Monday, August 9, 2010

Fellowship on the Internet and at the Upper Room last night

I realize I have been slighting this Blog for a while. One reason is because I've been blogging at publicizing a message of truth that was left to us by Brother Lindsey before he passed. Most of those Blogs were about the Kingdom Message to Israel and were posted at both Blogs for future reference. Brother Lindsey left us so much learning material about the Bible that it takes vast time to put this all into order. God has blessed this writer with a system of writing, blogging, order to help other people study God's Word. That system I am publicizing over the Internet and I didn't develope it. It came from Brother Lindsey's vast archive of teaching material that was left behind for us. It's simply a systematic theology for those who desire to go the extra mile..studying God's Word. More info will be posted about this subject in the future. So please check out our future Blogs! Anyway here's whats been happening at our Church that God built...

Our Church in Williamsburg Ohio is such a blessing! Our fellowship is in the Spirit and based on love and unity. The crowd is getting bigger. The Word always comes forth and helps us grow our faith in Jesus. Jimmy Allen quoted scripture. Deanna memorized a verse and brought us a couple of songs learned at Vacation Bible School. Chasity had her glasses so she read our passage of Scripture. Casey Smith brought us some nice guitar music to meditate on Christ with. Our prayers went out to the one who answers them. It's just such a blessing to know God is behind us with great power and authority! Glory to His name!

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