Christ destroys the Devil's nature. Christ forgives the sinner in the new birth...but Christ gets the beleiver out of the Devils prison house...when the believer is sanctified entire with the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Then the old nature will not get the best of you anymore. The new new nature now rules without a the Grace of God! Isn't that beautiful?

This stuff needs to be taught more! This stuff needs to be experienced in the hearts of faithful men...then it needs to be lived out and witnessed. Sanctification will produce fruit. The fruit of Sanctification is that the Adamic Nature will not get the best of you anymore. Amen?

The Adamic Nature in Sanctification


There are many Biblical terms for the  Adamic Nature such as the old manthe body of sin, the carnal mind, the flesh, the Law of sin and death, the natural man, etc.  All of these Biblical expressions simply define the moral depravity of man. A man without redemption and man not controlled by the Spirit of God. A man whose will is controlled by sin.

How does the Adamic nature relate to a sinner? How does the Adamic Nature relate to the new born Christian and; how does the Adamic Nature relate to a sanctified man? These questions arise often but are taught and clarified within the contents of the Bible.

In past Blogs I have written about the Adamic Nature; the Adamic Nature in Justification; but never on the Adamic Nature in Sanctification. I'd like to take the liberty elaborate on that topic.

A sinful man is controlled by the Adamic Nature completely. Romans 7 proves that. A Justified man is a pardoned sinner that has received the new birth and a new nature. Romans 1-5 proves that. Justification does not deal with the Adamic Nature, only the past acts of sin. A sinner does not have freedom from the enslaved will to sin. Sin has dominion over man's will, man's actions, and man's character. Romans 1-5 deals with forgiveness, pardon, and Justification from sinful conduct.

A Justified man has a regenerated nature termed as a "Divine Nature" in the Bible. A Divine Nature is a God given power to do right greater than the inherited carnal nature that still exists in the Justified life. This is where Sanctification comes in. Sanctification is the act of God that "rids" a Justified man from the Adamic Life (that still exists).

Justification and the Adamic Life 

Justification makes the believer in Christ eligible to be Sanctified by the Spirit of God's baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire like on Pentecost. Holiness of heart begins in the Justified life. Man has to be holy first to be Sanctified.

Sanctification is the operation of God's Grace that removes the Adamic Nature from a Justified man. Sanctification is not a gradual separation from things of the world. Sanctification is the power of God that "destroys" the body of sin as taught in Romans 6.

Romans 1-5 deals with forgiveness from sin and Justification. The Adamic Nature cannot be forgiven because it is inherited sin. Romans 6 deals with how a Justified man can get rid of the Adamic Nature that is inherited from the fall of Adam. Self must be crucified so the Adamic Nature can be Sanctified. The Spirit of God leads the Justified man to "crucifixion of self". Sanctification by the Spirit of God occurs when self is taken out of the picture. Romans 6 teaches how to get rid of self and be Sanctified by the Spirit.

Romans 7 teaches how man is powerless to the Adamic Nature, especially to those who practice Law. Then sin is mentioned again in Roman's 8 but nothing is mentioned about the acts of sin, forgiveness, or Justification. All of this chapter (Roman's 8) points to complete deliverance from the sinful nature or Indwelling Sin. Being free from the Law of sin and death...not forgiven from sinful conduct.

Deliverance from the Adamic Nature is the object of Roman's 8. The Adamic Nature is the object of Roman's 7; Roman's 6 teaches how to get rid of the Adamic Life; and Roman's 1-5 deals with Justification from the acts of sin. All denominations will agree on Justification but many become divided on the operation of God's Sanctification that delivers man from Indwelling Sin or the Adamic Nature

The Adamic Nature, what it is, what the Scripture teaches about it, how to get rid of it, are doctrines necessary for the Bible students to learn. This type of knowledge is necessary in order to have a life of victory over self, ego, arrogance, high-mindedness, self-sufficiency, works, and self related things that cause hinderance between a "struggling believer" and a life in Christ. A struggle with self can lead back into a life of sin. A deliverance from self can be the path of a Sanctified life.

The magnitude and need for Christ is revealed when the Adamic Nature is taught. That's why I write about the Adamic Nature. Men need to learn they can have victory over the Adamic Life rather than defeat caused from it. The Roman Letter teaches such truth. There are two types of Christian: 1. One with and inner conflict between self and Christ  2. Dead to self and controlled by the Spirit with complete victory over the Adamic Life.

God showed me men can have complete victory over the Adamic Nature when they get Sanctified. That's why I give Christ all the glory when He leads a Justified man to Calvary. Then the object of a Christian is not forgiveness from sins of the past but death to the Old man that tried to wreck the Christian life with Christ. That's why Paul said I am dead with Christ and my life is hid with Christ in God. Crucified with Christ is the Biblical term. There is a life of victory over the Adamic Life...To Christ be the Glory!

For more interesting facts on this subject read the following...The Devil's Prisonhouse

God Bless

The Adamic Nature in Justification


Justification/the new birth makes man an over-comer of the Adamic Nature on the inside; and an over-comer of temptation on the outside.

Justification channels God's Grace into the heart of a believer. The heart of a believer is made clean and holy.

Justification enables the believer in Christ to have victory over the Adamic Nature. How? The empowerment of God's Grace is greater than the inherited carnal nature. The divine nature is not equal to the carnal nature but greater according to God. God's Word confirms such truth in Saint John's Epistle...greater is He in you, than he that's in the world. Peter also confirmed such truth in his Second Epistle in chapter 1 stating how man escapes the corruption in the world when he is made a partaker of the divine nature.

Justification by Grace converts sinful men and makes them, over-comers to the Adamic Nature. Justification empowers the believer with enough of Christ to over-come temptations that are encountered in life.

Justification rids man from the guilt of the past and brings holiness into the human soul.

Justification makes the believer in Christ (not the sinner) eligible to be sanctified from the conflict caused from the still existing Adamic Nature. Sanctification rids man from the Adamic Nature.

The distinction between the acts of sin and inherited sin (the Adamic Nature)


The Bible clearly teaches there are two types of sin within the human make-up.

(1.) Breaking the law of God
(2.) Man's inherited propensity to sin.

The acts of sin can be confessed and/or forgiven. Inherited sin is different. Inherited sin cannot be confessed or forgiven because it is not an act, violation or transgression against God. God deals with inherited sin in a different manner.

Christ came to rid fallen man of indwelling sin and disobedience to God both. Justification deals with the acts of sin. Sanctification deals with the sinful nature. Neither type of sin is to great for God to rid man of. Only God can rid man of sin. Acts of sin are forgiven. Inherited sin is destroyed. Acts of sin are confessed. Indwelling sin is cleansed.

Forgiveness is something God does in Justification. Cleansing from the Adamic Nature is something God does in Sanctification. Both operations are performed by Spirit of the Living God. Justification is something God does to a sinner. Sanctification is something God does to a believer that desires to have the Adamic Nature removed.

No sin is to big or to small for God Almighty. God doesn't want anyone to be bound by the acts of sin or bound by the inherited sinful nature. God forgives men from the acts of sin. God liberates men from the Devil's Prisonhouse which is merely the Adamic Nature.

What a mighty God we serve who took upon Himself human flesh so that you and I could be liberated from sin's bondage or stronghold. Jesus can set the captives free as He leads captivity captive. Jesus can have "full possession" of your mind, soul, and body. Your total being. Everything you are. He can forgive sin and he can remove it completely from the child of God...or my Bible is a lie. Don't think that's the case either. Many may find this teaching somewhat unusual but if you dig deep enough into the Bible you'll find it yourself. It came through the power or a resurrected Christ.

It's the doctrine of God and not the doctrine of man. There is no Wesleyanism, Calvinism, Lutheranism, Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, New Age, or any form of man made doctrine in sin. Just plain and simple Bible Truth. So likewise is God's great blessing of removing sin from the heart of man.

In reference to the verse in John 1, "if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, the truth is not in us"...makes reference to the Gnostic's who did not believe man had a sinful nature. Sin is two-fold. The acts of sin and inherited sin. That's what John was making reference to. Many don't know this because they want to take one verse from the Bible and make a complete doctrine out of it... and then justify sin with it. How sad that some would use the Bible to justify or condone sin...when really its just the opposite. The Bible is to be used to justify and condone righteousness and holy living. It's used to magnify Christ and the power He gives His children to have over sin. It's call victory over sin or victory in Jesus either one.

Excuse me for getting blessed when I write these Blogs. I just love Jesus, having fellowship with His saints, and knowing the power of His resurrection. Like God this writer hates sin and loves righteousness. Check out the two different types of sin in the Bible and you will see how God gives the way for man to be "delivered" from it.

The way of Cain...the son of Adam


We all recognize Adam and Eve and the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. What about Cain who killed his brother Abel? Cain violated life, nature, and God with the murder of his dear brother Abel...without human example. Notice the way of Cain? Let's compare Cain's human religious works (without a cry for mercy) with Abel's offering of sacrifice unto God.

Gen. 4: 2-4...Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.

While Abel obeyed God...Cain disobeyed God and missed God's Divine favor. Cain was without confession or the witness of righteousness in his heart.

Heb. 11:4...By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous,

Gen. 4:5...But unto Cain and to his offering he (God) had not respect.

"The way of Cain consisted of self made human religious worship".

1 John 3:12...Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one,

The wicked one was Cain's inherited propensity of sin. Simply termed as the, "Adamic Nature" that has tainted the human family since the Transgression of Adam.

Perhaps someone has departed from the faith of their believing parents. Abel didn't depart from the faith, but Cain did. Cain was a defiant and open sinner against the God of Creation. Cain was the first child of the fallen race, after the Fall of Adam. Cain had no experiential background in sin or disobedience to God. Cain was the first Biblical example of an unbeliever. The way of Cain was blind to the Devil's deception upon his mother, Eve. Cain heard from God directly and knew God...yet Cain still left the presence of God. Cain's ways were evil, defiant, and godless. Unlike Abel, Cain rejected what God wanted from him concerning religious worship. Cain turned against the God of all Creation.

Gen 4:16...and Cain went out from the presence of the LORD

Let's examine to the way of Cain in light of the present human family. Compare humanity and the unbelieving world today, with the self made human religious ways of Cain. If we have eyes to see we can clearly see that our modern religious world has drifted into the way of Cain. The ways of Cain have become a beacon in the life of society. Those who say God is about love and not about Judgment have gone in the way of Cain. Those who substitute religious works and religious ceremony for the death and resurrection of Saviour have gone the way of Cain. Those who substitute philosophy for Divine Revelation have gone the way of Cain. Society is elevated with the nature and ways of Cain. Cain is in the business world. Cain is in the workplace. Cain is in our educational systems. Cain has subtly formed in the Religious world.

The Devil's prison house...the Adamic Life


The subject of this Blog is about the Devil's Prisonhouse. It's a subject that some people do not like to address. Other's dodge it and some just don't know about. In order to define the Devil's Prisonhouse we must first define the Devil's Nature and establish the truth of how the Devil's Nature tries to keep a man bound and confined, even after he has accepted Christ as personal Lord and Saviour.

The Devil's nature is the corrupt and enslaved will of man that is controlled by sin. The Devil's Nature is the nature that every human being is born with since the curse of the Fall in the Garden of Eden. God's curse fell over the Earth and humanity, as a result of the Original Sin. Adam fell in a mud puddle and the whole human family got dirty. The Bible says by the disobedience of Adam many are made sinners, but by the obedience of Christ shall many be made righteous. Plain and simple truth.

The Bible goes on to teach in Rom 5:21...That as sin hath reigned unto death. Sin reigns in humanity through the Devil's Nature. This corrupt and enslaved nature rules the sinner when Christ is not in the picture. The mind, will, and character of a sinner is Godless and enslaved to sin.

After a man accepts Christ the Devil's Nature no longer rules. Why? The believer is given a new nature. The Bible calls this new nature the Divine Nature. The Divine Nature is not the Devil's Nature. The Divine Nature is the nature of Christ that a believer "partakes of" when personal forgiveness is found and Salvation by Grace comes into the human soul. The Divine Nature is ruled by the Spirit of Christ. The Divine Nature is a God given nature that has the power to do right. The Divine Nature is righteousness imputed to the human soul. It flows from Calvary. It rules the heart and life of a child of God.

So, where is the Devil's Nature in the life of a Christian? Where did the Devil's nature go? Never in the past life before Christ has the Devil's Nature ever been disturbed, but now Christ came into the picture. The Devil's Nature has been overcome by the Divine Nature. The Devil's Nature still tries to retailate. The Devil's nature now tries to "rule over the divine". How does Christ feel about this? Christ says get thee behind me Satan. Christ has "all" authority. Christ says, "Move out of the way. I am God. I bought this believer with my own blood. He's my ownership. This believer has the power to glorify me in his body and spirit". Yes, dear reader the Divine Nature is greater than the Devil's Nature. God said so, "Greater is He that is in you". Glory!

Now, we can address the Devil's Prisonhouse that still exists. The Devil's Prisonhouse is the place where the Devils's nature tries to tell the child of God, the saved, or the born again believer that it rules. This old man says, "The divine nature doesn't have the power to make the child of God do right, you're always going to have this struggle with the flesh". The Devil's prisonhouse is where the Devil freely comes into the intellect and thinking and tries to deceive a child of God into believing he's always going to be a captive to the Devil's Nature. Instead of believing what God said the Devil tries to trick, to brainwash, and to deceive saved people into believing what He says. People including Christian's are sometimes bound in the Devil's Prisonhouse and led to believe there is no means of escape or deliverance from this corrupt will and nature. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Where sin Grace does "much more" abound. I like that language! Glory!

Christ provides a way for the child of God to "escape" the Devil's Prisonhouse. You can be liberated! Yes, my Brother and Sister you can be liberated from the confines of the Devil's Nature that constantly keeps telling you the flesh can have the best of you. You can break away from that struggle if you allow the power of Christ to mortify your flesh along with it's awful deeds. The Devil wants you in his prison cell to be captive and yielded to Him. There was never a conflict with the old nature until Christ came in. Don't let false teaching, tradition, or the opinions of men tell you you're always going to be held in the confines of the Devil's Prisonhouse. It's not true! It's not true! It's not true! That's just what the Devil wants! The Devil wants you at war with self. He want's you to struggle with self. He want's you to be defeated. The Devil want's you to believe there is no escape and no deliverance from being tossed to and fro. The Devil wants you to be double minded. This is not peaceful living. Without victory over self. Being in prison to self is not peaceful. No contentment in the Devil's Prisonhouse. This is misery...yet the Devil deceives people into believing this is a form of Christianity! That is the Devil's Prisonhouse. That's the struggle. That's the conflict! Only Christ can liberate man from.

The Devil's Prisonhouse is a place that drills into your thinking there is never a way out. It's always going to be this way. The flesh and the Spirit at constant war. The flesh wins! The flesh is greater than Christ. I don't care what the Bible says, it's always going to be that way! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

I call you attention to these facts:

Jesus gives the sinner a way to be forgiven.

Jesus gives the believer a way to be liberated from the Devil's Nature.

Jesus gives the believer a way to "escape" and "break away" from the Devils Prisonhouse.


First you have to be Justified.
Second you have to be sanctified...completely.

Justification is the new birth.
Sanctification (the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire) is deliverance from the Devil's Prisonhouse.

How do I get Justified? The New birth...removal of the "acts" of sin
How do get Sanctified? The baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire... removal of the Adamic Nature

Neither operation performed by God is progressive. Both acts are instantaneous and distinct acts proven in the Bible. Read it for yourselves. God can forgive, deliver, and liberate. Both operations have a distinct purpose. The new birth makes you eligible to be sanctified. Sanctification delivers you from the Devils Prisonhouse. Amen!

Plain and simple truth. Bible truth! It says in the Bible through the words of Christ the truth shall make you free. Read it. Live it! Freedom also includes freedom from the Devil's Prisonhouse. The Devils nature can be destroyed. After the Devil's Nature is destroyed you are no longer held captive in the Devil's Prisonhouse.

Food for thought...
Jesus gives the sinner a way to be forgiven.
Jesus gives the believer a way to get rid of the Devil's nature.
Jesus gives the believer a way to "escape" and "break away" from the Devils Prisonhouse.

Liberated completely! Freedom from the bondage of self. Glory to God! It's a better life than being bound and and held captive to the Old Man! No more struggle with self. Flesh Crucified! Buried! Planted together with Christ. Raised in the newness of life. The Indwelling Spirit of God has His way. The total man under complete possession of the Indwelling Spirit. Walk in the newness of the Spirit not in oldness the flesh. Liberated and freed from the Adamic the power of a resurrected Christ. Delivered completely! It's a better life than being bound to the Old Man and the Old Man's selfish ways.

Victory in Jesus...who takes away our struggles and delivers us from the bondage of the Devil's Prisonhouse. He shall baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire...

A man ruled by ...I, me, and mine...43 times in this passage


The make-up of a natural man wants to do good but... sin rules him. In the make-up of a man without Christ he "wants to do good" but he can't. Man's choices are often intended to be right but man still does wrong. Why? In bondage to sin, struggling with the flesh, controlled by Indwelling sin. The choices and decisions of a man without Christ are swayed by the Adamic Nature.

The following passage in Romans 7:5 indicates the past life "before  Christ when Paul was under Law"...For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. This passage is not to be mixed up with the heart and life of a Christian who is victorious in Christ. Romans 6 is the Christian life and shows man how to get rid of the Adamic Nature. Romans 8 is the sanctified life after man gets rid of the Adamic Nature. Romans 7 is not the life of a child of God controlled by the Holy Spirit. Only the opposite is true. Notice the I, me, and mine mentioned 43 times in the following verses.

Romans 7: 7-21...Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.  But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

The main expression here? The enslaved will of fallen man. A perfect picture of a man controlled by the Adamic Nature...under sin. Sin controls his choices, actions, and decisions. I, me, and mine...the self centered man.

The human will: tainted with an Adamic Nature


Why is the human will tainted with an Adamic nature? Because of the sin of Adam. Adam was not created with an Adamic nature like men are today. Adam fell because he chose to sin. Adam violated God's command in the transgression. After the transgression of Adam man stepped out of Eternity into time. Spirituality was lost. Holiness was lost and obedience to God was lost. The human will became tainted as a result of Adam's sin.

Death also began as a result of Adam's separation from God. The curse of the Fall of Adam caused humanity to be born with a sinful nature from that time on. The human will was tainted with a sinful nature. Man was controlled by sin from birth. The entire human family has been plagued for thousands of years with this inherited fallen state of being. The mind is tainted. The will is tainted. The nature of man is tainted. Tainted so much that man cannot achieve God's favor by choice or decision. Why? Fallen man's choices and decisions are governed by moral depravity.

Here's an example: If you take a man (without Christ) who is a doer in life. This man believes with all his heart the choices and decisions he makes in life are right. These choices and decisions are right in his own eyes but not in the eyes of God. Why? This unbeliever leaves out Christ who gives man a new nature. This unbeliever misses Christ completely yet has an inner desire to do right. His choices and decisions are led by the flesh...not by the Spirit. His will is tainted and controlled by sin. I speak of the inherited sin nature. This man is a rejecter of Christ. He is a rebel against God and no matter what he does outside of Christ his soul is still doomed to everlasting darkness.

Yes, my brothers and sisters the human will is controlled by inherited sin. This sin I speak of is inherited from Adam and does not come by choice. The nature of man is to be self sufficient not by choice but because this man is controlled by sin. Fallen man is a servant to rebellion. Fallen man is defiant against the truth about Christ. He wants to do right but can't because he lacks Christ.

That's why the will of man is tainted? The will of man is what controls mans actions, decisions, and choices? If the will of man is not broken man cannot achieve favor from God in any respect or manner. No matter what man does he still a rejecter of Christ and a rebel against God Almighty. That's why the Bible terms this person as a child of wrath.

Only the power of a living Christ can break fallen man enough to cause him to believe, trust, and/or accept Christ. The will of man goes his own way. When the human will is broken man realizes Christ did it. The power of Christ is enough to brake man's fallen condition. When man believes in Christ the new nature causes man to do the will of God...not by human effort, but by the power of God's Grace. Man will do right because he has the God given power to do right. God said so! Read it!

Romans 5:19...For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

What is the Adamic nature?


The Adamic nature is a result of the curse of the Fall of Adam that has plagued the human family since God created man. The Adamic nature stems from the "Original Sin" committed in the Garden of Eden. Every man, woman, and child on planet Earth is born with it. Jesus came to rid man from it. Glory!

The Adamic Nature is a subject of the Bible that is not taught on much today in our Modern Religious World. One reason is because the Adamic Nature (man's propensity to sin) is highly misunderstood. Another reason is because there are divided opinions on the Adamic Nature that vary from denomination to denomination. Some say that Christian's always live with the Adamic nature. Others say that Christian's can never get rid of it. I personally am led to believe the Bible teaches the Christian can be rid of the Adamic Nature's stronghold through crucifixion of self, and the Baptism with the Holy Ghost that follows the new birth.

Here are some Biblical terms used throughout the Bible to express the Adamic nature or man's inherited propensity to sin against God.

  • The "Law of Sin and Death" is a spiritual expression of the Adamic nature used in (Romans 8). This Law of Sin and Death is man's knowledge of the inner inclination that cause's sinful man to do wrong.
  • The "Flesh" is the physical expression of the Adamic nature. This is the physical act of wrong that a sinful man does in the eyes of God.
  • The "Carnal Mind" is the mental expression of the Adamic nature. This is the actual thinking behind sinful man's wrongdoing in the eyes of God.

All the above terms are something man has knowledge of. Law brings knowledge. Knowledge brings obligation, or responsibility.

Rom 8:2...For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

The law of sin and death is mans knowledge of the inner, the physical, and the mental capacity of indwelling sin. Indwelling sin is not the act of sin, it's the nature within man that causes man to sin.

Jesus came to forgive sin and rid man of the Adamic nature. We can confess the act of sin, but Jesus has to get rid of the Adamic nature that cannot be confessed.