Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hubert Lindsey got this writers pointing me to Christ!

For 21 years I've been a writer/believer in Christ. God put me into the ministry in 1989. It wasn't my was God's. I met Brother Lindsey in 1988 and began to study his theology. I learned what little I know about the Bible through extensive study. Brother Lindsey prompted study of the Bible... in my personal life as a minister of Christ. I was already called by the Lord, but through Brother Lindsey's teachings I was able to realize and understand what God wanted me to do as a minister of the Grace of God.

Brother Lindsey's teachings of Bible Truth always point people to Christ. Knowledge of Bible Truth "floods" anyone's thinking who sits under this type of teaching. I must admit what I learned most from Brother Lindsey was to teach people to realize and recognize the person of Christ. The importance of learning the Word of God in this manner made me steady in the Christ in whom I serve with a whole heart. Brother Lindsey's theology is not "milk"'s strong meat. Strong meat belongeth to those who are of "full age".

Knowledge of the Word of God has "fortified" this writer's walk with Christ for 21 years. Biblical knowledge has become the basis of my faith. Brother Lindsey's timeless teachings of Bible Truth will never die as long as I have life in the Spirit on this side of Heaven. I know the worth of this type of teaching! That's why I write! That's why I publish Brother Lindsey's material! It's the knowledge of the Truth of the Bible, that Brother Lindsey taught, that needs so much to be publicized! This Blog has become a vehicle for that work of art! This Blog has became a work of God's beauty! Brother Lindsey would be honored to see the fruit of this Blog, if he were here.

This writer had the privilege to personally commit to Brother Lindsey before he died. I committed to him that I would carry on and continue this ministry... as long as I lived. God since has made way for this Blog to carry on that ministry, my writings to be published, Brother Lindsey's audios, Brother Lindsey's past Church services, Brother Lindsey's Theology and so much more!

To Christ be the Glory! May the God of our Creation and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless this ministry over the Internet and at the Upper Room.

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