Thursday, March 31, 2011

God is behind this it. Share it. Put it in your favorites.

Fear not. God is behind this Blog. Over the past year or year and half this writer/pastor has been going through some tight tribulation in the world. My sales job after 14 years came to an end. Some say economics caused the problem some say management issues caused the problem. Only God knows the real reason. Anyway I was blessed last Friday with a new place of now I'm going through that transition. New job, new people...lots of CHANGE. Perhaps the Blogs I write have been slighted I'm not sure. I write several. Can't do it during the day anymore as it's all about work so I'm up this morning at 5:30 am... filling in the gap. This Churches on Trial Blog goes around the world and reaches people with a touch of the Spirit of God. God has blessed this writer (and James Allen) with the time and the means to get all this material posted for your viewing and listening. God is behind it!

This ministry touches hearts and lives around the globe. God knows what's needed. This ministry is still under the hand of God. Brother Lindsey's preaching still ministers power today in 2011. We have so much material archived here and so much more to post. Now, all I need is time to make these posts as I'm giving attention to the new job recently. Please bear with us. Check out our Blog and utilize the material we have posted. We will being having new and fresh material coming in the future for your study. We appreciate your hunger and thirst for the truth of God's Word. Brother Lindsey lived and breathed to scatter this preaching material into all the world. So does this writer/preacher/and pastor at the Upper Room. Beautiful service last night! Anyway just wanted to share my heart and thank everyone for stopping by. We have years of material posted here and much, much more to come. Keep this site in your favorites. Share this site with a friend. We're in it for the cause of Christ and the salvation and edification of those who need Him in their lives. God Bless you all. Sincerely, Rick Roehm