Friday, May 8, 2009

For the weekend...A little glimpse of Christ...

Many questions arise when the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is preached from Old Testament Prophecies. Here's an example of how a glimpse of Christ can crush, bruise, or destroy the powers of darkness. In a promise to the Devil...God said...

Gen 3:15...And I will put enmity (power to deliver through Christ) between thee (the serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed (the Adamic nature) and her seed (Christ); it (the power of Christ) shall bruise thy head (the authority of the powers of darkness)

In order for any man to get rid what he done in the past ...he has to get a glimpse of and trust in what Christ did for him personally... on the cross at Calvary. When this individual trusts in the work of Christ that was done for him personally... God delivers that soul from all past sins. Christ is thus revealed to the heart of a the Holy Spirit's witness.

In order for any believer to get rid of what he is (the Adamic nature)...this believer has to get a glimpse of what Christ is...where Christ is exalted and enthroned in Heaven at the right hand of God the Father. When man gets rid of the Adamic nature.. he gets away from his own plans, his selfish affections, and his selfish ambitions. A sanctified man is dead to the old man...and delivered from the old Adam that still tried to rule after the new birth. Christ rules the sanctified man...because Christ has the power within the heart and life of a believer to make His enemies His footstool. Your Adamic nature is an enemy to Christ. The Bible teaches Christ destroys...that body of sin. The Bible teaches the Old man is crucified...or buried in baptism. The Bible teaches a sanctified man is...dead! How do we die completely to the Old man? Put him off! Like taking off a coat! A dead man won't show the Old man or the old life...GLORY!!! Christ gives man power to be delivered totally from the Old Adam. GLORY!!!

Christ is the head of all power and authority. He's real; He's alive! Christ has power over sin, sickness, disease, the flesh, and the Devil. He's real; He's alive... Christ rules and reigns from Heaven. He' s real; He's alive! Christ can deliver, restore, and heal man spiritually and physically. This is the truth...He's real; He's alive right now and ruling this writer's heart!

Col 3:1-3...If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

All it takes is a glimpse of what Christ done to get rid of what you did. All it takes a glimpse of what Christ is NOW...from the Throneroom and let Christ get rid of the the Adamic nature you inherited.! Get touched with Christ. Get touched with Christ's power and presence...and become a mouthpiece for God.

Acts 1:8...But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me.

A little enlightenment...From the Upper Room in Williamsburg Ohio...Enjoy your weekend in Christ...

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