At the Churches on Trial Blog we have an accumulated Biblical library that touches on almost any subject in the Bible. If we don't have it posted write me and I will address the topic or point you to an audio that relates to that subject. The Blog archive God has allowed this writer to build over the past three years is vast source of info and posted for you the reader. The audio library that Brother Lindsey recorded on audio cassette has been transposed to audio uploads and downloads for your convenience and study. Here is a link for your convenience and ease of study. Just scroll down the list and find a subject that fits your study... Holy Hubert Lindsey audios
Brother Lindsey recorded and saved this material to be scattered throughout the world to win men and women to Christ. Brother Lindsey personally asked me to scatter this material for the Glory of Christ as I told him I would do. God has since made a way for this writer and preacher to use Internet technology to continue what Brother Lindsey started decades ago. What a blessing! God is using the Internet and this ministry as a tool...for the cause of Christ.
Faith is built on the knowledge of Christ. Knowledge we provide on this site, to help people to be better witnesses for Christ. God's Spirit is behind this ministry. We have much material posted and much more material to post in the future. Thank you for using the Churches on Trial to add to what God has called you to do. Tell others about this site and ministry. Share our ministry around the Globe.
Christ is soon coming. He is preparing His people for His return. Be ready. Be sober. Keep your heart clean. That's what we advocate at this site. We appreciate you stopping by. God Bless and put us in your favorites.