During seven decades of service for Christ Hubert Lindsey accumulated a wealth of knowledge that was preserved and placed onto audio recordings and into textbooks. With great admiration for that work this writer has endeavored to carry on today what Brother Lindsey preserved throughout all 70+ years of his ministry. By the Grace of God this writer hopes to publicize the entirety of Hubert Lindsey’s Biblical archive. Brother Lindsey’s intent was to compile, preserve, and utilize Biblical knowledge for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ. This writer once asked Brother Lindsey what the benefit to having Biblical knowledge was. Brother Lindsey stated, “To be a better witness for Christ. Take the knowledge you have and scatter it. Build others up in the faith. Help believers to be steady.” So, that’s the intention of this writer, his personal life in Christ, and this Blog. This writer’s expectations are to publish Brother Lindsey’s lifetime of knowledge in this Christian Blog across the World Wide Web. Brother Lindsey’s complete and preserved library is a wealth of knowledge for all students of the Bible anywhere in the world. Brother Lindsey’s teachings have formed into a systematic theology that can broaden the knowledge of any layman. It’s a developed system of theology that Brother Lindsey left behind that can be added to and built upon for a lifetime. This writer hopes to publish that Dispensation Chart on this Blog at a later date. The Chart systematically relates directly to all of Brother Lindsey’s audio teachings and preaching.
There are 2 ½ years of 2-hour radio broadcasts titled, “The Churches on Trial” that were made during Hubert’s eldership at the Church at Birmingham. Those recordings contain Biblical questions from the public and Biblical answers provided by Brother Lindsey that bring unlimited amounts of scriptural knowledge to light. There are 4 ½ years of recorded services from the Church at Birmingham where Brother Lindsey was Apostle and Pastor. As pastor and teacher at the Church at Birmingham Hubert recorded verse-by-verse commentaries from numerous books of the New Testament. Other audios include what Brother Lindsey preserved while evangelizing across the nation in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Brother Lindsey’s recordings are very edifying to the body and all contain a wealth of knowledge that any student of the Bible can learn from and build upon for a lifetime!
Hubert’s memory allowed him to quote and expound on verses, chapters, and books of the Bible verbatim. At the Church of Birmingham where God set Hubert as an Apostle in 1987 Hubert was able to expound on Bible topics of great importance for people in that vicinity. Brother Lindsey brought clarity and enlightenment to many people in the Detroit Mi. area. All Church services were recorded and placed onto audio cassette. Many of the recordings made at the Church of Birmingham consisted of verse-by-verse studies of entire books and chapters of the Bible. At the end of each service Brother Lindsey would open for questions and answers. All answers were recorded for the edification of the saints. Those services were actually verse-by-verse commentaries on numerous books in the Bible. All the recordings contain unlimited amounts of Biblical knowledge and if studied in sequence they can layout a beautiful systematic theology that will build and fortify faith for a lifetime. At present Jim Denton a dear Brother in the Lord who resides in Waterford Mi. also preserves and publicizes Brother Lindsey’s expository teachings recorded at the Church at Birmingham. Both Jim Denton and I agree that all recordings of Hubert Lindsey should not be buried or hid away on a dusty shelf. Hubert wanted this stuff to go out into “all the world”. Wasn’t carrying the Gospel…Christ’s commission to all saints? What better place to publish than the World Wide Web?
Many other audios that were preserved are recordings that Brother Lindsey made on Prophetic truth while evangelizing in the late 70’s to the early 80’s. These recordings contain expository teaching and preaching. Among those are recordings such as End Time Prophecy in relation to Christ’s return in Divine Judgment, Christ’s return to set up the Kingdom promised to Israel, Daniels seventy week Prophecy, Ashes of a Red Heifer, The two types of Jew, the Rapture of the Church, a verse-by-verse teaching on the book of Revelation, and more.
There were complete commentaries recorded and publicized by Brother Lindsey from the Church at Birmingham such as Matthew, Ephesians, Corinthians, Hebrews, Revelation, etc. Many of these audios were converted from cassette to CD by this writer and are distributed presently by request. Jim Denton and this writer both continue what Brother Lindsey started at the Church at Birmingham. Hubert brought to light and preserved Biblical teachings on the Christian marriage, Water Baptism, Entire Sanctification, Christian perfection, Divine Healing, Church Government, etc. Among those recordings are also a two volume set of textbooks and an autobiography written by Brother Lindsey. These books were titled, The Kingdom Series (two volumes), and Bless your dirty heart.
More to come later...
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