A christian blog that stemmed from a radio talk show of Biblical questions and answers...addressed by Brother Hubert Lindsey
Monday, December 24, 2012
Our outreach for Christ...during the month of December, 2012
Here are stats from last month that I wanted to share with you. In the future I will make a point to share more of these details with you.
God Bless,
United States 681
Russia 108
Ukraine 41
Colombia 31
Latvia 18
Australia 12
Germany 10
United Kingdom 9
Indonesia 8
Philippines 7
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Eternal Security II...Hubert T. Lindsey (3 parts)
Below is a link to a previous post that includes more subject matter on the doctrine of Eternal Security.
Eternal Security 1 (3 parts)
Friday, December 7, 2012
Power of God
Monday, December 3, 2012
Rick Roehm quote
Monday, November 19, 2012
Forsaking sin, the attitude of a believer
As the Gospel message is ministered to the hearts of men the Holy Spirit has an effect on the unbeliever that "sways" mans thinking and attitude. The unbeliever sees himself in light of the Spiritual presence of the person of Christ. Sin is revealed as the goodness of God "leads" an unregenerate man to repentance or change of mind. This leading, this spiritual effect, and this power that flows from the truth of the Gospel message "stirs" the conscience of the unregenerate soul. It stirs him enough to give him the attitude to "turn away from sin". It stirs him enough to give him the attitude to quit sinning. It sways him enough to give him the attitude to "forsake sin and dirty living". This is the work of the Holy Spirit that breaks the will of fallen man and turns him away from the desire to live unholy in the eyes of God. Forsaking sin is the attitude of an unregenerate man in repentance. Forsaking sin is a natural desire of an unregenerate man who weighs out the things he did in the past...and puts them in light of the truth about Christ that comes from the hearing the Gospel message. Yes my brothers and sisters forsaking sin is the attitude of the unbelieving soul, even before God's Grace comes in to remit and forgive man from all past sins.
Forsaking sin comes from the act of repentance. Forsaking sin is a desire to quit wrongdoing because of enlightenment that Christ places upon the unbelieving soul. The attitude of forsaking sin is the right attitude to receive the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation. The power of the Gospel, the power of God's Grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit that flows from Calvary is the power that breaks, sways, and changes the unbelieving heart...to a place of repentance. When the power of Calvary is "trusted" completely by a man that repents and forsakes sin... a miracle takes place. The miracle is the remission of sins that man receives "when" he personally trusts Christs redemptive work on the cross at Calvary. Through this man (Christ) is preached the forgiveness of sins. Reconciliation is made for the lost soul in Heaven. God speaks pardon to man who repented with the desire to forsake sin. This man can believe and trust Christ because the eyes of his understanding have been enlightened. Christ is revealed and accepted. Sin has been forsaken. The attitude of forsaking sin took place before the new birth in repentance. Now the repentant heart can accept and trust Christ for personal forgiveness. All sins are remitted. A power from above has showed the man who forsook sin a new life and a new walk. Grace brings a new experience of righteousness and right living. Not weaving in and out of wrongful living. Even before the saving Grace came in mans attitude was to forsake sin. After Grace came in the regenerated man had power to live holy and to do right. He not only forsakes sin in repentance but has a God given desire to live holy and right in the eyes of God.
Don't let man deceive you God's Grace is enough to live holy. Repentance and godly sorrow is enough to usher in the power that a believer needs to be the person they ought to be. Isn't that beautiful? Don't be confused sin is forsaken in repentance. Holiness of heart is found in Salvation. Glory! Believing in and trusting in Christ for personal forgiveness is also a renunciation of sin. Why? Belief allows the Holy Spirit to give you a desire to quit sin. When the Holy Spirit takes you over you will quit your meanness completely. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. You are delivered from sin and washed in the Blood. You don't have to forsake sin anymore. You did that when you repented. Now by the Grace of God, you just cease from sinful living. You become "proof" our Savior lives. He's alive in you! Glory! You're saved! Your heart is clean! No more dirty living!
Luke 24:44-47...And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations,
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Eternal Security (a rebuttal by a former Calvinist)...Hubert T. Lindsey
Below is a link to part 2 on the subject on Eternal Security if you care to further your studies.
Eternal Security 11 (3 parts)
Monday, November 5, 2012
Christ’s final moments at Calvary
This re-written Blog holds a special place in my heart as written in the following...I am personally thankful for everything Christ did in His final hour at Calvary; and the future I have with Him on the other side in Heaven. With gladness I testify to everything I know about Christ in the content of these writings. May His Spirit continue to inspire this writer’s heart and life to inspire others as I have been blessed. These writings are made in memory of Dr. Hubert Lindsey…I was able to get this writing to my mother also...before she went to Heaven. Blessed be the holy name of my Lord....Forever.Intro:
God’s plan of redemption was accomplished in the final moments of the crucifixion when Christ stated, “It is finished”. (John 19:30) Only dimly revealed through the Law and the Prophets, the truth of the promised Messiah according to God’s plan was climatically revealed at the actual death of a Savior. The miracle of Salvation for all mankind was contained within the very sacrificial offering of Christ. What Christ gave at
Matthew 27:46…My God, my God why has thou forsaken me…
2 Corinthians
1 Peter 2:22-24…Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
God’s righteous Judgment required that Christ bare punishment for the sins of humanity. In return
Heb 2:9-10…But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became him, for whom are all things
Heb 2:14-15…that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
*Divine Judgment has been granted upon the Devils existence. At the end of time in the Kingdom Age (when everything becomes Eternal as it was in the Garden of Eden) the Devil, death, and Hell are all cast into the sea of fire. Revelation 20:10-15
Isa 53:3-10…He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him;he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him
We members of the body of Christ look back 2010 years ago to the place where Christ suffered and died according to the testimony of the Prophets and Apostles. We are blessed with thankfulness for the new heart received and the revelation of Christ we have through the Holy Spirit. Better yet we have a future hope that lies in the better life beyond this present evil world*. As God in the flesh,
Christ was obedient unto death even the death on the cross
Christ carried deep sorrow because of the condition of man’s heart
Christ was
Christ bore the punishment for sin in His body
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sin has reigned unto death…since the Fall of Adam
Romans 5:21...That as (the) sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord
The sin is the power and dominion of sin that has reigned over humanity since the Fall of Adam. The sin is man's natural propensity of sin inherited from Adam the founding father of humanity. The sin is why God promised a Savior and Redeemer to restore man with what Adam lost. The sin or inherited sin exists in every child that has been born since the Fall of Adam in the Garden. Sin's power of death has existed and reigned over humanity since that day and hour. Sin reigns unto death yet the innocent child is still without account to God. Why? How can a child that is polluted with sin still yet be innocent in the eyes of God? The Holy Scripture clearly states...
Romans 7:9...For I was alive without the law once:
Alive without the Law is the state of a child before the age of accountability without knowledge about sin or God. Alive was zoe life or a quickening like Adam had before the Fall. A child is innocent, not guilty, and without knowledge of sin in the presence of a Just God. A child is not under Judgment or condemnation that comes from sin's dominion that compels man to act, sinfully. A child polluted with sin is not guilty for Adam's sin but only becomes guilty when the knowledge of sin comes.
Romans 5:13...but sin is not imputed when there is no law
Sin which has a two-fold meaning is not limited to sinful conduct only. Sinful conduct is only the act of sin. The sinful nature is an entity inherited in the human soul since Adam fell. The picture of sin should not be viewed as the act of sin only...but also the very nature of sin that causes children to lie, steal, sneak, cheat, hate, etc. Scriptures teach that a child is polluted with sin from birth... but not accountable until knowledge of sin and God comes.
Romans 7:9...but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
Indwelling sin exists within a child from birth! Indwelling sin remains dormant within a child of God! How? Why? Sin is not revived. Revival means it exists. Indwelling sin in the heart of a child is not "revived" without the knowledge of God. A child has no knowledge. Only knowledge about God shows a sinful man what he actually is in light of God. A child without knowledge...is without understanding of sin or God. The Holy Commandments were given to Israel to reveal sin to Israel. The Commandments kept Israel holy similar to how the Spirit keeps us holy today. As Jewish people grew older through adolescence they learned the knowledge and holiness of God's Word and His oracles given to Israel. Accountability to God comes when God's holiness and righteousness are revealed. In the holiness of God's Commandments ...Indwelling sin is "revived". Revived means sin exists yet is not previously made known. Revived means sin is brought to man's attention or thinking.
Romans 7:9...but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
When the knowledge of the Holy Commandments comes into man's mental process sin is revealed by the knowledge of God's Law. The Holiness of the Commandments were life restored into the believing hearts of men and women in Israel. Holiness and life from God's Law and Commandments were deliverance from sin, death, and separation from God. In the holiness of God's Commandments life and innocence were found through the presence of God's Mighty hand. Accountability to God was recognized through God's Commands. The acts of sin only take occasion by man's knowledge of God's Holiness given in the Commandments. Deception caused from the root of sin was thus revealed from the truth and holiness of God's Commandments.
Romans 3:19...for by the law is the knowledge of sin
Knowledge of the Law and Commandments brought accountability to Israel. Without knowledge of the Law there was no accountability. That's why Paul spoke of when he was a child.
Romans 7:9-11...For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
Do not limit sin to just an act only. The root of sin inherited from Adam is what causes men to sin. Do not forget the fact that sin's dominion over man has reigned since Adam fell in the Garden. Do forget the fact that a child is innocent (even though polluted with sin) in the eyes of God until accountability comes through knowledge. Sin is revived only because it exists.
All of that written to say this, "Unlike any other religion on planet Earth, this is why God promised Christ to be a Savior for humanity".
Friday, October 26, 2012
Our stance on alcohol and strong drink
New wine is not strong drink nor does new wine have alcohol content. It's simply grape juice. Old wine or fermented wine does have alcohol content and is Biblically considered strong drink. Intoxication caused from alcohol content is where the problem with God lies. Alcohol alters the the mind and thinking. Alcohol causes the mental process to no longer be sober, clear, and/or focused on God.
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Proverbs 20:1
Every drinker of alcohol and strong drink (whether in moderation or quite often) on planet Earth starts with the "first drink". No consciousness of where or what the first drink will lead into. Alcohol deceives men whether in small or large amounts. Alcohol darkens the way men think about God.
Billy Sunday once stated, "Alcohol has its place. That place is Hell".
Thursday, October 25, 2012
To further your Bible studies please review our archive
Google has allowed us to put Biblical subject matter into labels on the sidebar of the Blog which permits you to advance personal studies. A system on the Intenet has been developed to help people to learn the Bible in its proper context. The Churches on Trial is glad to help people from every walk of life around the globe to use our library as a learning tool for God.
Thank you for growing with us for the cause of Christ. May the name of Jesus and the reality of His power and presence be a way of life for you. Christianity is a clean heart and holy life. This message is the center of our Blog for Jesus. We have many audio messages archived on almost every subject in the Bible. If a Biblical subject is needed that is not archived on our home page please contact Rick Roehm at let me know about it. Learning the Bible is necessary to a great faith in Christ.
Hubert Lindsey's holiness messages are timeless and magnify Christ to the highest degree. Feel free to use this site for the glory of Christ and share it with others around the globe.
God Bless you all and thanks for stopping by in the name of Jesus.
With love,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
What the Gospel really is…
The Gospel is what the Old Testament Scriptures and Prophets said about Christ…1 Cor. 15:1-4
The Gospel reveals the person, power, and presence of Christ…Romans 16:25,26
The Gospel is the power of God that generates Salvation in the human soul…Romans 1:16
Jesus opened the Scriptures and preached the first Gospel sermon to His disciples…Luke 24:44-49
Jesus commanded the Gospel to be preached in all nations upon the Earth…Mark 16:15, 16, Mat. 28:19-21
The Gospel is what birthed the Church, the body of Christ…Acts 20:28
The Gospel is what brings forgiveness of sins to the human soul…Acts 13:38, Eph. 1:7
The Gospel is the instrument God uses to bring Saving Grace into the human soul…Titus 2:11-14
The Gospel is what brings the Holy Spirit into the human soul…Eph. 1:13
Monday, October 15, 2012
They shall look upon me whom they have pierced…
Israel is the nation who rejected the Messiah when He came the first time. Israel is the nation who rejects the Gospel Message of this present Church Age (since Christ’s death until now). Israel is the nation who will miss the Rapture of the Church. Israel is the nation who will be opposed by the Gentile World (the Beast) during the seven year Tribulation. Israel is the nation who will face the battle Armegeddon. Israel is the nation who will look upon the Messiah (whom they pierced) when He returns the second time.
At the second coming of Israel’s promised Messiah, Jesus will step down physically upon the Mount of Olives. All nations of the Earth will be gathered together in unison…against Israel at that time…as the battle of Armageddon will be on the brink of occurring. Zechariah’s prophecy speaks of the end of the Great Tribulation when all nations of the Earth turn against Israel and gather together to destroy God’s elect, Israel. On that very day Christ “steps down” from Heaven and all the Raptured saints will be with Him. A physical appearing will take place. At that time Divine Judgment will take place upon humanity on earth and upon the nation of Israel as a whole. Two thirds of the nation of Israel will be cut off and die. The other third will come through the fire by saying, “The Lord is my God”. Zechariah 13:1-9
Israel will look upon Christ whom they pierced. Through realization and acceptance of Christ, Israel will driven to great mourning in that great and terrible day. Christ will return in flaming fire and take vengeance upon those who obey not the Gospel. (2 Thess. 1:7-10) Christ will sanctify humanity and the earth with fire. Christ will establish His earthly Throne in Jerusalem (like David’s Throne in Zion). Faithful Israel will admire the glory of their promised Messiah in who their forefathers turned over to Rome to be crucified and put to death. In great mourning and sorrow at the beginning of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth…Israel as a whole nation will look upon Christ in whom they pierced.
On that very day every Jew on planet Earth who “accepts” Christ as the Messiah will enter the Kingdom on Earth (a visible and tangible Kingdom). The 1000 year reign of our Lord will begin on that day in Jerusalem. Christ will be admired by every Jew on planet Earth. They will look upon Him as their God. They will look upon Him as their Messiah. They will look upon Him whom they pierced…
Zechariah 12:10…And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son
Israel’s eyes on Christ is the context of the prophecy. The future hope of Israel lies within this Messianic prophecy made by Zechariah. In this manner of study the Bible is rightly divided and the student learns the word promised to Israel in its proper context. Knowledge will build your faith. Please study Zechariah chapters 12, 13, and 14 for the full context of this text. To Christ be the glory!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Great miracles by Christ
Exodus 12:37-38...And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.
In those days of deliverance the mighty hand of God dealt with the children of Israel as a whole nation. In this day of deliverance God deals with the entire human family Jew and Gentile alike. Deliverance today is a miracle of getting "put into Christ" and "being taken out of the bondage of sin". The miracle today is the blessing of the Gospel which offers deliverance to sinful men and actually pertains to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ that was foretold by the Prophets.
This Gospel I speak of delivers the sinner from the bondage of sin. This Gospel I speak of shows a sinner what he actually is in light of Christ. This Gospel I speak of is power from above. The same power that delivered Israel on a greater scale. Miracle working power just like in the days of the Exodus when God parted the waters of the Red Sea and destroyed Pharaoh's army. When a sinner today finds personal forgiveness in Christ, God takes this individual out of sin and puts this person to His Spiritual body...called the Church.By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body...
The church today is on much bigger and a much greater scale than God's deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt. I speak of an omnipresent Christ who rules the entire Earth from His Throne in Heaven. Who sent His Holy Spirit in His name to testify to the hearts of sinful men that Christ is a better way and a better life for humanity. Forgiveness is found on a personal level. Deliverance from sin is found on a personal level. The heart is made clean and holy by the miracle operation of the mighty hand of God on a personal level. The same hand that took 1,000,000 Israelites from Egypt and delivered them into the wilderness, which led to the land of Canaan. Is the same hand I speak of today. Christ Jesus! God's Son!
Christ is bigger today as His Grace flows from Calvary by the Spirit of holiness. His miracles are great today as He rules from the right hand of God the Father. Sin is no match for the power of the Gospel that brings Salvation to the human soul. Oh...how the power of this Gospel can cleanse the heart of man from sin and morally change the make-up of a sinner into a child of God. The miracle of the Exodus is only a fragment of the great miracle of Salvation that comes from Christ today. It's called the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation.
Glory! We have a greater blessing under Grace today because of Christ who built His Church...of which we are members of today by His Spirit. By the Gospel we preach Christ "adds to" this great body by deliverance from sin and the blessing of His Grace that changes man morally. Oh how great the magnitude of Christ, who is the builder of the Church that allows people from every kindred, tongue, and nation to partake of His Divine blessing...by simple belief and trust in Christ.
The Gospel reveals the importance of the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures. The Gospel reveals the Grace of God which so much greater than the Law given to Israel only. Today by Grace we have a city in Heaven. A city where Christ is seated now with all power and authority.
May we see the magnitude of Christ the deliverer, and Savior of the world on a greater level that Israel's Exodus from the bondage of Pharaoh. Glory! Christ on a much greater scale for people...like you and I. Around the globe who need forgiveness from sin and Salvation of the human soul. May the Gospel of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection be the center of our hearts and lives. May the Gospel of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection be revealed with great effect and magnitude around the globe. The Gospel is the power of Salvation greater than anything man can do or work for. The Gospel is the power of God "given freely" to anyone who trusts in the death of a Savior to find mercy and forgiveness.
Will you believe and trust in Christ today? I love you all and appreciate you for sharing Christ. God Bless and keep going to the fountain to drink. The fountain is Christ who performs greater miracles today.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Jesus at the age of 30 – Anointed with the Holy Spirit – Inaugurated into the Priesthood
Many things happened during John’s baptism - all have great merit. For instance; Jesus was baptized by John when He turned 30 years old, Luke 3:23. Reason? Mosaic Law required all ministers in the Temple to be thirty years of age according to Numbers 4:30.
In comparison to the order of Melchizedek, Hebrews 7…Neither Christ nor Melchizedek had natural bloodline or prior human descent. Both men were Eternally existent and descended to humanity according to the will of God.
As a man Jesus was brought into humanity by the Spirit of God and taken from among men to become a minister for the people. All High Priests are taken from among men and ordained for men pertaining to the things of God, Hebrews 5:1.
The Bible teaches Melchizedek was also Eternal and descended to humanity to become a High Priest for the needs of man. Melchizedek existed before Abraham and the Levitical Priesthood. Jesus who was first Eternal descended into humanity. Jesus when compared to Melchizedek thus became a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, Hebrews 5:1, Psalm 110:4. Christ did not glorify Himself to become a High Priest, nor was he elected by man. The Priesthood of Christ after the order of Melchizedek was ordained by an oath from God, Hebrew 8:21.
The Priesthood of Melchizedek was God ordained and later would birth the Levitical Priesthood. The Levitical Priesthood was the order of things that kept Israel holy and thus birthed the Promised Messiah. John’s baptism under Levitical order was simply Christ’s inauguration into the Earthly Priesthood according to the Law of Moses. Christ’s heavenly Priesthood (who suffered once for the sins of humanity) was according to Grace which came after the Law of Moses and after the Levitical Priesthood had ended. John the Baptist was the last Levite Priest recorded in the Bible.
Christ was baptized of John to be made known unto Israel as “the anointed one” or the “Messiah” spoken of by the Prophets, John 1:31. The Greek word Christ translated from Hebrew text means “anointed one”. John’s baptism of Christ at the age of 30 years old, made Christ eligible to minister the truth about God’s Promised Kingdom in the Jewish Temple.
When Christ’s ministry began He ministered in the public, in the Temple, and in Jewish synagogues. John’s baptism allowed the Holy Spirit to anoint Christ and begin His public ministry at 30 years of age. John’s baptism of Christ became the inauguration of Christ’s Earthly Priesthood. All High Priests are called from men and anointed for God’s Divine Purpose.
Anointing signifies God’s ownership and consecrates men and Priests as vessels of honor and servant-hood to God. Christ became a High Priest after being ”anointed by God’s Holy Spirit” according to Scripture. Acts 10:37-38 tells us that God anointed Christ with the Holy Ghost and with power. When that event took place at John’s Baptism of Christ the Holy Ghost descended on Christ like a dove, Matthew 3:16.
All Righteousness was fulfilled as Christ was obedient to the Law of Moses and thus baptized by John the Baptist at the age of 30. After John baptized Christ, Christ’s public ministry began. In Luke 4:17-20 Christ declared how the Holy Spirit anointed Him to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. This anointing Christ spoke of was a fulfillment of Prophecy first given in Isaiah 61:1 and thus fulfilled by Christ in person , Luke 4:17-20. Psalm 2:2 teaches us that Christ was “God’s Anointed”. Many people today (including Jews) fail to realize this great truth about Christ’s anointing from God’s Holy Spirit, and His inauguration into the Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek.
In Matthew 3:15…Christ stated, ”Suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness”. John’s Baptism allowed Christ who was without sin to obey the Law of God according to the letter, Numbers 4:30. Righteousness was fulfilled when Christ kept the Law and obeyed John’s Baptism. God’s ministry of presenting the promised King and Kingdom to Israel had begun. John the Baptist had prepared the way before Christ and came to Christ according to God’s timing. Backslidden Israel was thus able to receive John’s Baptism which made them eligible repent from a backslidden state of not keeping the Torah, receive remission for their sins, and worship Christ as the Promised Messiah and King of the Earth. John and His baptism prepared the way for the Messiah, Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1-3. The Messiah, the Christ, and the Anointed One were the central objects of this ministry. Christ admitted to the Elders that He was the Christ, the Son of the most blessed, Mark 14:61-62. God (the Father) audibly spoke from Heaven and declared that Christ was His Son saying, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”. God audibly made this declaration from Heaven twice in the four Gospels: Once at the beginning of Christ’s Earthly ministry at John’s Baptism; and once at the end of Christ’s Earthly ministry on the Mount of Transfiguration when Christ told the disciples He must suffer and die. Christ’s Kingdom ministry and first commission to the lost sheep of Israel lasted only 3 years. Christ died at 33 years of age.
At the end of three years…Christ’s ministry of the Kingdom Message presented to Israel ceased. In Matthew 16:21 Christ began telling how He must suffer, be killed of the Elders, and thus go to the cross to die and raise from the grave on the third day. The Priesthood of Christ would no longer be an Earthly Priesthood after the death of Christ. The heavenly Priesthood would begin in body resurrection and Christ’s ascension and exaltation to Heaven. Christ would become a Heavenly High Priest where He resides today in the Holy of Holies in Heaven, Hebrews 9: 11, 24. John’s baptism was only an inauguration for Christ to enter the Priesthood. John’s Baptism allowed Christ to be anointed by the Spirit of God as prophesied in Old Testament records. John witnessed and stated that the Holy Ghost descended on Christ like a dove, John 1:33. This anointing from the Holy Ghost allowed Christ to become a baptizer or purifier according to God’s Will, John 1:33. This anointing from the Holy Spirit enabled Christ to be introduced into the Priesthood . This anointing upon Christ (who was actually from birth filled with the Spirit without measure and led of the Spirit into a temptation by the Devil) allowed Christ to operate as an Earthly High Priest like Melchizedek; to become a Prophet according to Duet. 18:18; and to be an Apostle or one sent by God, Hebrews 3:1. Christ operated in all these earthly offices between the ages of 30 and 33…until His Earthly ministry ceased and His Heavenly Priesthood began. In His Heavenly Priesthood today…Christ is the baptizer with the Holy Ghost as John said Christ would be, Matthew 3:11,12.
Much happened according to the Law of Moses when Jesus became 30 years old. It all began with John’s Baptism of Christ at the age of 30. Truth about the Inauguration of Christ into the priesthood was confirmed. Prophecies were fulfilled. The Anointed One promised by the Prophets had come in the flesh to Israel. The Messiah and His inauguration into the Priesthood took place! Jesus the Christ, and Son of the most high God was anointed by God’s Holy Spirit! Many witnessed such event! Glory! As King, Christ offered His Kingdom to Israel and was thus rejected! As Savior Christ suffered, died and rose from the grave. As High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, Christ is alive today in the heavenlies appearing in the presence God for “us”, Hebrews 9:11-28.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Can a person know every sin is forgiven?
Yes. Forgiveness is found and experienced.
How does one find personal forgiveness? By trusting the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.
Trusting Christ brings forgiveness from all past sins. Forgiveness from God gives man a clean conscience. Forgiveness from God gives man a pardon from all past sinful conduct. Forgiveness from God is known and realized by the believer.
Forgiveness is an act of God’s Mercy given to a believer in Christ. Forgiveness is not granted to you just because you asked. Forgiveness is granted to you because you trusted what Christ did for you personally. God forgives and Saves people when they trust what a Savior did on the cross at Calvary.
A saved man “knows” every sin is forgiven in God’s Mercy. A forgiven man is a man blessed man because the burden and weight of sin is lifted from the soul. The sense of Eternal condemnation is removed from the conscience and overtaken by peace, joy, and righteousness. The conscience is freed from guilt caused from the past life of sin. Forgiveness is the beginning of a new life and holy life found in Christ. Forgiveness is the channel for God’s Holy Spirit to come in and replace sinful living. The slate is wiped clean. A pardon has been granted. You know where you stand. Forgiven in the eyes of God.
Through Christ is preached the forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness from the person of Christ is preached and ministered to the lost world. God through the power of the Gospel message has a way of calling men sinful men to forgiveness and pardon. The Gospel is so powerful that is can lead sinful men to repentance. It can take sinful men to the turning point of brokenness. The Gospel is so powerful that it can show sinful men the way out of misery and destruction. The Gospel reveals Christ in power and Glory.
The way out of sin and guilt is to experience personal forgiveness from Christ. The way out of sin and guilt is to know that Christ took away and forgave me for every sin I ever committed in the past. Christ gave me a chance to live right and to do right! I’m forgiven! I’m saved! Now the power of Salvation is given to me to prove it!
Forgiveness changes your attitude about sin. Forgiveness constantly shows me what I used to be. Forgiveness shows me what I am today in light of a Savior. I’m not a sinner anymore. I’m forgiven. I’m a child of the most high God. I’ve been born again! God didn’t forgive me because I’m me. God forgave me because of His Son who suffered, and bled, and died for me personally. Thank You Jesus!
Forgiveness is not blanket coverage for Salvation. Forgiveness is not an excuse to continue in sin. Forgiveness is something I received from God because I accepted and trusted what Christ did for me personally. What Christ did for me personally allows me to have God’s Mercy and pardon today. Forgiveness isn’t automatic coverage if I commit another sin in the future. Forgiveness is God’s way of showing me the right way not the wrong way. Forgiveness should never be taken for granted or as an excuse to sin. Forgiveness should never be taken lightly. God gives a forgiven man a clean heart and power to do right.
You can deviate from God-given forgiveness. Then you are unforgiven. The state of unforgiveness means you are in sin with need of forgiveness. An unforgiven man is without mercy and future hope. The Bible says, “That in Christ we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins”. Without forgiveness from sin there is no redemption.
Often people get into the repetitive and dangerous mode of sinning and then asking for forgiveness, over, and over, and over. This worldly way of thinking deducts from the actual meaning of what forgiveness found in Christ really is. Forgiveness found in Christ is known and experienced through belief and trusting in Christ for redemption. Not just asking. In forgiveness from sin a realization of right-standing with God is made known to the soul. Not because you asked to be forgiven but because you trusted Christ for personal forgiveness. Big difference. Asking for forgiveness is because of “you”. Trusting Christ for personal forgiveness is because of “God”. Forgiveness from God comes to humanity because of Christ…because of a Savior…because of God’s love for fallen man.
Forgiveness is granted to a believer in Christ as a result of God’s Mercy. When God’s mercy touches the heart of man a realization of the truth is found. Only the death of Savior can offer the blessing of forgiveness from sin to the human soul. There is no other way to find forgiveness. There is no other religion in the world that can make forgiveness known in the heart of man. Only through the person of Christ can forgiveness be found, experienced, and made known within the human soul.
Colossians 1:13-14…Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
Acts 13:38-39…Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Note: God has blessed this preacher/writer for over 25 years in the name of Jesus. It gives me joy to share and publicize these words for the cause of Christ. I preach the same messages I write; and, I write the same messages I preach. God Bless you all. With love…
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Gospel Preaching and Holiness Teaching...Hubert T. Lindsey
Brother Hubert Lindsey CD's/Audios/MP3's
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
God sent His son, Jesus
For instance, the prophetic virgin birth of Christ (in the Old Testment records) gives profound evidence and proves such Biblical Truth in the highest degree. The father brought His “first” and “only begotten son” into the world. The virgin Mary “who knew no man before” conceived and brought forth this child of God. His name was called “Jesus”. No other religion anywhere in the world can offer such a profound Bibical Truth that is written.
Some religions however; do not recognize the fact that Jesus was God’s Son (Jews included). Some religions do not recognize the fact that through the Son…God promised to “bruise” the authority of Satan in Gen. 3:15. Bruising simply implies and gives credit to the fact that Jesus the Son of God has “all authority” and makes God’s enemies (sin, the flesh, and the Devil) His own footsool. The Apostle John (1 John 3:8) confirmed this great promise of the Son by saying, “He that committeth sin is of the Devil, for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the Devil”. The Son of God was manifested in human form. The Son of God is now manifested in the Spirit from His exalted position in Heaven. Why? To make the sin of man His footstool according to the promise of God. Christ delivers men from sin.
In the sonship of Christ we have the the second person of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) descending from Heaven. In this miraculous descension you have Christ the seed of the Father being placed in the womb of the Virgin Mary, thus being conceived into human form, and thus coming forth as the son of God (who some term as the incarnation). After the birth of Christ as the eight days according to the Law of Moses were accomplished, Mary had Jesus circumcised. Mary thus raised Jesus under the Law of Moses and by the Spirit of God Jesus at the age of 12 went into the Temple and observed the teaching (Luke 2:27). In this earthly descension of the Son of God you had a heavenly Christ “who stepped down to humanity” from His heavenly position. God’s Son thus became a mere man according to promise. Jesus, the Son of God was born in a manger in Bethlehem according to prophecy in Micah 5:2. Scriptures teach us Jesus was “begotten of God” and had the Holy Spirit from birth “without measure”.
John 3:34…For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
At the Baptism of John when Jesus (at the age of 30 years according to Mosaic Law) was annointed to be a High Priest… The Father audibly spoke from Heaven, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”… God called Jesus His Son.
At the end of the presentation of the Kingdom message to Israel, when Jesus was 33 years of age the Kingdom message changed to a message of his suffering, death, and resurrection. Jesus charged the disciples that they would tell no man of such change… Matthew 16:20. In Matthew 17:1-7…Jesus was “transfigured” on the Mount as He gave the disciples a glimpse of His “glorified body” that would happen in the resurrection. God audibly spoke again, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”. Biblical Records confirm the truth of God’s audible voice concerning His dear Son, Jesus.
This evidence of the Christian Bible clearly proves that God sent His Son down from Heaven. As a matter of fact… The Bible calls Jesus the “only begotten of God” or the “firstborn from the dead”. Both terms simply imply… the Son God. Records of the Bible clearly state that…God never spoke such truth to the angels… but He did speak to His Son. Psalm 45.
Hebrews 1:5-9…For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness isthe sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God,
The Son of God was prophesied in the book Psalms…
Psalm 2:7…I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee
The Jewish religious body proclaims the above prophecy is speaking of King David only but they run into a big snag with Psalm 110:1 which states, “The Lord said unto my Lord”… Here’s why. The Jews tried to trick Jesus with their evil heart of rejection. In return Jesus challenged these rejectors of truth by asking, “If the Psalms speak of King David, then who was David speaking of in Psalm 110 when He declared, “the Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footsool”. Not one single Jew could respond to the truth of Prophecy.
The Scriptures are clear that Jesus was God’s Son. Even Jesus himself…agreed to being the Son God when questioned by the High Priest of the Sanhedrin…
Mark 15:61-62…art thou the Christ, the son of the blessed? Jesus said, “I am”.
In the big scope of things…Jesus was the Son of God and the Bible proves such truth. As a Christian your faith is built on and comes from what God said about the promised Messiah…Jesus the Christ. No other religion in the world can offer such concrete evidence of “love for fallen man” that Jesus the Son of God… was and is the Savior of the world.
1 John 4:9,10…In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Hosanna! Glory to God in the highest! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The "Lord" said unto my "Lord"...
The Father prophetically spoke unto Jesus, "Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool". The Lord our righteouness. He who descended to the lower parts of the Earth as a man and then resurrected from the grave. He who was glorified and is now ascended into Heaven with the Father, again. An exalted Christ far above all principalities who has made all enemies including the Devil...His footstool.
The head of the Church who controls all things in human life. The chief cornerstone. Ruling from Heaven now. Seated in the Throneroom. Spoken by the Prophet David. The Lord our God who is forevermore! Glory! It's true! It happened! David wrote it!
The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Bible Truth that builds our faith in both Lords. It's true! It actually happened! Two persons, two Lords. Read it!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Knowledge...Hubert T. Lindsey
Rick Roehm and Hubert Lindsey audios for download or sharing
...for years of use via Internet. These audios were transposed from audio cassettes to CD's to MP3 format for the world to hear via Internet, even after the death of Brother Lindsey in 2003. Got knows what is needed to get a job done. He gets people (members of His body) involved. Well worth reviewing for the cause of Christ! Today in 2012, these Brother Lindsey audios go around the world for Christ. God uses these teachings by Brother Lindsey a blind preacher... also known as "The Walking Bible" because of his vast memorization of the Bible... to reach people for Christ around the globe. Be blessed by this nice 22 minute sermon..for "you" the listener.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
They became unaware after paying no attention to Christ
The drug addict
The drinker
The business man
The stock-broker
The poverty-stricken
The athlete
The agnostic
The atheist
The church goer without the Spirit
The religious sinner
The part-time believer
The Theologian
The politician
The divorcee
The common man (a good man in the eyes of the world)…without Christ
Don’t allow yourself to be found in a position of unawareness toward Christ and the personal forgiveness He gives the human soul. Don’t let the world you live in get the most of you. Pay attention to Christ. The drinker, the athlete, the business-man, the stock-broker, the divorcee, the Church goer without the Spirit never had a clue that sin would get the best of them…later in life. They done everything in moderation when they were young and then it escalated to something that “controlled them”. They found themselves without hope and unaware of the presence of Christ. They became sad, then happy, and then sad, and then happy, and then sad. Without strength and powerless with an earthly position…or an earthly title in society…or grievence or ill will toward fellow-man. Mad and angry all the time. It all started in moderation. A little sin. A little lie. Something common to fellow-man in society. Something OK that God will blink at.
Who are you kidding? It doesn’t matter who you are, or what position you are in life, or what you have. God looks to the believing heart. Pouring yourself out to God is good today but what about tomorrow? Being constantly aware of Christ and the power of His resurrection has benefits. You can pay attention to Christ and make Him above all things in your heart. You can have steadfast faith and be rooted and grounded in Christ…everyday all day. Glory! I’m getting blessed! It makes me happy to know having Christ and being found in Him daily is fruitful and blessed! You don’t have to step across the line into sin and back out again. Having Christ is more powerful than that! You can have holiness and constant victory! He can give you power to overcome and lay aside weights and sin. He’s the Christ of our Salvation whose exalted at the right hand of God. He loves you and gives you enough to say no to sin and to do right in His eyes.
Give no place to the Devil. You are sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. Live up to the standard of God’s way of living. Stay aware of Christ and be wrapped up in Him. He want’s your constant attention and your steady life in the Spirit. Simply put, “It’s being preserved in the power of God’s Grace”. The best life anyone can ever have in this life. A true heart and holy life in Christ! Glory! The better life! Conscious and aware of Him and His Divine presence. Not overtaken by the subtle things in life. Doesn’t Christ deserve “all” of your attention? All the time?
The addict didn’t know. The business-man consumed with his business didn’t know. The divorcee didn’t know…how just little things in the beginning could cause one to be overtaken in the end. Don’t wait. Christ is for today, and tomorrow, and when He comes. Love Christ with everything you’ve got and be blessed like this writer. By doing such you will be ready when He comes or when your life ends. You have no control over these things. So the object is, “Stay ready for Christ or the sting of death, every minute, every hour, every day”.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The faith of Abraham and the Grace of God...before the Law of Moses was given
Romans 4: 1-5...What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Romans 4:16...Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
The Grace of God existed before the Law and Commandments came. Here's what God said about Abraham and Noah.
Genesis 18:3...My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:
Genesis 6:8...But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
The word Noah means "preacher of righteosness" in Hebrew. Then you had Abel who was also a righteous man of God. All pointing to the fact that faith, righteousness, and God's Grace existed and operated "before" the Law of Moses was given at Sinai. All pointing to the fact that the blessing of Abraham would come upon the Gentiles.
Galatians 3:14...That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith
Galatians 3:17, 18...And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.
Rightly dividing God's Word.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The benefit of studying God's Word
Friday, August 3, 2012
Note from this Blog to our European Brethren
May the Lord bless you all for using our library as a learning tool for the furtherance of Christ around the globe. Making disciples is much needed in the world of confusion, traditions of men, false doctrines, and errors being taught from the Holy Scriptures. God knows the needs and He will supply them according to His will for man.
Learn the Word in context and teach others the same. God bless you all.
With love,
Rick Roehm author of Blog,
Preacher of the Gospel
and...Servant for Christ
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Bible says some men's sins are open. Some men's sins are concealed.
The subject of open sin is a subject that is not discussed much nowdays in our modern religious era. The reasons why sin is not addressed in society are many. In the heart and life of a child of God the Bible teaches that sin can be and is removed from the human make-up...by the power of God's Saving Grace. To be rid of sin is to be holy in the eyes of God. When sin is forgiven the unholy heart is made holy by the Grace of God. A new moral character is created in Christ Jesus. A new birth takes place and a new nature is given.
When man is rid of sin the works that he does are "good works" and these good works are pleasing in the eyes of God. Salvation however can not be achieved by an unsaved mans works that this unsaved man feels within are "good works". Salvation of the human soul is worked out only after the believer trusts Christ and has been redeemed and washed in the shed blood Christ at Calvary. Eternal Judgment and Eternal damnation are lifted from those who trust Christ in redemption...but on the other side Eternal Judgment and Eternal damnation "rest" upon the unbelieving soul that is deceived by sin. The good works of a child of God will bring to light the sinful side/or the secret sins of life and reveal, concealed sins.
1 Timothy 5:25...Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
Many today profess redemption and Christianity... but live like the Devil. Some profess redemption and keep sin secret (out of guilt and shame). Both or either show a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Eternal Damnation and Eternal Judgment "rests" upon these un-redeemed souls that profess Salvation with words but their heart is far, far, far from the Christ of our Salvation. All men's sins are open in the eyes of God but not not necessarily before the eyes of man. The works that ripple from sinful conduct follow after as they impact people now, or people later in life, or people in generation after generation to come. The Bible is clear on such doctrine about sin and its ripple effect.
1 Timothy 5:24, 25...Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
The works of a saint or the works of a sinner are determined by God Almighty only. Not by man. Good works and bad works take place in this life and will ripple in generations to come. I like what the Bible says about the works of the saints of God that have went on to Heaven. The works of a saint "follow" on into next generations. Glory!
Rev. 14:13...Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
As for sinful men and their outward works and/or secret sins...the Judgment of God and Eternal Damnation rests upon these unbelieving and deceived souls. This determination is made by the person of Jesus Christ, the Judge of all humanity...who shall Judge sinful men and all those who obey not the Gospel which pertains to His, death, burial, and resurrection according to the Scriptures.
Rom. 2:16...In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
How do I get righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost?
Romans 14:17…For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
The Kingdom of God flows in the Spirit from Heaven upon the whole body of Christ, the Church…of which we believers are members. The Kingdom of God stems from Christ the head of the Church who is seated at the right hand of the Father, now in the present tense. Here’s how you personally receive righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Make sure every sin is forgiven through your personal trust in the death of a Savior on the cross. Your personal trust in Christ brings God’s pardon into the human soul. By doing such the heart is cleansed from sin and the conscience is freed of any guilt caused from all past sins. This is a miracle blessing from Christ that is granted to any believer in Christ through personal trust. It’s called Salvation of the human soul.
After forgiveness is found the believer in Christ will mind (obey) the Holy Spirit’s presence and directive in life, as a child of God should. No striving. No human activity. Peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Ghost comes spiritually from an exalted Christ in the Throne-room. Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost does not involve human effort or human activity. Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost are miracle blessings from the Spirit of God. Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost are a gifts produced in the human soul by the power of God’s Grace.
Romans 14:18… For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God
For we are saved by the power of God’s Grace through our personal faith in a Savior that bled and died on the cruel cross at Calvary. The blessing of Salvation that comes from Christ is your righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
God Bless you all! With love,
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Hola Colombia! En el nombre de Jesucristo
Te amo y te aprecio venir a este Blog.
Que el Señor te bendiga ricamente.
Rick Roehm
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The way of God more perfectly
Apollos was an Apostle sent by Christ like the Apostle Paul. Apollos was an Apostle but knew Christ only by the Baptism of John. Apollos was a Christ fearing man, recognized Christ as the earthly Messiah, and fervent in the Spirit. Apollos was limited in knowledge concerning the Grace of God because he knew only the Kingdom message that was presented to Israel during the ministry of our Lord.
Aquila and Priscilla were a Jewish couple under the ministry of the Apostle Paul...who were enlightened to power of God's Grace that came after the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Aquila and Priscilla were living under Grace and the preaching the power of a resurrected Christ... rather than the man Christ who came to restore Israel with the promised Kingdom on Earth.
Acts 18:26...whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him "the way of God more perfectly"
To understand the way of God more perfectly one must first understand the ministry of John the Baptist which is what Apollos was enlightened to...19 years prior to Acts 18. John the Baptist baptized with water and preached the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand as he prepared the way for the Messiah. John's preaching and baptism ministered repentance and remission of sins to backslidden Israel. John's baptism allowed backslidden Israel to repent and be forgiven for erring from the laws of the Torah. The keeping of Law made the heart clean and holy. The holiness of keeping Law allowed faithful Israel to recognize the Messiahship of Christ. Divine Law was God's way of ministering holiness to Israel . John's baptism allowed penitent Israel to worship Christ as the Promised Messiah. The Kingdom of Heaven preached by John, Jesus, the 12 disciples, and the 70 disciples... related directly to an earthly and physical Kingdom that was promised to be established in Jerusalem. John's ministry pointed to Israel and how the Messiah, Jesus Christ would rule on the throne of His father David according to Old Testament prophecy. The Kingdom message was presented to Israel...and thus was tragically rejected by Israel in the 3 1/2 years of John's and Christ's ministry.
Apollos was only enlightened to the Kingdom Message...not the message of the Gospel of the Grace of God we preach today. The Gospel of the Grace of God is based on the power of a resurrected Christ...not the earthly ministry of Christ. This unlimited Gospel commissioned by a resurrected Christ to both Jew and Gentile was one of power from Heaven. It was a Gospel that came after the death of a Savior. It was a Gospel that offers the power of Salvation from a crucified, resurrected, and exalted Christ. It is a Gospel where the Holy Ghost flows from Heaven and unites with the hearts of believing men and women. It is a Gospel where the Holy Ghost forgives sins because of what Christ did not sacrifice made to a priest. It is a Gospel where the Holy Ghost makes man a new creation in Christ. It is a Gospel that allows Christ to baptize the hearts of saved men from the Throneroom. It was a Gospel that offered Apollos the way of God more perfectly. A greater blessing than the blessing of John's Baptism. A blessing where Christ is exalted in Heaven today and baptizing men with the Holy Ghost and fire...as spoken by John the Baptist.
Matthew 3:11...I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
The way to God more perfectly was revealed to Apollos who convinced Jews that Jesus was Christ. The way of God more perfectly came from making distinction between the ministry of Christ on Earth, and the ministry of the Spirit from a resurrected Christ. A distinction was made between perfect Law given to Israel, and more perfect Grace given to both Jews and Gentiles in the Church, the body of Christ. The way of God more perfectly took Apollos beyond the 4 Gospels which taught basically the Law... to and exalted Christ in power "now" in the Throneroom. More perfectly relates to the power that flows from the death, resurrection, and exaltation of Christ in the Throneroom. It's perfect work offers saving power and holiness to the believing heart. It is power revealed...it is power accepted...it is power recognized in the person of Christ today. Glory! A new covenant greater than the covenant of Law. Something more perfect that comes from a perfect Christ...exalted in the Throneroom...NOW!
Divine Grace was taught in the Acts of the Apostles chapter 18, 19... 19 years after John's baptism and the death of Christ. Grace touched Apollos who found the way of God more perfectly, 19 years after John's Baptism. Grace was also the Apostle Paul's life and ministry who tutored Aquila and Priscilla who in turn expounded to Apollos the way of God more perfectly.
Acts 18:25...This man (Apollos) was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. And began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him "the way of God more perfectly"
Saturday, July 7, 2012
A song for the Blog..."That's why Christ died"
2012 Upper Room Fish Fry/Revival...Rick Roehm preaching
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Casey Smith guitar creation for the Upper Room Fish Fry/Revival
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Upper Room FishFry/Revival (#2)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Upper Room Fish Fry/Revival 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
The reason why God's peace passes all human understanding
Peace is also considered soul rest in the Bible. Soul rest is when the entire make-up and the entire character of fallen man is revolutionized and morally changed by the power of of Jesus Christ. Soul rest comes from God Almighty, not from human intellect or human reasoning. God provides perfect peace for the child of God. Peace with God from the outside, inner peace with yourself, and personal peace with the world around you. Peace comes upon the child of God when the Prince of Peace...Jesus Christ morally changes the heart of this believer. Human understanding is not involved with the peace of God.
Philippians 4:7... And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Constant Victory
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Unsearchable riches of Christ
Unsearchable simply means that something cannot be searched for. The riches of Christ are "found" not "searched for". The unsearchable riches of Christ mean just that, "These riches are unsearchable".
I write this Blog in reference to people who are "ever searching" for the riches of Christ and "never finding". Like wandering people that wandered in the wilderness. Like wandering stars falling in the universe, without stability. Like clouds without water that eventually dry up. Like the raging sea and its waves that toss to and fro...never getting settled. Ever seeking and never finding is the picture here.
To describe unsearchable even more let's examine the Apostle Paul who before being converted by Christ...was a high-ranking teacher and a searcher of knowledge in Jewish Law. Who before Christ was a learned Pharisee (with ought toward Christians and the Church) under the teaching of Gamaliel who was even a higher ranked member of the Sanhedrin or Jewish council in Israel. Then Christ took hold of Paul on the road to Damascus. After Christ was "found" and "experienced"...Paul considered himself "less than the least of the saints ." Paul found out he was nothing when he found out... Christ was everything. Paul realized the change, the blessing, the conversion, and all that stemmed from the supremacy of Christ. Paul, less than the least of all the saints was a glad man...a happy man...a contented man who searched no further for anything in life. Christ was found in the fellowship of the Spirit which was a mystery to men under Law who sought God by their works and knowledge. Paul (before Christ) was raised that way.
The quest for a higher plane was found. The quest for wealth (not monetary) was revealed to the heart and soul of a believer through the riches of Christ. No longer was the search to gain in life... still on. A life of contentment was found and described as the "unsearchable riches of Christ". These riches are not obtained by human effort. These riches are not achieved by life's accomplishments. These unsearchable riches are found and taken hold of by people who have faith in Christ. They no longer search for riches. Why? Because they have these riches and they are found in the Christian experience.
Unsearchable is the term because the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation "ends" man's search for hope. Hope is found in the person of Christ. Christ is found through your personal faith in Him. Personal forgiveness is found in His death for you. Personal life in the Spirit is maintained through your personal walk with Him. Unsearchable riches are not accumulated, they a taken hold of through the person of Christ and His supremacy found in your heart and life. Unsearchable riches are held on to because of their great wealth and value to "you" as the child of God. They are riches of importance that stablish and settle people like you in Christ. These riches are not found by searching for them. They are "found" and "experienced" through your personal union with Christ in the Spirit.
The concealed mystery of Grace was revealed when Christ hung on the cross. The concealed mystery of Grace was even more revealed when Christ rose from the tomb. The concealed mystery of Grace was even more revealed when Christ "took over your heart and life" by the power of His Holy Ghost. Unsearchable riches in Christ through Grace are found and treasured above all things in life. Unsearchable riches from Grace make men and women of God wealthy in Christ. People outside of Christ are poverty-stricken and poor in the Spirit. There is nothing people outside of Christ can ever do or can ever accomplish to achieve these great riches found in only in the Grace of God.
Unsearchable simply means that something cannot be searched for. The riches of Christ are "found" not "searched for". The unsearchable riches of Christ mean just that, "These riches are unsearchable".
Ephesians 3:8-9...Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the "unsearchable riches of Christ"; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
Notice "all things" were "created" by Jesus Christ.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Revival at the Upper Room...and annual fish fry
Monday, June 18, 2012
Are you God's property?
1 Cor. 6:19-20…What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Audios, Videos, Theology and Sound Bible teachings at this Blog
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Examine yourselves
Knowing where you stand with Christ is a minute by minute obligation to a Savior that bled and died for your personal forgiveness found in Salvation of the human soul. Examination is a check and balance system for all believers to “know” where they stand at every point in their life on this side of Heaven.
The Bible teaches that some have erred or departed from their faith in Christ. Erring or departure is caused from unfaithfulness and disobedience caused from sin. If faith was an eternal blessing given from God, men would not have to examinine themselves to keep their faithfulness and obedience to Christ. The so-called blessing of faith (given from God) would automatically keep man true without need of examination.
Self examination allows the believer in Christ to “prove” his faithfulness to God and to “know” his right-standing with a Savior on a consciousness and obedience basis. To be conscious and aware to the presence of Christ in your life… belief and obedience to Christ is required. Examination allows the believer in Christ to keep himself in a constant state of the clean heart and holy lifestyle in the eyes of God.
What’s wrong with contentment and constant right-standing from faithfulness to Christ? Knowing where one stands in moral righteousness because God made you that way! Is this not a better life! A blessed new life with a clean heart! Freed from the guilt of sin! Ashamed of the old life. Obedient to God with no desire to go back! Staying on the path by the power of God. Keeping constant belief in Christ requires personal examination from time to time! Examination allows one to see what’s needed to stay true in the personal walk with Jesus. A child of God must live, act, and behave like a child of God. Must keep faith in the person of Christ, in the power of Christ, and in the presence of the Christ who is Savior and Redeemer!
Examine yourselves from time to time… to see whether you be in the faith. Keep yourselves right with God. Be blessed!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Christian Brothers and Sisters around the globe...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
What is the example of a believer in Christ?
The example of the words of a believer (how a believer talks) are not corrupt communication, profanity, or cursing. Sweet water and bitter water don’t flow from the same fountain. Even Jesus said out of abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A clean heart brings forth clean words and a clean tongue.
The example of the conversation of a believer is “the manner of life” or “lifestyle” of those who accept Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. Lifestyle can also pertain to sonship, parenthood, domestic life, social life, business life, religious life, etc. Believer’s in Christ live right in the eyes of God because the believing heart is made clean and holy by the Grace of God. Therefore, the manner of of living regardless of human status is made clean and holy.
Charity is the spiritual inclination of the believing heart. Charity is the love manifested when a believer in Christ gives from the heart. The example of charity is recognized in the eyes of God and is a witness for Christ to the unbelieving world.
The example of the spirit of the believing heart is an example of one who pays full attention to Christ and things that pertain to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The natural man doesn’ t know the things of the Spirit of God or Christ because they are foolishness to him. The Spirit man doesn’t do the things that he did in the old life before Christ. A spirit man “quits” his meanness. This example of the believer ”proves” what is acceptable to God.
The example of faith is the believers faithful life to Christ. Faithfulness to Christ proves rightstanding with God and the clean heart. Faithfulness to Christ allows God’s Spirit to work within the believing heart. God’s witnesses are faithful and true and eligible to testisfy and preach. This kind of example in the eyes of God also makes a statement to the unbelieving world, “The action of a child of God speaks louder than words”. That’s why the clean and holy heart (a gift from God) are so important.
The example of purity can only be manifested through the work of the Holy Spirit in the believing soul. Man cannot purify the human heart without the saving Grace of Salvation. Heart purity has nothing to do with human maturity or human growth. Purity is given freely from God when the believing heart is cleansed from sin and unrighteosuness. Purity is manifested in the life and the example of the child of God. The best example of heart purity I know of is when every sin of the past is forgiven and the Old Adam is crucified just like Christ. Newness of life is thus found because the believing heart is made clean and holy in the new birth. Heart purity breaks the bondage of sin. The moral make-up of and unbeliever is purified through belief in the truth about the person of Christ.
Being an example of a believer in Christ is a necessary tool to win the lost.
1 Timothy 4:12…but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.