Friday, June 19, 2009

Why the subject of "Sin" is not controversial

The truth about sin is not controversial when "more light" is placed on the Word of God. Many take the following Scripture as an excuse to sin...

1 John 1:8...If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

God doesn't excuse sin! His Word doesn't excuse sin! Only men excuse sin!

John is not talking about sin as something men do! He is not talking about a sinful act or a violation against God...he's talking about the "sin nature" of man.

1 John 1:8...If we say that we have no sin (nature), we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

At the time this first Epistle of John was written the pagan religion of Gnosticism was prevalent. Gnosticism rejected the fact that Jesus was a human being and thus missed the redemptive power of Salvation that comes to the heart of a believer because of the atoning work of Christ at Calvary. Gnosticism rejected the fact that man inherited sin from Adam. Gnostic's did not believe man was born with a sinful nature! This is what John was refuting in his first Epistle.

1 John 1:8...If we say that we have no sin (nature), we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Any student of God's Word will agree that "Sin" in the Bible is not limited to just a single "act". Sin is also a propensity, or an inherited nature that all men are born with..since the Fall of Adam. Sin can be an action..or something you do; but it can also be your nature...or what you are from birth. A sinful act is a verb or an action taken by man. The sinful nature is a noun or the nature of man's being.

With understanding of what "sin" really is clarification on the subject takes away much controversy that plants the seed of doubt that causes confusion. Clairification on what sin is changes the way we think. The Word of God is "never" controversial if taught in its proper perspective. God doesn't excuse sin! His Word doesn't excuse sin! Only men excuse sin!

I agree... teaching the Bible in this context doesn't get along with all men...but it does get along with God, it does get along with the Spirits directive for men to be holy, and does get along with the truth of the Holy Scriptures.

Sin is taught in the Bible to show men how to get rid of it! God provides man through Christ...with a way to get rid of the acts of sin and from the inherited sinful nature!

Justification (a pardon from God that grants the new birth) deals with the acts of sin that man committed against God.
Sanctification (the cleansing work of the Spirit of God) deals with the sinful nature that man inherited from the Fall.

Both Justification and Sanctification are the "Action of God". The action of God is what "rid's" man from sinful acts and the inherited sinful nature. When the controversy is taken out the Scripture we can see the action of God more clearly. We thus see the power of His Grace. We thus see the complete work of His Holy Spirit. By taking away the controversy from the subject of sin a complete and different light is placed on the necessity of Christ and His living active power from the Throneroom.

The acts of sin can be forgiven through man's confession and the regenerating work of the New Birth.
The nature of sin can only be "destroyed" by the action of God. That action performed by Christ is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. This final work of the Spirit of God comes upon man "after" man has received the new birth.

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