Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sin doesn't live here anymore

The hearts of angels cry, “Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty”. The hearts of believers in Christ can cry, “Sin doesn’t live here anymore”. Why? God remembers a believer’s past sins no more. All the sins from the past life are thrown away as far as the east is from the west. Salvation and Redemption of the human soul is the picture here. Forgiveness granted from the shed blood of a Savior is found, touched, and experienced by the believing heart. A new creation in Christ is made by God! With an attitude and character that can proclaim with gladness, “Sin doesn’t live here anymore”.

The precious blood of Christ was shed so fallen man could be delivered from all his past sins. The precious blood of Christ is what makes the heart of a believer in Christ clean and holy in the present life. Sin stains from the past are washed away. Clean enough that a believer in Christ can gladly say, “Sin doesn’t live here anymore”. Holy enough that a believer in Christ knows that Salvation of the human soul is God breathed, God made, and God created in the believing heart. God made the new creation in Christ so the believer could “quit” his meanness and wrongdoing. This believing heart and character (that experiences the power of God) can boldly say, “Sin doesn’t live here anymore”.

This type of confession is made from the Holy Spirit’s witness placed in the heart of a believer in Christ. This type of profession is made because the unholy heart of a sinful man is made holy by the power of God’s Grace. The believer in Christ is no longer a sinful man but holy in the eyes of God. The holy confession and holy profession of a believer in Christ are experienced and lived outwardly in this present life. The believer in Christ is led by the Holy Spirit of God, not the unholy sinful nature. Sensuality and dirty living are no longer in control since Christ came in! The lusts of the flesh are not longer in control since Christ came in. The lusts of the eyes are no longer in control since Christ came in. The pride of life no longer rules the believing heart since Christ came in. God takes over His children who are born of the Spirit of God. It’s called Redemption! It’s called Salvation of the human soul! Simple as that!

Jesus Christ came into the believing heart to take away the sins of fallen man and He does just that. Jesus takes away the past sins of the unbeliever so much that holiness of heart and character are produced in the present life of a believer. So much that a believer can thankfully shout, “Sin doesn’t live here anymore”. The precious blood of Christ was shed at Calvary to cleanse and wash away fallen man’s personal sin stains. Every sin from the past life where sin and disobedience ruled that unbelieving heart. The precious blood of Christ restores the believing heart to a holy state of being in this present life. Glory! So great is Salvation and Redemption of the human soul through the person of Christ. Salvation, not to be taken lightly! Redemption, not to be used as an excuse to sin! Salvation and Redemption not to be considered as covering for future sins! Christianity is a present tense walk with God in the Spirit and in holiness of conduct because sin doesn’t live there anymore.

Remember the words of some unknown holiness preacher in Williamsburg, Ohio. Who gladly and joyfully proclaims this message around the globe for Jesus, “By the shed blood of Jesus Christ my personal Lord and Savior, sin doesn’t live here anymore”.

1 comment:

  1. A-men the same Sentiments of my heart, sin don't live here anymore!!! A-men again and bless His Holy name!!
