Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The ministry of the Holy Spirit


In the Grace Covenant (now) that we live under, the power of the Gospel that flows into the human soul is performed by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. When Christ is preached from the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms the Holy Spirit testifies and touches the heart of man. Man can see himself in light of the person of Jesus whose Holy Spirit ministers to man’s inward makeup. the inward part of man longing to reach out for his personal need of a Savior and Redeemer.

·        The goodness of God leads sinful man to repentance.

·        The first work of the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner.

·        The Holy Spirit gives man a willingness to believe.

·        The Holy Spirit regenerates the heart in the new birth.

·        After the new birth the Holy Spirit gives man a desire to quit sin.

·        After Salvation the Holy Spirit helps the believer to realize what the adamic nature is

·        Crucifixion of the old man is revealed and becomes path to sanctification.

·        The Sanctifying power of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire destroys the Adamic Nature

·        After the believer is sanctified and filled renewal takes place

·        Being preserved in the Spirit is the final result of an entirely sanctified man.



  1. I don't understand what you mean by law of Moses, Jesus teaches us that the old law is no good and gives us a new law , a new commandment John 13:34 , 1 John explains this commandment and reminds us thar it is a commandment not to just love one another but to love one another like he did , psalms is old testament all scripture is worthy of studying although in this time a soldier in Christ needs to preach the epistles and the 11th commandment John 13:34 , and open your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit because he is a direct line to our Father in heaven , he will lead , direct , and give you the divine knowledge that you seek.

  2. We are the Ministry of Jesus Christ , Jesus sent the Comforter , Spirit of God , Holy Spirit , he is our direct line to God , when we are submerged in water we receive the Holy Spirit, and therefore we receive knowledge and a undenying love in our heart for God , his Son , and all man kind , I love you guys brothers and sisters , and I pray that we all meet in love and peace again on the glorious appearance of brother Jesus Christ , your devout brother in Christ Tommy

  3. 1 John 5:7-8 , we are to be baptized by water period , backed by scripture. Love all you Brothers and Sisters , don't let the devil deceive you . GOD has you under his wings
