Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Does talking the talk (about Christ) automatically mean you are walking the walk in Christ?

The Bible says...man first believes from the heart unto righteousness...then confession is made with the mouth. Romans 10:10

First, man is made right by the power of God.
Second, he talks about how Christ made him right.

He walks the walk first...then he talks the talk, second!

Why do I bring this up?

Some people say they are Christian...but live like the unsaved world lives. Where is the moral change? Where is the power of God? Where is the clean heart and holy living?

If you've got the power of God...Brother you've got it! You won't be ashamed to live it, walk it, talk it, testify to it, or show it in your character.

The morally changed heart and life is the fruit of the saving Grace of God. The immoral heart and character is the fruit of the unsaved man.

Hubert Lindsey was a wise man of God. He taught me about the moral righteousness that flows from Calvary. That righteousness that flows from Calvary is why Rick Roehm walk's the walk and talk's this talk.

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