Sunday, February 22, 2009

The intent of this blog for Christ...

The intention of the Blog is to reach people with the same Christ that Brother Lindsey reached people with for over 70 years in the ministry. The Internet however; is full of episodes that were made real by Brother Lindsey in the work of the ministry but this writer wants it to be made known, "It's not as much about the man Hubert Lindsey... as it is about the person of Christ that Hubert Lindsey preached about". God wants it that way. Hubert wanted it that way and this writer wants it that way. To Christ be the Glory! This writer became a product of Brother Lindsey's Gospel message... in 1988. That's what influences me to write this Blog!

Odd as it may sound, I made Brother Lindsey's acquaintance while incarcerated in Michigan in 1988. Christ had already got my attention in 1987, but as all new converts are...I was very shallow in Bible knowledge. That's where the relationship with Brother Lindsey began. I was first introduced to Brother Lindsey by radio but months later I made his personal acquaintance. Then, I was introduced to his audio ministry of which is "currently preserved" at this present hour onto audio CD. Originally Hubert's audio ministry was recorded onto audio cassette but since... has been transposed to CD format for preservation purpose of Hubert's vast wealth of knowledge.

In months to come in 2009 it's this writers intent to convey in this Blog the teachings, the ongoing the ministry, the doctrines, the books, and the audios of Brother Lindsey...which sometimes automatically puts certain "Churches on Trial". Within this ministry there will be no denominational oversight to govern this Blog! There will be no traditional views that sway this Blog! It will be a Spirit led Blog that reaches the hearts and souls of men and women like you and I. It will be based on Biblical facts...not denominational views! As all of us know this sometimes goes against the grain of "Modern Religion".

I look forward to many exciting things to bloom from this ministry! I know it can happen because I am a product the power of the Gospel that Brother Lindsey preached! Glory to the person of Christ we serve! May the Churches-on-Trial. bless others richly with Divine Grace... as it has this writer.

In Christ,
Rick Roehm

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