Saturday, June 30, 2012

Constant Victory

Many do not believe Christ can give "constant victory in everyday life" but this writer does. Constant victory is everyday victory where nothing in life defeats you. God made you a winner! God's greatest miracle has converted the sinner...but yet another miracle comes forth. It's called constant victory...not just victory at the altar on Sunday's asking God's forgiveness...but victory over the lust of the flesh in your daily walk with Christ. Victory over the Devil and his snares, in your daily walk with Christ! Victory over temptations that come from every your daily walk with Christ! Victory daily with Christ is a beautiful life and can be constant! Even victory over the world which so many fall in love with. I write about constant victory my Brothers and Sisters! Glory! Victory that Christ provides like deliverance from sin...not forgiveness. Victory over the powers of darkness...because you're constantly walking in the light as He is in the light. More than a conqueror. Resisting the Devil and watching the Devil flee. Constant victory is when the wicked one touches you not...How? A child of God knows how to "keep himself"...A child of God has power to do right. God-given power from the power of Salvation. Constant victory that provides a way for man to "deny" ungodliness and worldly lusts. Constant victory that "gives man Grace" to live soberly and righteous in the present world. Constant victory is ours and not to be confused with the mindset of constant defeat...that's "drilled" into people's thinking even from behind our pulpits today. Christ is more than enough to give "constant victory" to you. The Bible says so! It's proven in the Scriptures. God says so! I agree! I received because I believe in Christ and nothing in life can defeat this writer! Not even the sting of death because the grave is just another... "victory in Jesus". Constant victory for you is a blessing of the power of God's Grace. The power of Salvation is not to be limited to just asking for forgiveness all the time. The power of Salvation can give you constant victory with the same power the rose Christ from the grave. Glory. I speak of constant victory from Christ the living Savior! Present tense victory over sin that keeps man from the mindset of believing God excuses your future sins because He don't. I admit men can and do fall but the Bible says God can keep you from falling also! Read it! I like that kind of language because it speaks of constant victory. It speaks of a living Christ and power of His Grace that gives man "victory, victory, victory"... in the present tense. Constant victory is where you can be a winner everyday of your life in Christ!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Unsearchable riches of Christ

Ephesians 3:8-9...Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the "unsearchable riches of Christ"; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

Unsearchable simply means that something cannot be searched for. The riches of Christ are "found" not "searched for". The unsearchable riches of Christ mean just that, "These riches are unsearchable".

I write this Blog in reference to people who are "ever searching" for the riches of Christ and "never finding". Like wandering people that wandered in the wilderness. Like wandering stars falling in the universe, without stability. Like clouds without water that eventually dry up. Like the raging sea and its waves that toss to and fro...never getting settled. Ever seeking and never finding is the picture here.

To describe unsearchable even more let's examine the Apostle Paul who before being converted by Christ...was a high-ranking teacher and a searcher of knowledge in Jewish Law. Who before Christ was a learned Pharisee (with ought toward Christians and the Church) under the teaching of Gamaliel who was even a higher ranked member of the Sanhedrin or Jewish council in Israel. Then Christ took hold of Paul on the road to Damascus. After Christ was "found" and "experienced"...Paul considered himself "less than the least of the saints ." Paul found out he was nothing when he found out... Christ was everything. Paul realized the change, the blessing, the conversion, and all that stemmed from the supremacy of Christ. Paul, less than the least of all the saints was a glad man...a happy man...a contented man who searched no further for anything in life. Christ was found in the fellowship of the Spirit which was a mystery to men under Law who sought God by their works and knowledge. Paul (before Christ) was raised that way.

The quest for a higher plane was found. The quest for wealth (not monetary) was revealed to the heart and soul of a believer through the riches of Christ. No longer was the search to gain in life... still on. A life of contentment was found and described as the "unsearchable riches of Christ". These riches are not obtained by human effort. These riches are not achieved by life's accomplishments. These unsearchable riches are found and taken hold of by people who have faith in Christ. They no longer search for riches. Why? Because they have these riches and they are found in the Christian experience.

Unsearchable is the term because the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation "ends" man's search for hope. Hope is found in the person of Christ. Christ is found through your personal faith in Him. Personal forgiveness is found in His death for you. Personal life in the Spirit is maintained through your personal walk with Him. Unsearchable riches are not accumulated, they a taken hold of through the person of Christ and His supremacy found in your heart and life. Unsearchable riches are held on to because of their great wealth and value to "you" as the child of God. They are riches of importance that stablish and settle people like you in Christ. These riches are not found by searching for them. They are "found" and "experienced" through your personal union with Christ in the Spirit.

The concealed mystery of Grace was revealed when Christ hung on the cross. The concealed mystery of Grace was even more revealed when Christ rose from the tomb. The concealed mystery of Grace was even more revealed when Christ "took over your heart and life" by the power of His Holy Ghost. Unsearchable riches in Christ through Grace are found and treasured above all things in life. Unsearchable riches from Grace make men and women of God wealthy in Christ. People outside of Christ are poverty-stricken and poor in the Spirit. There is nothing people outside of Christ can ever do or can ever accomplish to achieve these great riches found in only in the Grace of God.

Unsearchable simply means that something cannot be searched for. The riches of Christ are "found" not "searched for". The unsearchable riches of Christ mean just that, "These riches are unsearchable".

Ephesians 3:8-9...Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the "unsearchable riches of Christ"; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

Notice "all things" were "created" by Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Revival at the Upper Room...and annual fish fry

What a work of beauty! Seeing God ministering to hearts! Lives and hearts "effected" by the Grace of God. Revival! Good food! Good fellowship in the Spirit! A "double or triple portion" of blessing. Revival! We had the Fish Fry and good Spirit filled music from Nashville. What a beautiful Revival! Joy, joy , joy...deep down in my heart. Everybody was glad. Everyone went home happy! Revival is God's Work. Glory! The fried fish was great! Brother Joel helped me do the cooking. Cooked 15-20 lbs. of fish. Had french fries, onion rings, and homemade slaw! Revival at the Upper Room. God revives...through the person of Christ. We loved it! Pictures coming soon.